Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1049 Let When You Treat Me Better, Don't Keep Deducting My Salary

Chapter 1049 Let When You Treat Me Better, Don't Keep Deducting My Salary

He Xiaoran smacked his lips, "You're right if you think so."

Huang Jintong asked again: "However, the palace is so big and there are so many people, I can't tell who wants to harm me, what should I do?"

He Xiaoran's sleepy eyes: "The person who hurt you is either the same class who doesn't like you, or the old man who doesn't like the Red King."

"For example, those veterans around the empress dowager, you just think of one, someone who is out of reach, no matter how much you hate you, he will not take the risk to harm you, it must be someone with a stake in it."

Huang Jintong was worried, "Then how can I prevent others from stabbing me in the back?"

He Xiaoran replied: "That's not easy? Try to minimize conflicts with others."

Golden pupil looked up at the sky, it was so difficult!

He Xiaoran smiled and said: "Your main responsibility in the court is to protect the Red King, but if you really encounter something that cannot be solved, never take it on yourself secretly."

Jin Tong was puzzled: "Then what should I do?"

"Of course I'm asking the Red King for help!"

Jin Tong was shocked, "Ask her for help? Will it work?"

What can the Red King solve?She's just a little bit better than a fool.

He Xiaoran replied: "Let me ask you, when you are a guest at someone's house, you are chased and bitten by his dog, what should you do? Do you fight with the dog yourself, and you have to be vaccinated with bruises all over your body, or do you ask the owner to give you a shot?" The dog barked away?"

Jin Tong: "Call Master..."

He Xiaoran said: "Yes, the Red King is the hostess of the court of T country, and you are her bodyguard. If you encounter problems that cannot be solved, you must find the master. Whether the Red King has the ability to help you is not important, what is important It is her duty to help you solve the problem."

"You are responsible for her safety. If something happens to you, shouldn't she help you?"

"But, she can't help me..."

He Xiaoran interrupted Huang Jintong, "She is not capable, but she is a man! If she can't solve it, she will naturally ask His Majesty for help."

"Your biggest backer is the Red King. Moreover, the backer of your backer will never fall. What do you have to be afraid of in the court?"

Huang Jintong understood, and suddenly realized a problem, the Red King whom she despises, is still her amulet now?

He Xiaoran asked: "Sounds complicated, doesn't it?"

Huang Jintong's face was complicated, and he couldn't tell whether it was complicated or not.

He Xiaoran said: "Isn't this job more reliable than your underground boxing? It's not so easy for you to leave the boxing ring."

"But here, you hardly need to do anything, and no one will offend you easily. You still get paid for idleness every day. Even if you are too old to work, you also have retirement wages. How good is it?"

After being told by He Xiaoran, Huang Jintong once again felt that she was lucky. Look, even He Xiaoran said that her current job is excellent. Why does she have no reason not to work hard?
After He Xiaoran chatted with Huang Jintong, he went to see the little king again.

The little king is outside the room where the Red King is training, looking at his two sons contentedly.

Red King was lying on the bed, crossing his legs and getting angry, "Why does my stomach still hurt a little? Didn't it mean that the pain will stop soon?"

He Xiaoran stared sleepily and said, "Is it because you crossed your legs and swayed your legs, which involved the wound?"

Red King quickly took off his leg, and it really didn't hurt so much.

The little king waited for He Xiaoran to come out of the house, and quickly asked, "Sister, is the Red King up to something?"

He Xiaoran shook his head and said: "Red King just lacks some common sense of basic life, she is not making trouble for no reason."

"Before a woman has a child, she will act coquettishly and make trouble. After giving birth, she will grow up. You should be lucky that Red King is still willing to make trouble in front of you, which means that she knows very well in her heart that you like her and love her to indulge her." her."

When the little king heard this, his waist straightened immediately. It turned out that the red king also knew that he liked her.

"Red King is a mother now, and she still has the self-consciousness of being a mother. However, for a mother who has just given birth, her temper and temperament will change slightly."

"You are her husband, and it's about the children. Please accommodate her and the children a little bit. You should coax her when it's time to coax you, and you must not be polite when it's time to be fierce."

"Your Majesty can spoil your wife, but you can't pamper her lawlessly, especially in front of the Queen Mother, and remind her to be careful."

"Ms. Shimila is a person with a clear sense of reason and a big picture. She is kind-hearted and wholeheartedly for your own good. In front of the Queen Mother, the Red King must not be presumptuous. It is her luck that the Red King has a mother-in-law like the Queen Mother. Remind her to be careful at all times."

"After all, after marrying into the court, she must tell her the etiquette that should be taught, what should be said, and what should be said, including the responsibilities that she should bear, and she cannot escape."

The little king was very happy when he heard what He Xiaoran said. She said that the king is a good husband, Mrs. Shimila is a good mother-in-law, a good queen mother, and that the red king is a good mother, and she knows how much he cares for her. ...

In short, every word He Xiaoran said was very important, and made the little king feel relieved.

The little king nodded, "Thank you, sister. I know that my sister has been helping me communicate with King Hong for the past two days. I also found that she has been in a bad mood since she gave birth."

"She was originally a lively and active person, but now she can only lie there to cultivate, and she will definitely feel uncomfortable."

He Xiaoran nodded and said, "Yes. Fortunately, she has been discharged from the hospital, and she has been able to walk slowly in the past two days. Her physical fitness is relatively good, and her child is relatively healthy."

"In addition, I plan to return to China, and the Red King will be handed over to you. If there is anything that I can't explain clearly to her, I will talk to her then."

The little king nodded, but he was a little bit reluctant, "Sister, when will you come to see me and the red king next time?"

He Xiaoran replied, "It's easy to come to see you, but I'm afraid that you will be busy with state affairs and won't have time to see me at all."

The little king immediately said, "Why? No matter how busy I am, I will definitely meet my sister!"

He Xiaoran intends to return to China. Before leaving, He Xiaoran secretly asked about the Red King recorder while the king and the servants around him were away.

Red King said in a low voice, "I knew when I heard it! She is such a smart person, she appeared at the scene of the crime for no reason, it must have something to do with her!"

Seeing that there was no one outside the door, King Hong continued, "I was worried that I would be troubled when I was involved, so I stole that thing."

He Xiaoran asked: "They don't want it from you?"

Red King said: "I want it, but I didn't give it. I said I like the little girl's voice in the recording."

After finishing speaking, King Hong smiled triumphantly, "Anyway, I can fool it, you go back and let He Shih treat me better in the future, and don't keep deducting my salary!"

He Xiaoran smiled and flicked Red King's forehead, "Then I will thank sister Red King when I will be young."

(End of this chapter)

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