Chapter 975

"He doesn't know who I am, and neither do you?"

Shen Guanglin didn't even look at Niu Wenfeng's distraught look, but turned to look at the old cow.

Lao Niu is an old actor, and the old god is there, so he is not a good stubble at first glance.

It doesn't work to compare with the hairy boy, the old guy has the final say.

"Professor Shen, it''s true that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and there must have been some misunderstanding in the middle. After saying goodbye that day, I didn't expect to meet here again. Professor Shen still has the same demeanor."

The old cow smiled and picked up the wine glass and was about to leave. He still looked simple and steady, with a pig face on his face and a loud heart.

In fact, simple and honest is just Lao Niu's protective color, and it is one of his many character designs.

How many leaders think Lao Niu is down-to-earth, which is why they value him so much and are willing to spend energy to protect him.

In fact, anyone who underestimates his old cow because of this will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

The building built by Lao Niu is not so easy to climb.

Lao Wang was really surprised to see that Professor Shen and the Niu's uncle and nephew actually had an intersection.

No wonder Professor Shen was so confident when he found out that the other party was Niu Xingxing. They had known each other before.

Old Wang also picked up his wine glass with mixed feelings, "Hey, so the two bosses know each other, I should have known."

Shen Guanglin waved his hand to stop Old Wang from continuing.

"I don't know them well, and I don't want to. We are not friends, and we won't be friends in the future."

Shen Guanglin regards Lao Wang as a true friend, and he doesn't want Lao Wang to have an unnecessary interaction with some people because of this, which is not beautiful.

In particular, Shen Guanglin didn't want the imminent unhappiness between himself and Lao Niu to affect the traditional friendship between him and Lao Wang.

Standing on a high place is unbearably cold, there are not many friends around Shen, and Lao Wang is one of the few.

"Old Wang, we all belong to different industries. Some people and some things, it's good to keep them at arm's length. The so-called difference of way does not conspire with each other, so there is no need to make so many friends."

Shen Guanglin called the name directly. This is not a person who can be deeply friends, and there should not even be any horizontal connection.

Lao Wang didn't fully know the seriousness of the matter after interacting with Lao Niu, but Shen Guanglin did.

This is a serious scam!

Therefore, whether in Xiamen or in Shencheng, Shen Guanglin has the same attitude: he doesn't want to have too much contact with this surnamed Niu!

Moreover, it's best for Old Wang not to have too much contact with him.

Everyone stays at arm's length and each goes his own way, which is fine.

However, Shen Guanglin alienated himself in front of him, and finally offended Lao Niu.

In particular, they beat up Mavericks and asked Yang Xiaoying to squat in a corner before this, it was almost like doing it on purpose.

In the face of the Lao Niu who came to make friends with the sincerity of reconciliation, Shen Guanglin had no good way, but could only use the "unhuman" way to forcibly alienate: We are not friends!
"Boss Niu, everyone used to earn a living in Xiangjiang. I know how you made your money. I am also engaged in overseas trade, but I don't envy or envy the money you make. Your business philosophy Different, there is no need to force them to be friends.."

Shen Guanglin immediately had a showdown: I know what you do, and I even know where you source your goods from. That's why I don't want to know you. That's the reason. .

After so many years, Lao Niu has never encountered such a blunt expression on your face, saying that you are a sidewalker.

Rao is very thick-skinned, Lao Niu just said quietly: "Professor Shen looks down on my Lao Niu, yes, I haven't read many books, and I don't understand many principles, but I am a Niu who makes money. No fuss, you go to Niu’s hometown to take a look and see what kind of person Niu is like?.”

In this regard, Lao Niu is still very confident, no one from all over the world will say that we are good!

However, Shen Guanglin did not focus on the latter, but answered the previous question honestly: "Yes!"


"I said, yes! I just look down on you!"

The old cow's smile gradually stiffened.

Insult, arrogance.
The clay figurine is still angry, not to mention the old cow who has always been smooth sailing.

"Professor Shen, we all meet again in the mountains and rivers."

"Okay, needless to say, if you think you've been offended and come up with something, I'll wait for you."

Shen Guanglin smiled and agreed.

The days without an opponent are really dull and boring. If it weren't for the sensitivity and 404, Shen Guanglin really wanted to break arms with Lao Niu.

Lao Niu thinks he hides it very deep, but Mr. Shen is not a vegetarian. Even who is behind you, how many sailboards you have in your hand, the labor and management know it clearly, the big deal, everyone is really doing it. One game.It can't be said that it is also a contribution to the country.

So, this is a feast that ends badly.

The old cow left with a little bullish grunt.

I have to say that Shen's popularity is really good.

Old Wang was still smiling to smooth things over, "Look at this, next time I will make sure to arrange it better, everyone may be tired today"

There is no permanent banquet in the world, and Shen Guanglin is leaving too, accompanied by Yang Xiaoying.

Although everyone chatted unpleasantly, at least they had their food. Yang Xiaoying just squatted in the corner and reflected on the whole meal.

Although she made Boss Shen unhappy, Shen Guanglin was leaving, and she couldn't stay here.

Since Boss Shen has left, she naturally wants to follow.

According to the general plot of the novel, at this time, she should have some affection for Mavericks for the sake of the infatuated guy.

Even, secretly take care of him behind Boss Shen's back.

Looking at it this way, Shen Guanglin even felt a little like beating a hard-working mandarin duck with a stick.

The driver drove Yang Xiaoying to the hotel to meet Mao Xiaoning.

Let's let this matter go like this. In the future, they will go to Xiangjiang to seek development. This is what Boss Shen promised.

Looking at Boss Shen's handsome side face, Yang Xiaoying dared not speak for fear that Boss Shen would scold her.

"In the future, if you can participate less in this kind of dinner, you should participate less." Shen Guanglin was not worried, but explained in a very soft voice: "Young people, especially those who take the line of acting, must cherish their feathers."

This topic is very profound, Yang Xiaoying may not understand it, but Mao Xiaoning does.

"Brother Shen, I understand!" Mao Xiaoning promised with a serious intention, "When I was in Yangcheng, some elderly elder sisters would always send me flower baskets, asking me to accompany them to dinner, saying that they were a lot of my money. I didn't say yes."

After speaking, everyone laughed.

Well, Mao Xiaoning was really qualified to say this when he was young.Rich women like this big boy.

Shen Guanglin patted Xiao Mao on the shoulder, "Don't overcorrect, you still have to believe in love."

"Well, I believe it!"

 I got the new crown before the unblocking, and was unblocked in the middle of the quarantine. The recent luck is also a bit psychedelic.I've been feeling unwell recently, I haven't updated for a long time, and now I'm back to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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