Chapter 973 Help
Lao Wang is a local snake and a well-known real estate developer in Shencheng, so this matter should be handed over to Lao Wang.

After all, most real estate developers are philanthropists.

If you don’t believe me, just read more media reports.

Let me ask, did the real estate businessman ever donate money?Some real estate projects have begun to stop working, and the owners are going to hang themselves to defend their rights, and the developers are still doing charity seriously.

Some people even said that charity is a fundamental attribute of a real estate businessman.

Therefore, Lao Wang is of course also a person who is keen on charity.

After many years, he will also grow into a well-known good man and believer in the real estate circle.

During the day when he was in contact with Lao Wang, Shen Guanglin discovered that the quality of Lao Wang's security team is difficult to say, but the number of people is larger than that of Shen.

There is no way, people are afraid of death when they have money.

Especially in this era, the law and order in eastern Guangdong is really not very good.

I would like to ask, which rich man in eastern Guangdong and Xiangjiang has not encountered personal safety incidents.

Just a few years ago, Li Jiacheng's son was kidnapped.The kidnappers came to the door to negotiate and demanded a huge ransom. Li Jiacheng was intimidated, and quickly negotiated the price with the other party, so that he could save money and avoid disaster.

Since then, Li Jiacheng has hired security experts to formulate a detailed and thoughtful security plan.

Shen Guanglin also followed suit, using it to protect the personal safety of himself and his family, no matter how careful he was, he couldn't be too careful.

There is a famous entrepreneur in China named Yu Minhong, who was really lucky. He was kidnapped twice in his life and survived, and it was the same gang of kidnappers.

It's just that there are not many people who have such good luck with Yu Minhong, and many people were directly ripped off.

Therefore, the rich have learned to be afraid of death.

Especially in the real estate circle where good men and women are often produced, a philanthropist like Lao Wang naturally pays great attention to his personal safety.

Therefore, Lao Wang just waved his hand in a very dignified manner, and those little bastards were taken away without any disturbance.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about what the outcome would be.

Now, the establishment of the stock exchange in Shencheng has been in preparation for a long time, and it has reached the final stage. Of course, Boss Shen is very supportive of the development of the domestic stock market.

If you can follow the trend of the times and make a small profit, that would be even better.

Therefore, when the government staff asked whether the Great Wall Group could buy some stocks, it was regarded as supporting the economic development of Shencheng.

Shen Guanglin agreed on the spot without saying a word.

As for what Lao Wang said about Nacho, pretending to be reserved is unnecessary.

What is shown now is Professor Shen's sincere heart.

For the sake of Shencheng's economic development and for the market economy to have more means of exploration, he, Shen, is willing to cover the bottom line for Shencheng's stock market.

What?reveal all the details?

Yes, Shen Guanglin nodded seriously.He is willing to be the backing.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also said that if there are still unreleased stocks, he can just give them a round.

In short, everything follows the command. You buy when you are told to buy, and release when you are told to release. The Great Wall Group does not do these things for profit, but to help the economic development of Shencheng.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin is still high-spirited and bright. Everyone has heard of Professor Shen's true qualities of a Confucian businessman.

In addition to work, Shencheng is also fun, so Boss Shen took the little beauty Yang Xiaoying to run around, and promised her to take her to Xiangjiang after a while.

It was also a chance, everyone was chatting everyday, Shen Guanglin asked about Yang Xiaoying's dream, he thought she would say that she wanted to become a big singer, a big star, but she was silent for a moment, and then said: "I want to go to Citigroup."

Another person with a Citigroup dream.

After traveling through so many years, Shen Guanglin also felt a little powerless.

Citigroup's powerful value propaganda is simply too powerful. Compared with them, the current domestic propaganda is simply at the level of the five scumbags.

There is a gap in hard power and a gap in soft power.

To give an example from later generations, a certain fruit mobile phone brand, in order to show its safety and confidentiality, has no shame in forcing soft advertisements.

The story unfolds like this, the FBI said, we got a cell phone of a terrorist, please unlock it for me quickly.

Fruit Phone said that the security of users' personal information is more important, so we cannot cooperate.

Then, a group of cents exclaimed there, Fruit Company is such a great company!

However, how long did the story of Prism pass, and Snowden is still alive, so why are these cents selectively blind?

In particular, is unlocking your phone a difficult job?Those professional second-hand mobile phone dealers expressed strong dissatisfaction.

Give him a mobile phone, if he can't unlock it in half an hour, he can die and show it to you.

Citigroup's propaganda power is indeed very powerful, and their propaganda can actually make people separate the people of Citigroup, the Citi Dream and the Citi government.

In a word, I can hate the Citigroup government, but I like the Citigroup dream, because the air here is sweeter.

Huaxia's propaganda is not in place. As a result, in the eyes of the West, all Huaxia people are poor people who have been controlled and brainwashed. They linger under the autocratic government every day.

And those people who are really being ravaged, such as XX, XX, XX, XX, even though the Citi people have brought them so much and so much harm, they still pursue the Citi dream regardless of their own safety. Falling off the plane doesn't hesitate.

Even the people of Citigroup staged the touching story of "I Steal Oil for the Motherland", and these people pretended not to see it.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin no longer wants to refute the Citigroup dream of people in this era.

You can do whatever you like, just be yourself. Anyway, if you want to persuade me, Shen, to immigrate, there is no door.

However, when Shen Guanglin continued to live a life of intoxication, dream, death and joy in Shencheng, Lao Wang came to ask for help.

"Professor Shen, help me, I'm done!"

"What's the matter? No sister-in-law caught the little wife?" Shen Guanglin teased with a smile.

Lao Wang looked nervous, and quickly denied: "Where, I offended someone, offended a big shot I can't afford."

"Huh? Let's talk about it."

Shen Guanglin was very curious, what kind of character is your Old Wang unable to handle?You must know that Lao Wang's father-in-law is an important leader in the province, and a strong dragon can't overwhelm a snake.

However, Lao Wang was still very panicked, "This man is incredible, he can be regarded as a Hong Kong businessman, his hometown is Hu Jian, and his main business is currently in Xiamen. His relationship and background are very strong, and he can directly connect to the above. "

"Niu Xingxing?" Shen Guanglin understood it all at once, and couldn't help feeling that this circle is really small.

"How did you mess with him?"

"You still remember, just a few days ago, at the bar, we met a group of gangsters and asked my people to educate them. As a result, we pulled out the carrots and brought out the mud, and we also found and beat the mastermind behind the scenes." After a meal, who do you think hit the person?"

"who is it?"

"It's Niu Xingxing's nephew."

(End of this chapter)

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