Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1068 One is not easy to bully at all

Chapter 1068

Hua Qingyu is of course provocative, she did it on purpose.

How can a woman like Wei Xian be so indifferent?

She should be crazy, she should be crazy, she should complain about the injustice of fate like all bitter women, why can she take her two children out for a walk leisurely?

Hua Qingyu glanced contemptuously at Lu Ni, Wei Xian is really stupid, since he adopted, why not adopt a son, but a daughter, a little girl, what's the point of adopting?What a fool.

Wei Xian had already walked over, and looked back at her again, "Madam Ninth doesn't feel sorry for herself, why should I feel pitiful?"

Hua Qingyu was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Wei Xian to refute herself.

In Hua Qingyu's impression, Wei Xian is a man of few words and not good at words, even if he is reprimanded for a few words, he just bows his head and remains silent.

In addition, Wei Xian was not cared for by her husband, so he was a transparent person in the Zhou family and in Jiugu Wenchang.

Never thought that Wei Xian would dare to refute himself!

Hua Qingyu was a little surprised, she turned around and looked at Wei Xian formally, "What do you mean? You think I am pitiful. Who is more pitiful than whom? Your own husband is shared by other women, even you and your finger Don’t even touch, don’t you feel pitiful and pathetic?”

"This is an ignorant and stupid woman. She is indifferent to being abandoned by her own man. No wonder she will be abandoned." Hua Qingyu reached out and shaved her hair behind her ears, and snorted coldly, "I used to express sympathy for you, but now I look at you, You literally deserve it."

Hua Qingyu really thought that Wei Xian was easy to bully, but only now did she realize that Wei Xian's words were also barbed.

Faced with Hua Qingyu's provocation, Wei Xian just chuckled calmly, with some sarcasm in his laughter.

From the beginning to the end, Wei Xian was not easy to bully, she was indeed not talkative, but it was not because she was afraid of anyone, but because she was too lazy to argue with others.

Just because she doesn't care about others doesn't mean she doesn't dare to argue with others, she just finds it annoying.

Apparently, Huaxinyu had misunderstood her intentions and found the wrong person to vent her anger on.

Wei Xian looked at Hua Qingyu with a smile and said: "Thank you Madam Nine for your concern. I didn't expect Madam Nine to be really kind-hearted. She made her life a mess. She had nothing else to do except fight for points and jealousy all day long. Instead, she came to care about me. .”

Hua Qingyu said, "I slept with your man."

So Wei Xian imitated the manners of ancient women, and softly squatted at Hua Qingyu, "Thank you, Mrs. Ninth, for helping me take care of my husband. Originally, I was thinking that if Yan Yao was alone, I'm afraid that after a while I also lost interest. Fortunately, Mrs. Ninth took the initiative to sacrifice herself, which relieved my worries."

She stood up and asked, "By the way, Madam Ninth, do you need me to prepare contraceptive pills or condoms for you? I can't make you work hard and buy these things out of your own pocket."

Hua Qingyu's face turned pale at that moment, she gritted her teeth and said: "I don't know what is good or bad, I had some affection for you at first, and I wanted to sympathize with you, but I didn't expect you deserve it!"

Wei Xian shot back: "Ninth Madam, you should be more sympathetic to yourself. After all, in the eyes of everyone, you are young and widowed, and you can't live without a man, so you turn your head into the arms of your husband's brother. This is a rare miracle in the world." It's a girl!"

Hua Qingyu couldn't help taking a step forward, wanting to slap her to relieve her anger, but after all she still had reason, "You also know that other women slept in your husband's bed? Do you feel that you have a sense of accomplishment? If I had you Just die!"

Wei Xian laughed and said: "If you were me, you would have died long ago? Is Mrs. Ninth joking? For a woman like you who can't live without a man, you can't bear to die. But if you really want to do that, it's up to you whether you die or not." , you stole the outsiders, and the Zhou family will let you die if you don’t die."

"Do you know why the Zhou family still keeps you?"

Hua paused and stared at Wei Xian.

Wei Xian said: "Because the child you gave birth to, although no one can tell whether it is the ninth child or the seventh child, it is still the Zhou family's seed."

As soon as Wei Xian finished speaking, Hua Qingyu couldn't take it anymore, and rushed towards Wei Xian, "I'll kill you..."

It's just that before Hua Qingyu had a chance to get close to Wei Xian, he was stopped by someone.

When she looked up, Jin Ji suddenly stood in front of Wei Xian, grabbed her wrist and pushed him back, "Mrs. Nine, this is Jiugu Wenchang, and it is Changping Pavilion, where Master Eleven stays. Are you here?" This place is wild, isn't it right?"

Hua Qingyu looked at Jinji in shock, "Jinji? Why are you here again? What do you mean by coming in and out of Changping Pavilion? What do you want to do? What's your purpose?"

Halfway through the conversation, Hua whispered, and suddenly thought of Jin Ji's indifference to her, her eyes fell on Wei Xian behind him, and then she showed a suddenly realized expression: "I understand! You, you are so courageous!"

Jin Ji frowned and looked at her, feeling that she was sick, "Mrs. Ninth, others don't care about how you are in your courtyard, but please pay attention to your image in front of the children. There are three children at the scene. How do you treat Mrs. Seven?" Are you afraid of teaching the child badly if you do it?"

Hua Xinyu seems to have grasped Jin Ji's handle, "Stop pretending, I've already seen through, it turns out that you guys and girls have already hooked up together!"

As soon as she said this, Jin Ji and Wei Xian were both pissed off by her, they sneered at the same time, thinking that Hua Qingyu was crazy.

Wei Xian gritted his teeth and said, "Ninth Madam, please don't talk nonsense about things without evidence. You can't be ignorant of yourself, disobedient to women's morals, and think that all the women in the world can't stand loneliness just like you. Not long after Lao Jiu's accident, You just climbed into my husband's bed, you are such a flirtatious woman, what right do you have to scold other people like men and women?"

"Jinji and I spray it less than a few times a year. When you touch your upper and lower lips, you splash dirty water on people. It doesn't matter if I'm a married woman, but Jinji is a single man. You slandered him." , How can he find a partner in the future?
"If you don't apologize today, I'll go to Master Eleven right now, and I'd like to ask Master Eleven to comment on whether you are sleeping with my man, or if it's a crime for Jinji to stop you when you rushed over to beat me Forgive me. Since if I don’t speak clearly, I will make a fuss until everyone in Jiugu Wenchang knows about it!”

When Wei Xian said this, he paused word by word, enunciated clearly and purposefully, and expressed his anger, told the other party about his next solution and was frank, and took out the most serious threats.

She clearly told Hua Qingyu her determination not to be slandered.

Sure enough, under Wei Xian's angry and firm words, Hua Qingyu was finally afraid.

Leaving aside whether Wei Xian has anything to do with Jin Ji or not, Hua Qingyu was terrified when Wei Xian said that he wanted to go to Master Eleven for a review.

Of course Hua Qingyu knew that Jiugu Wenchang turned a blind eye to her getting involved with Zhou Zishi.

But if you really want to mention it on the stage, how can you say it?

Therefore, Hua Qingyu could only apologize under Wei Xian's request: "I'm sorry, I was just talking nonsense out of anger. I apologize to you, okay?"

After saying this, Hua Qingyu took the child and left the scene quickly, fearing that Wei Xian would not let her go, and arrested her to find Zhou Zhichu.

(End of this chapter)

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