Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1048 Don't do it if you can force it!

Chapter 1048 Don't do it if you can force it!
He Xiaoran is still very happy that Red King gave birth to two little boys at once.

She doesn't care about boys and girls in ordinary families. The old people in the family just ignore it, but the Red King is different. The Red King is now in the royal family.

Even if the court in modern society is different from that in ancient times, a male heir is still needed after all. Therefore, the two boys born to the Red King have completely stabilized the identity and status of the Red King in the court.

With the protection of two children and the blessing of the little king, the position of the Red King in the court may be difficult for others to shake in the future.

Not to mention, Red King's nominal father is Yuxian and his wife.

Of course, He Xiaoran thinks that the most fundamental reason for the Red King to gain a firm foothold is the little king, and because the little king loves the Red King, the Red King will be admitted to the court.

Looking at it now, the little king is still a reliable person, and he is not sure what will happen in the future. At least the little king has done what most men can't do.

The little king likes the two little babies very much. He pinches one and hugs the other. Sometimes he will show off in front of the red king, who annoys him very much.

The little king didn't notice that the red king was bothering him at all, he just hugged the baby happily, wishing everyone could see that his baby was beautiful and cute.

I especially hope that King Hong can look at him more.

Red King lay on the bed with a hopeless face, the wound was still hurting, and she couldn't move. She looked at He Xiaoran and said weakly: "He Xiaoran, did you see it? Did you see it? This person is like this Hate!"

He Xiaoran said with a smile: "Red King, you have never been in love, have you? If you have been in love, you will find that he looks like this, which is liked by all women."

The red King paled in shock, "What? What do women like when he's so sticky and annoying?"

He Xiaoran nodded his head and said, "Yeah, you think he is sticky, but he actually cares about your feelings, and you think he is annoying, but he actually wants to have as much presence as possible in front of you."

"A woman marries a man, what is she planning?"

Red King: " is your job?"

He Xiaoran: Stare at——

Red King: "You have a good face?"

He Xiaoran's eyes drowsy.

Red King: "What are you drawing?"

He Xiaoran: "Of course he is gentle and considerate and knows how to love others. Apart from these advantages, His Majesty also takes care of children and women's mood."

"To tell you the truth, ordinary men in today's society can't do this, let alone the king of a country? He puts you and the child in his heart, which shows that he really likes you and the child in his heart."

After being told by He Xiaoran, the Red King immediately felt a little better in his heart, and when he saw the Little King again, he was much more pleasing to the eye.

The little king noticed the look in the red King's eyes, and smiled at her hastily.

Red King said angrily, "But my wound still hurts. Let me tell you, I don't want to give birth again."

The little king nodded hurriedly, "Yeah, no more, no more!"

Mainly gave birth to two, enough!
He Xiaoran accompanies King Hong to leave the hospital and is taken back to the palace to recuperate.

He Xiaoran reminded Red King a lot, even though Red King's ears were getting callused, she also knew that He Xiaoran was doing it for her own good.

"Don't take care of your body because of your good health. You have to firmly remember that your body belongs to you. In this world, no one cares more about your body than yourself."

"If you don't cherish, no one will care about it. If you want your baby to be healthy, you must take good care of your body, and your baby will be better. The relationship between you and your baby is complementary .Understand?"

Red King has been educated by He Xiaoran every day these days, not talking about this or that, and she almost knows it now.

Compared with those girls outside, Hong King feels that he is quite lucky.

A man who likes himself is better than a man who doesn't like him at all, right?

Look at Huang Jintong, wandering around her alone every day, no one pays attention to her, she doesn't seem to exist.

The golden pupil who was suddenly noticed by the red king was keenly aware of the red king's eyes, and immediately glared at the red king, what are you looking at?

Although the red king is the object she wants to protect, it is not the red king who pays.

Not to be outdone, the Red King gave Huang Jintong a hard look, seeing that her bodyguard is so fierce every day, no wonder she has no object, or she is gentle and beautiful and can listen to people's opinions, which is very good.

After He Xiaoran reminded the Red King, he swayed to Huang Jintong again as a farewell message.

"The court is full of dangers. You are the bodyguard of the Red King. Your Majesty and the Queen Mother will not make things difficult for you, but if you don't keep it safe, other villains will make things difficult for you."

"You know, being an official is not as good as being an official. You are cautious in your words and deeds here, because your performance represents the image of Red King to the outside world."

"When you need to negotiate on some matters, you must negotiate well. When you should be tough, you must not be soft. When you should be soft, you must not be tough."

Huang Jintong felt that one head was bigger than two, and she hurriedly asked: "But, how do I know when to be tough? When should I not be soft?

He Xiaoran taught her, "If someone insults the Red King, you must be tough. No matter who he is, as long as he humiliates the Red King, it's time for you to be tough."

"If someone is targeting you and embarrassing you deliberately, most of them are provocations aimed at you personally. You don't need to pay attention to the other party's little tricks. This is appropriate softness."

Huang Jintong said: "Then I was bullied for nothing?"

"Why are you being bullied for nothing? If you ignore her, it means that the other party's nails have touched the cotton, and the other party must be furious. At that time, the other party will not take the nails that no one saw, but the hammer."

"When someone hits your head with a hammer and wants your life, do you want to defend yourself?"

Jin Jintong, "Oh, I see! I don't know how to pick things up, wait for the opportunity to clean up the opponent!"

He Xiaoran nodded with satisfaction, "That's right!"

"If you really can't tell what the other person means, then you can deal with them in their own way. For example, if someone is angry with you, you must return the weirdness. Talk back."

"If the other party attacks your appearance, you can attack the other party's appearance. If the other party attacks your character, you also attack the other party's character, and use his own way to fight against his body."

Huang Jintong thought for a while and asked, "What if someone speaks ill of me behind my back? I won't beat them up?"

He Xiaoran said: "Didn't I teach you just now? Someone speaks ill of you behind your back, and you speak ill of the other party behind your back. If you call back, if they don't admit it, it's your fault."

Huang Jintong suddenly realized, "I understand! It means don't do it if you can!"

(End of this chapter)

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