Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1038 You punish yourself in this way?

Chapter 1038 You punish yourself in this way?
He Miao who was next to him suddenly sniffed his nose, sniffed all the way, and finally smelled Shi Shi's hand, "It stinks!"

When immediately put his hands behind his back, He Xiaoran immediately thought of the scene of when he held the blade and stabbed the lower body of the big man.

She said immediately, "Open your hands!"

When did he pause, he pursed his lips and remained silent.

He Xiaoran was displeased, and raised his voice: "Stretch out your hand, hurry up!"

When still not moving.

He Xiaoran looked at He Miao: "He Miao!"

He Miao immediately acted as the little angel of justice, forcibly pulling Shi's hand to the front, forcing her to open it, "Look, sister, it stinks!"

When there was a deep incision, it was already inflamed, but no treatment was done.

He Xiaoran became angry, "When, did you want to die from tetanus?"

When to lower your eyes, or not to speak.

He Xiaoran was really furious, "Do you think that you punish yourself in this way? Do you think that your sister is dying and you don't want to treat your hand anymore?"

He Xiao was trembling with anger, pointing at Shi Shi: "I'll tell you Shi, if you dare to leave a scar that is ugly to death on this hand, I don't want you either."

"What did I raise you for? I wanted you to be beautiful and cute. You made yourself ugly. I'll raise a beautiful one again!"

When the mouth curled up and began to sob.

"Crying, crying, why are you crying? Are you embarrassed to cry? You don't know how to see a doctor when you're injured?"

When: "Whoa, sister..."

He Miao pinched his waist: "When will you be disobedient!"

With a cold face, He Xiaoran said, "He Miao, take your disobedient sister to the doctor and let her heal the wound on her hand, otherwise she will not be allowed to come to my sister's ward!"

"Okay!" He Miao turned around like a victorious little cock, stretched out his hand, dragged Shi out of the ward, and went to find a doctor.

Zhou Chenyuan frowned, and when He Miao left with him, he said to He Xiaoran: "Do you know when and how we managed to arrive?"

He Xiaoran thought about it very hard, and finally he could only shake his head and say, "I don't know."

Zhou Chenyuan replied: "When did you cut the blood vessels of other people in the room, wet the cloth with their blood, cover your mouth and nose, and persist until the end."

After the door was forcibly broken open, when He Xiaoran and Shi were brought out, the lower half of Shi's face was covered with blood. Only then did Zhou Chenyuan discover that Shi used other people's blood as liquid and escaped. Gas erosion.

"When does it really need to be disciplined more, she is more difficult to discipline than He Miao." Only then did Zhou Chenyuan know what He Xiaoran meant when he told him when the situation was special.
Just when was it like this, as long as she has a little force value, won't she become a murderous madman in the future?

A young girl, little girl, little girl, using someone else's blood to save herself?
The method is clever, but who can do it like an ordinary person?Seeing the dead body, I was afraid that I was frightened to death, so I went to collect other people's blood?

He Xiaoran glanced at Zhou Chenyuan, "I know."

When he was in the orphanage, He Xiaoran discovered when the child was potentially dangerous.

At that time, He Xiaoran hadn't formally planned to raise He Miao and when, but only occasionally shared some food with them.

The older children in the orphanage bullied the younger ones. At that time, He Miao was just a poor little chick, and when was the one who protected her even younger than her. The two poor little ones were often held in a corner by a group of people and beat them up.

Once, when she was anxious by those children, when she stole a kitchen knife from nowhere that night, in the dead of night, she held up the kitchen knife to kill the child who beat her the most that day.

When was it really cut, and it was aimed at the child's neck.

The reason why the child didn't die was not because of when her conscience found out, nor when she couldn't do it, but because she was too young and lacked strength, so she didn't kill her with a single blow.

The child woke up after the first cut, but before he could cry out, He Xiaoran, who woke up in the middle of the night, covered his mouth.

That night, He Xiaoran bandaged the older child's wound while threatening him, threatening to kill him if he dared to reveal it.

In short, the child never dared to bully Shi again, nor did he tell anyone what happened that night.

When was the second time he almost killed someone? It was at Lin Dacai's house.

That time was because of He Xiaoran's college entrance examination, when he was beaten at home by Lin Dacai, and at night he had the idea of ​​killing Lin Dacai's family.

If it wasn't for He Xiaoran who really knew when he came back that night and noticed her emotional changes and suppressed her evil thoughts, the news that the Lin family was wiped out would probably break out the next day.

For so many years, When has been performing very well, to be precise, When has gradually grown into the beautiful, well-behaved, obedient, and smart girl that He Xiaoran hoped for.

Later, when there was no chance to have bad thoughts at all, because the people around her were very nice, everyone loved her very much, and when there was nothing unhappy.

He Xiaoran stretched out her hand to press her temples, thanks to her brain, she was not very talented in martial arts.

He Xiaoran was hospitalized for a week and was finally allowed to leave the hospital.

The doctor said that she was worried about the residual toxins, so she needed to drink a lot of fresh fruit and vegetable juices every day to eliminate the residual toxins.

When also accepted the treatment obediently, a scar was cut on the palm of the hand, leaving a scar and stitches on the palm.

When I don't care, it's in the palm of my hand anyway, and I can't see it anymore.

But she was afraid that her sister would let her open her hands, and that her sister would think her hands were ugly and would not want her.

He Miao made sarcastic remarks in front of Shi every day, like a morning glory, swaying here and there, and wanted to spank Shi's ass in place of her sister.

He was so angry that he didn't want to look at He Miao anymore.

He Xiaoran folded his arms, coldly dismissing when it was the same, when he lowered his head, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

But still couldn't escape He Xiaoran's scolding, He Xiaoran's finger poked Shi Shi's forehead, lighting it up and down, "I'll tell you about this forever!"

When do you keep your mouth shut and don't speak.

She is willing to admit her mistakes, but the point of her admitting mistakes is not what He Xiaoran wants to hear.

He Xiaoqi would rather go to the knife's edge to prove that her sister likes her or not, but she just refused to admit this mistake.

"So what if it proves that sister loves you? So what if it proves that sister likes you? Your life is gone!"

He Xiao gas exploded, "You're dead? How can my sister love you in the future? Love the air? Love your corpse? Your corpse stinks and turned into bones. I love you ass?"

When did she puff her face, hum and chirp, "My sister will love me!"

He Xiaoran said to He Miao: "Miao Miao, pull the disobedient sister out, my sister sees her eyes hurt."

He Miao stretched out his hand and dragged him out, "Let's go!"

When not convinced, "I said I will listen to my sister in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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