Start with a college teacher

Chapter 976 Draw a Circle

Chapter 976 Draw a Circle
For romance novels, where your person is, that is the center of the world.

When Professor Shen arrived in Shencheng, Shencheng became the center of attention of interested people. Among them, the most sensitive one was not Xiangjiang, but Shanghai.

You, Professor Shen, have gone to support the construction and development of the stock market in Shencheng. Shouldn’t we support the stock market in Shanghai? Everyone should treat each other equally.

In particular, what everyone lacks at this stage is not the little money from the Great Wall Group, but what everyone lacks is confidence, confidence in future development.

Many people are beating drums in their hearts, whether the stock market can go on in China, and how far it can go.

Even the decision makers had the mentality of giving it a try at the beginning.If it works, keep going, if it doesn't work, go another way.

Shareholding system reform has been going on for so many years. With stocks in hand, there is no corporate dividend or other income. Everyone strongly recommends that there is a way to realize cash, which is also the source of the establishment of the stock market.

History has proved that the stock market in China can really continue to develop. Regardless of whether the development is healthy or unhealthy during the process, the market size will always be so large.

And some other similar markets, such as the stamp market, are banned as soon as they are said to be banned.

In a certain year, a Zhongnan stamp trading center was established in China. It was in Shacheng in southern Shonen. At that time, many people speculated in it. Everyone took turns to sit in the dealership. They were as happy as fish in the sea, and they were so excited.

Later, the country felt that this was not good, and stamps should be a product that has withdrawn from the stage of history. There is no need to continue to thrive in this deformed market.

Therefore, after a piece of official document, some people went to the rooftop, some went to hell, and some even crossed the bridge of Naihe directly to marry Po Meng.

Professor Shen came to Shencheng this time, and at the invitation of old friends, he went to Shencheng University to attend a few good classes.

Although Shencheng University is a young school, it is energetic and has a good foundation. It was all built with the aid of various famous schools such as the National People's Congress of Wudaokou Technical School of Jingcheng University. It has an extraordinary temperament since its inception.

Shen Guanglin was giving a lecture on the stage, and the boss from Shanghai was sitting under the stage, waiting and listening.Strictly speaking, this boss is also Shen's colleague. A few years ago, he was the dean of Wudaokou School of Economics and Management. He has always been a scholarly official with a strong bookish spirit, and his future is limitless.

The boss came here specifically to find Shen Guanglin this time. Apart from the stock market, he also had another important task: Pudong was about to be developed, and the Great Wall Group must contribute more.

Speaking of which, 1990 was really a golden age. In 1990, China's stock market hadn't started yet, in 1990, China's real estate was just sprouting, and in 1990, the Guancheng server was just emerging.
At this time, the Huaxia business world is actually still a world of triangular debts, but the Great Wall Group is a different scene: they are very rich.

Even Shen Guanglin didn't know how much money he had.

Once an enterprise is deeply integrated with a bank, the way and means of making money will completely change.

Great Wall Group is simply stealing money
In particular, the Great Wall Group made a lot of money by investing heavily in Soviet Russia.

In the past few years, relying on the support of Laobao Shipping, they have brought in a steady stream of raw materials from there. Even after excluding various expenses such as freight, the profit is also huge.

At this speed of making money, even reselling is more profitable than using it for production.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin was not willing to let the old man die. If one of the four daughters of Lao Bao was young and beautiful, Shen Guanglin would have to think carefully.

According to the latest financial statements of the Great Wall Group, in the past quarter alone, the Great Wall Group has earned more than 2 million US dollars in net profit from Soviet Russia and Eastern Europe. This is a small achievement despite the exchange rate problem.

If the Great Wall Group does business like Niu Xingxing, the money they make is beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

If you earn so much money, you always have to spend it.

Where are the flowers going?

No, the boss has already made a plan for Shen Guanglin, and that is to invest in Pudong.

Shencheng is the back garden of Xiangjiang. Hainan already has a group of speculators, and only Pudong is suitable for Great Wall Group.

In particular, the Great Wall Group already has an investment foundation here, and it has a brighter future for investing here.

In South China, not to mention Shencheng, even the inner cities like Yangcheng, Huicheng, and Guancheng were banned by the Xiangjiang tycoons many years ago.

Even, in Huangjiang, Guancheng, a hotel called Prince is emerging, which is said to be a benchmark in the service industry.

If it weren't for the Great Wall Group's foresight and first-mover advantage, it would not be able to compete with local snakes like them in these regions.

Strictly speaking, the Great Wall Group can be regarded as an enterprise of Xiangjiang, but their management is either from the capital or from Wanwan, and they have no sense of belonging to South China, so they really switched to investing in Shanghai. The resistance is not great either.

For enterprises, wherever the economy is more dynamic, then go there to develop.

In later generations, many companies also went to South Vietnam, the same reason.

According to some book friends, when you arrive in Nha Trang, you can enjoy a feast of human flesh with only 50 yuan.Of course, some well-informed netizens also said that at our train station, you can enjoy a fairy dance for only 50 yuan.

Now, the Great Wall Group has made a big bet in East China.

In order to highlight the importance of shipping and to enable the Great Wall Group to have a better development, the strategic experts of the Great Wall Group have even begun to study the deep-water ports around the magic capital.

Experts believe that most of the surrounding area of ​​Shanghai is covered with flat land, and the development of shipping along the river is actually limited. The best way is to develop and utilize those small islands that go deep into the hinterland of the ocean.

If bridges and roads can be built to connect those islands, it will be a super excellent shipping terminal with infinite vastness.

Of course, they also have the idea of ​​taking a step back. Yongcheng is inherently good at developing shipping, especially the Beilun area, where the water is deep and the waves are flat. It can be a good port with a little improvement. It is said that Chang Kaishen left the mainland for the last time. Boat.

Now, the Great Wall Group is a major financial backer for promoting the development of Pudong, and it cannot be let go.

At this stage, all enterprises across the country have no money, or in other words, they have no cash on hand.

Without him, the triangular debt owes too much.

In order to sort out debts and activate the economy, arrears settlement offices have been established all over the country, in order to restore the cash flow of enterprises quickly.

In this process, how to untie the head ring is the most important.In order to achieve this step, Great Wall Group, especially Great Wall Bank, has played a big role.

Don’t you guys have no initial funds? Let’s give you a loan first, and let you go around and untangle the money, so that you can have money to pay back.

Among so many cities across the country, Shanghai’s triangular debt is the best solution, thanks to Great Wall Bank’s contribution.

In the midst of an investment boom across the country, Shen Guanglin chose Shanghai without even thinking about it.

This is due to Shen's investment order, and it is also the natural choice of capital.

You should know that investing in people and investing in land are two completely different concepts.

The Great Wall Group chose to invest in Shanghai, not only investing in land, but also investing in people, and it took all kinds of benefits.

In this way, Shanghai has decided to develop Pudong, but there are still many people who oppose it.

Although the geographical location of Shanghai is good, the preferential policies given by the government are too few.

The land of Pudong is not Puxi, where birds don’t shit, so what’s the use of coming here?

That is to say, the Great Wall Group is stupid and insists on building some skyscrapers here.If it were me, I would just change places, such as building a building in Zhuhai, which would definitely bring several times more profits to the company.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't care about the income situation at all.

Shen Guanglin said that since you choose to invest in a place, don't worry about it, and look at the problem from a developmental perspective.

Shen has long known what Pudong will look like in future generations, so how could he not invest more?
In particular, the bosses came to the platform in person.

Going to Pudong, not only made money, but also won the friendship of the big boss, isn't it good?

For this reason, Shen Guanglin even pretended to think about it for a while, and then gave a speech in a righteous manner:

"Modu doesn't give good preferential conditions, but it doesn't matter. Our company has strength. Even without any preferential conditions, we can still develop, survive, and compete."

"Rely on the mountain to fall, rely on everyone to run, everything depends on yourself!"

The boss was very moved when he heard that, Professor Shen is a man of high moral integrity, such a person can be dealt with.

With the big boss' invitation, Shen Guanglin was very active, and he brought people back to the magic city soon.

After arriving at Hongqiao, it became even more lively. Apart from the bosses, China Merchants and other leaders participated in the investment negotiations. It was very grand.

In fact, starting from this summer, the development of Pudong has become the top priority of the work of the entire Shanghai.They even started to set up locations all over the country, and even went abroad to solicit enterprises.

You know, all the leaders of the magic capital, everyone is assigned the task of entertaining and attracting business.Therefore, it is also reasonable for the boss to personally invite someone Shen.

The boss has a straightforward personality and is not a person who likes to be polite. Now that he has abducted Shen to Pudong, the rest will be easy.

Just talk.

"You pick it yourself, draw it yourself, there's a lot of space."

The people in the working group are also able to observe the situation, "Professor Shen, the area with the best location in Pudong has actually been occupied by your side."

Well, the Great Wall Group invested in Lujiazui, causing the so-called rising tide to raise all boats. Now there is almost no open space on the entire riverside. Everyone wants to be neighbors with skyscrapers.

Did Shen Guanglin shoot himself in the foot with a rock?

However, Shen Guanglin doesn't mind the location of the land in Pudong at all. Since there is no land in Lujiazui, let's continue to look for it along the Huangpu River. Is the land in Shanghai still bad?

Back then, when the great powers divided their spheres of influence, it was probably like this: they completed the division of land directly on the map, not along the lines of natural geographical conditions such as rivers, mountains and rivers.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin did the same thing. He drew a long strip area with one stroke, at least tens of thousands of acres.

(End of this chapter)

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