Start with a college teacher

Chapter 972 The Friendship of Landlords

Chapter 972 The Friendship of Landlords
The winter in Beijing has already been snowing heavily, but the winter in Shencheng is still sunny.

The south has always been the capital of entertainment. If you want to live a life that puts entertainment first, you need temperature to have an atmosphere.

Just imagine, in Harbin on a winter night, the temperature is [-] to [-] degrees below zero. Even if someone is drunk, can you really go to the side of the road to pick up the corpse? I’m afraid it’s not a frozen lump of ice.

Some big Mongolian men drank too much on the grassland. If they couldn't stay with their hosts, they would freeze to death by the roadside.

Of course, the host’s hospitality is also one aspect. It will be even more wonderful if the hospitality can be carried out according to traditional customs.

Only in summer or in the south where the four seasons are like summer, there is a dedicated "corpse picker" as a dirty profession.

There is even a documentary called "Guarding Jiefang West", which is about the documentary life in the bar street in the capital of southern Hunan. Five or six police officers can be called in a night. If the police station does not come out, the gangsters will.

"Huaxia has entered the era of clubbing from the era of instant noodles!"

Looking at the swirling neon lights, Shen Guanglin was very emotional.

Under Lao Wang's suggestion, Boss Shen walked into a well-known bar in Shencheng to relax while talking about the stock purchase business.

Even Lao Wang knew that Boss Shen liked to go clubbing, and the man and woman beside him were brought out from the bar.

Like Yangcheng, Shencheng also has a lot of bars, which makes Shen Guanglin sigh for no reason: the southern cities are more open.

Even, he can look at the pool table displayed in the center of the bar hall with a very complicated state of mind.

What does this mean?Can you still have fun at the table here?

Disco on the pool table?

Or is it a billiard room during the day and a bar at night?
In later generations, there have been several very well-known beautiful table tennis players in China, and the Queen Pan is the dream lover of many people.But in Shen's dream, it was a snooker referee who was more attractive. The more he wore the uniform, the more attractive his body was.

Bypassing the swaying crowd, Shen Guanglin took Yang Xiaoying and Lao Wang and chose a seat against the wall to sit down.

Maomao can't let him follow, he is a big man, and he is so handsome, taking him to the bar is obviously to steal the limelight.

In case there is an affair or something, wouldn't it be cheaper for Mao Mao?

Over the years, Boss Shen hasn't visited the bar much, but the process is still very skillful.He even told the bartender how to mix the cocktails.

This is called being well-informed, and those who are capable are almost omnipotent.

"It seems that Boss Shen often comes to the bar?"

Although Old Wang is the host, he doesn't come often.

He also followed Boss Shen's example, carefully playing with the red wine glass in his hand, and looked around with his eyes. Except for some white-collar workers and a few foreigners, there were no conspicuous people around.

Shen Guanglin shook his head, "I only come here occasionally when I'm watching football. There are many fans in the bar, and watching football has more atmosphere."

Speaking of which, this year is also the year of the World Cup. It is already the 1990 World Cup, which is very close to future generations.

This summer, the World Cup was held in Italy, and the Federal Republic of Germany won the World Cup.

Speaking of which, this World Cup was played very conservatively, with no surprises or highlights. In the final final, Argentina lost to the Federal Republic of Germany on penalties. In addition to killing the Soviet Union with handball, Lao Ma also shed unforgettable tears.

This scene is not at all like the 2022 World Cup. At that time, Argentina was able to lose to Saudi Arabia 1-2. No one would believe it.

You know, even Chinese football has won Saudi Arabia, but you can't win?
According to the categorical syllogism in philosophy, Saudi Arabia beat Argentina, and the national football team beat Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the national football team can beat Argentina.

This is very logical.

Watching a football game in a bar?
Old Wang looked around, there wasn't even a TV around, how lonely watching it?

The bar culture mentioned by Professor Shen probably originated from abroad. After all, most bars in China are places where people flaunt their wealth and release hormones to pick up girls.

When it comes to bar culture, Shen Guanglin's point of view is different from what Lao Wang understands.In Lao Wang's understanding, bars are actually foreign dross, a place designed to corrupt people's minds. Unexpectedly, Professor Shen didn't dislike it.

However, before Shen Guanglin had time to explain the foreign bar culture to Lao Wang, he was immediately surprised by the performances of several young people who had just entered the door.

What is dross, they acted very realistically.

Like the warriors patrolling the arena, they saw Yang Xiaoying sitting by the wall.

"That girl is really good!" A young man sighed, completely ignoring Shen and Lao Wang sitting next to him.

Moreover, one of the "age youths" wearing a brown toad mirror smiled unscrupulously: "It's pretty good! At first glance, the plate is bright and smooth, but it's more eye-catching than it is at first glance."

"Don't say it, it looks pretty pure, and that small mouth feels sweet when you look at it." Another young man also began to comment.

At this time, an exquisite fat man who was traveling with me stood up and said, "Don't think about it, there are no really innocent girls who can appear in the bar. The girls nowadays are smart, and they don't show any real money. When you come out, no one will give you a smiley face, if you really have the goods, they will touch you everywhere."

After finishing speaking, the fat man shook his neck, revealing a big gold chain, so he wasn't afraid of being robbed.

There is a saying that birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups.

To be honest, most of the people who often hang out in bars are gangsters.

Although Yang Xiaoying sang in a bar before, she was backed by the boss at that time, and she had never heard such a nasty conversation. For this reason, she begged quite angrily: "Boss, let's go, the environment here is too Worse."

She didn't even know that the bar she used to work in was also like this, but someone stopped her for her.

Seeing Yang Xiaoying fidgeting, Shen Guanglin hadn't spoken yet, but Old Wang looked rather open: "Xiao Yang, you don't have to feel disgusted, this society is like this, there are always some people who like to misinterpret foreign cultures as their own characteristics. There are all such rubbish people, that is to say, it’s no big deal.”

"You can see it. Didn't it happen when you were a gangster?" Shen Guanglin joked with a smile.

On the territory of Shencheng, Shen Guanglin believed that Old Wang could handle it.

"No, no, really no! I'm a conscientious entrepreneur who has been demonstrated in the newspapers, and I'm not of the same breed as this kind of scum." Old Wang hastily retorted.

Lao Wang didn't want to be in the same boat as those young people, but those young people still didn't want to be in the same way as Lao Wang.

"Old Cucumber, who do you call a scum!" It turned out that they had heard the conversation here.

Although the bar is not noisy, there are still some voices, but everyone did not deliberately lower their voices when they were talking, so it is not surprising that they can hear each other.

"Old Wang, it's time for you to perform your kindness as a landlord."

 I haven't guessed right these days

(End of this chapter)

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