Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1067 Don't You Feel Poor?

Chapter 1067 Don't You Feel Poor?

Does the Hua family's glory have nothing to do with her?Does the prosperity of the Hua family have anything to do with her?How can it be okay?

The Hua family has what it is today, and the Hua family has what it is now, because of her!
Without her, the Hua family would have been defeated by now!

Why does Jin Ji say that it has nothing to do with her?
But Hua Qingyu was still stung.

Since she married into Zhou's family, she never went back to her natal family, not because she didn't want to go back, but because she didn't dare to go back.

She was afraid that if she left, that bitch Yan Yao would take the opportunity to take over.

Hua's family is abroad, and she can't come back every ten days and a half months.

After such a long time, Zhou Zishi was snatched by Yan Yao and brainwashed if he didn't keep it together.

Hua Qingyu didn't dare to gamble, she was afraid that if she cared about her feelings for a while, she would lose the current opportunity.

After all, she is younger and more beautiful than Yan Yao, Zhou Zishi still likes her more.

She has always felt that she is a great hero of the Hua family, she is the savior of the Hua family, and everyone in the Hua family should thank herself...

She turned around suddenly, stared at Jin Ji's back and shouted: "What do you know? The Hua family is where it is today because of me!"

Jin Ji didn't look back, but disappeared into Hua Qingyu's sight.

Hua Qingyu went back to her courtyard in embarrassment, and the nanny was sleeping with the child in the children's room.

Hua Qingyu walked in and drove the nanny out: "I'll accompany him."

She reached out and hugged her sleeping son into her arms, unable to help sobbing.

I couldn't help repeating in my heart, what does the Hua family's glory have to do with her?Why doesn't it matter?Without her, the Hua family would not be where it is today!
Without her, how could the Zhou family extend a helping hand to the Hua family?

It's because she married into the Zhou family that her family has a chance to be reborn, so why doesn't it matter?
But when Hua Qingyu thought of her current life, she fell into despair for no reason.

Jin Ji is right, the life of the Hua family has nothing to do with him.After the Hua family was reborn, she didn't enjoy the Hua family at all, and everything about the Hua family has nothing to do with her.

She lived such a life in Zhou's family. No matter how rich Hua's family was, she couldn't see Taoism, so what did it have to do with her?
Her man is dead, she can only grab someone else's man...

Thinking of this, Hua Xinyu couldn't help crying, crying for herself, and crying for her son.

At this time, the sound of Yan Yao and Zhou Zishi's fight came from next door, and Hua Qingyu's self-pity and self-pity disappeared instantly, replaced by anger.

Yan Yao, that bitch, is so old that she pretends to be a girl every day, disgusting!
She immediately put the child back on the bed, called the nanny, and changed into the newly bought sexy pajamas, wrapped in a robe and rushed to the next door, "Qi Ye, I just learned a new dance, I'll show you the dance alone." !"

There was raging fire in her eyes, she still had a son to raise, she would never lose to a woman like Yan Yao, as long as it was a man from the Zhou family, it didn't matter who it was, didn't it?

There was a lot of movement next door, Wei Xian just looked up calmly, and the little deer ran over, "Mom, deer wants to play in the garden outside!"

Zhou Tuantuan hid behind the tree, "Mom, don't look at me, I didn't ask my sister to tell me, she wanted to play by herself."

Wei Xian glared at her, "Are you still wearing a coat?"

Then he said to Little Luni: "Just go out and play for a while, if you don't play crazy, then your words don't matter, you know?"

Little Luni nodded, and said bouncingly, "I know!"

Wei Xian held one in each hand and went to the big garden of the Changping Pavilion, only to see Hua Qingyu taking her son for a walk on the way.

The little boy was very pretty, but his words and deeds were a little slower than normal children. He had a smart face, but he was slightly stupid.

Zhou's doctor has confirmed that the child does have some problems, and is actively doing rehabilitation for the child. Now it seems normal, although it is a little slower.

Earlier, this child was not what he is now, and he was stupid in everything he did.

Hua Qingyu really put a lot of thought into her son's growth, but after all, there is a gap between him and the other children of the Zhou family, let alone a top-notch smart little boy like Xiaomi Mili.

Hua Qingyu's eyes fell on Zhou Tuantuan and Lu Ni, envy and jealousy flashed in his eyes. Although Zhou Tuantuan is albino, except for his skin color, what is the difference between him and normal children?
As long as you pay attention to sun protection to protect your skin and eyes, you don't need to do anything at all, but what about her son?

For Hua Qingyu at this time, it doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl, the child's health is the most important thing, but she gave birth to an unhealthy child.

Wei Xian nodded lightly to Hua Qingyu, "Nine younger brothers and sisters."

Wei Xian didn't call her the ninth younger sibling on purpose, but according to the Zhou family's ranking, Hua Qingyu's dead ghost husband Zhou Zixi was indeed the ninth brother, and there was nothing wrong with her calling Hua Qingyu the ninth younger sibling.

But from Hua Qingyu's ears, Wei Xian was deliberately mocking her. Although her husband was Zhou Zixi, Zhou Zixi had died long ago, but she was fooling around with Wei Xian's husband.

Hua Qingyu felt that Wei Xian deliberately called her the ninth sibling to disgust her.

Her eyes fell on Wei Xian. For Zhou Zishi's regular wife, Hua Qingyu felt that she was pitiful from the bottom of her heart. She became pregnant not long after marrying the Zhou family. Albinism.

It was later discovered that she had a blood relationship with Zhou Zishi's biological mother, Wei Shi, which led to her having an unhealthy child with Zhou Zishi.

It was precisely because of this reason that Zhou Zishi hooked up with Yan Yao without any scruples.

Wei Xian is a legitimate wife in name only.

Hua Qingyu couldn't help curling the corners of her lips, Wei Xian is really a useless trash, being bullied like this by Zhou Zishi, she didn't know how to resist, and if it was her, she didn't know what the trouble would be.

Hua Qingyu firmly believes in one sentence, poor people must have something to hate, and in her opinion, Wei Xian is like this.

Hua Qingyu even had a bit of malicious speculation in his heart. Wei Xian faced the woman who slept with her husband, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart. He should hate him very much, wishing to tear her face off, right?
Wei Xian just glanced at Hua Qingyu, and saw a complex expression on her face.

Wei Xian somewhat knew what Hua Qingyu was thinking, but she didn't care at all. If she cared, she would have been pissed off by Zhou Zishi and Yan Yao long ago.

Now there is another flower whispering, attracting all Zhou Zishi's attention, Wei Xian just feels thankful that Zhou Zishi no longer has to pretend to appear in front of their mother and daughter.

As for Tuantuan, as she grew up day by day, she knew everything she should know. Although she didn't have a father, the other men in Jiugu Wenchang gave Tuantuan a sense of security.

After Wei Xian said hello, he followed the two children and passed Hua Qingyu. Unexpectedly, Hua Qingyu suddenly stopped Wei Xian.

"It seems that the identity of the seventh lady is also very important to you. You have lived your life like this, and you still dominate the position of the seventh lady and refuse to give up. Don't you think you are very pitiful?"

(End of this chapter)

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