Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1037 Sister, I Was Wrong

Chapter 1037 Sister, I Was Wrong

When the blade touched the delicate skin of Shi Shi's neck, a bloodstain immediately appeared.

"When!" He Xiaoran rushed over recklessly, but before he could rush over, the strong man suddenly let out a shrill scream.

The steel knife in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

When opened his eyes and pressed his lips tightly, he vaguely saw her clenching her back molars.

It was only then that He Xiaoran realized that his hands were covered with blood, and holding the remaining half of the blade with his bare hands, he stabbed the big man's lower body repeatedly with both hands and backhands.

There was a pool of blood on the ground, and the strong man was already suffocating in pain. He curled up and hugged somewhere and howled horribly, but he could only make an "ahhh" sound, and couldn't utter a complete sentence at all.


He Xiaoran froze in place.

When when she grabbed the blade in her hand and her hand was cut, she slowly raised her head to look at He Xiaoran, and said happily, "Look, sister, I can protect myself now!"

The big man on the ground was protecting his crotch, rolling all over the floor, howling one after another.

The harsh voice of the island owner's wife came from the loudspeaker, cursing fiercely, "Trash, what a rubbish! You can't even kill a fluffy girl with no power to restrain a chicken. What use do I need you for?"

When He tilted his head slightly, with a smile all over his face, "Sister, let me untie the rope for you."

When grasping the blade, cut off the rope in He Xiaoran's hand bit by bit.

He Xiaoran's arms almost froze. She moved her arms in front of her body and moved slowly, adapting to her stiff and stereotyped arms.

The voice of the island owner's wife didn't stop for a moment, "I can't even kill a girl, trash, trash! I hate trash! If that's the case, kill them all!"

"He Xiaoran, from now on, even if you want to come out, you won't be able to come out! Hahaha, hahahahahaha..."

The island owner's wife laughed wildly, and then she rushed to the console, quickly pressed a button, and the door that was locked just now was locked from the outside with a "click".

At this time, the sound of gas leakage suddenly came from above the room, and He Xiaoran looked up and was taken aback for a moment.

A pipe was venting madly into the house.

At this time, the big man rolling on the ground suddenly shouted: "That's poisonous gas! That's poisonous gas that can kill people! She's going to kill us all!"

"No, no, no! I'm one of my own! Ma'am, I'm still inside, you let me out! I want to go out! cough..."

"It's poisonous gas!"

He Xiaoran rushed to the dead man in two steps, reached out and tore off a large piece of fabric from his body, and quickly folded it.

She then rushed to the only table in the room, where there was a glass of water.

He Xiaoran also heard that the island owner's wife drank water before, and this glass of water was left behind in a hurry when the island owner's wife was still in the house.

She wetted the cloth with water, stretched out her hands to press Shi Shi and lay down on the ground directly, and then covered Shi Shi's mouth and nose with the cloth wet with the glass of water.

She said softly and quickly: "He Miao and your brother-in-law should arrive soon, you have to support them until they come... Don't talk, the more you talk, the more gas you inhale..."

The crazy voice of the island owner's wife came from the loudspeaker: "Go to hell, go to death! None of the people who killed my daughter will survive, I want you all to die! Hahaha..."

The poisonous gas quickly filled half of the room. He Xiaoran tried to hold her breath, but she still inhaled the poisonous gas. She began to cough crazily, and her consciousness soon became blurred.

When she raised her head from the ground, she approached He Xiaoran, and then covered He Xiaoran's face with the wet cloth in her hand.

He Xiaoran's body moved instinctively, and when did he lean into her ear: "If my sister takes it away now, I will die now!"

He Xiaoran stared at her with blurred vision, when he said: "If my sister is obedient, I will survive!"

When she finished saying this, she pursed her lips and crawled towards the big man.

In a trance, He Xiaoran heard the sound of cloth being torn apart, and vaguely heard the sound of something being cut by a knife. That sound...

"elder sister……"

Soon a warm body came close and hugged her.

The strong bloody smell came through the wet cloth, poured into her nasal cavity and spread, diluting the pungent smell of the poisonous gas...

She closed her eyes and passed out.

Noisy voices rang in my ears, some were crying loudly, some were hoarse.

Countless voices filled her eardrums, people kept calling her, and people kept getting angry at her...

It's really noisy!
"elder sister!"

"When..." He Xiaoran heard Shi's voice, she opened her mouth eagerly to confirm Shi's safety: "When...when..."

"elder sister!"

He Xiaoran opened his eyes suddenly, and the faces of He Miao and Shi Shi were in his eyes.

"elder sister!"

He Miao and Shi yelled in surprise at the same time, "Sister is awake! Brother-in-law, sister is awake!"

The strong smell of disinfectant water almost made He Xiaoran dizzy, she felt that when she opened her mouth, all she spit out was the smell of disinfectant water.


When to wipe away tears, "Sister..."

He Xiaoran raised his hand and slapped Shi Shi on the head.

When rubbed his head, "Sister..."

He Xiaoran pointed at her, "You..."

When to choke, "Sister, I was wrong, I will turn against you again in the future, whatever you say, I will be obedient in the future, woo woo woo..."

He Miao pinched his waist and pointed at when, "Disobedient, spanking!"

He Xiaoran touched He Miao's face, "Miao Miao won, you found your sister..."

He Miao puffed her face, "My sister fainted!"

He Xiaoran smiled, "I'm sorry, it's all my sister's fault."

But He Miao suddenly bent down and rubbed his face on He Xiaoran's face, "I like my sister!"

Over there, Zhou Chenyuan hurried in, with his hands behind his back, looking down at He Xiaoran, with the corners of his lips tightly pursed, staring at her without saying a word.

Just as He Xiaoran was about to speak, he found that the corners of Zhou Chenyuan's eyes were slightly red, and there was still an angry expression on his face.

He Xiaoran: "..."

Zhou Chenyuan raised his chin high, gritted his teeth and said, "He Xiaoran, I know you like to die, but I didn't expect you to really seek death. Are you worthy of Xiao Mi?"

He Xiaoran: "Uh..."

"Don't quibble, do you think I don't know that you like sophistry the most? You can say that you are alive if you talk dead, but when you encounter a psychopath, people won't listen to your nonsense at all!"

"If you want to die so much, I won't stop you. If you die, it happens that the millet grains belong to me alone. Both of your younger sisters will become my younger sisters alone, hmph!"

He Xiaoran couldn't help laughing, "A Yuan, thank you and He Miao for coming here in time, and for being willing to take care of my sister and my son."

"Bah!" Zhou Chenyuan felt that her attitude was not correct, and said angrily, "Are you still laughing?"

He Xiaoran had no choice but to put away the smile on his face, "I'm sorry."

Zhou Chenyuan's face looked better now, "It's good to know you're wrong! Hmph!"

(End of this chapter)

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