Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1088 Blind Date Bureau

Chapter 1088 Blind Date Bureau

My mother is like this, and my father is also like this, as if if I accept the person introduced by one of them, that person will win.

what is heA prop for their jealousy?
Simply incredible.

Let him go and he will go?He won't go!

It's just that as soon as Chizhou entered the house, he realized that something was wrong.

There were people in the room, and as soon as the light was turned on, a row of bodyguards stood in the living room, like a wall of people.

You don't need to think about it, you know, it must be sent by his mother, afraid that he won't go tomorrow, so I came here to tease him!
Chizhou angrily grabbed the things at hand and threw them at those people. With a "bang", a cup fell to the ground and shattered.

As a result, those people remained motionless like wooden stakes.

Chizhou looked down at the cup, screamed, and rushed over to pick up the dregs of the cup, "Ah, this is the cup that He Shiu gave me!"

Holding the cup, Chizhou was angry, "It's over, it's over, Heshi will never give me a second cup!"

After finishing speaking, Chizhou tilted his body and lay on the ground without moving for a long time.

In the end, one of them was worried that something had happened to him, so he put his hand under his nose and found that he was still alive, so he was relieved.

Early the next morning, Chizhou was pulled up for styling, changed into a decent suit, and after two hours of tossing around, he was escorted to a blind date again.

High-end western food hotel.

Chizhou sat on the chair with a blank expression, and a row of bodyguards stood beside him, it was definitely impossible to leave.

Opposite him sat a beauty with blond hair, blue eyes and red lips. After seeing Chizhou, the beauty greeted him. She was a cheerful and warm western woman.

It's just that Chizhou lacks interest in her, and just chats without saying a word.

Sitting next to him is a beautiful Asian woman who still has a charm, and she is gnashing her teeth to remind me in Chinese: "Stinky boy, be more active!"

And beside the beauty on the opposite side was his own mother, who was obviously here to help her.

At this moment, an extremely gaudy woman stepped on shoes ten centimeters high, twisted her waist, and walked towards the blind date table step by step.

When she saw Chizhou, she immediately raised her hand, waving her long red nails, and greeted Chizhou enthusiastically, "Hi, dear!"

At this time, Chizhou reversed his indifferent attitude just now, and immediately greeted the woman, "Baby!"

He put the woman in his arms, kissed her on the face, then turned around and introduced, "Let me introduce you, this is my close friend Lilia."

The gaudy woman immediately greeted the other three women at the table.

The faces of the beauty and the beauty's mother drooped, "What's going on?"

Chizhou's mother's face turned green: "Chizhou, are you crazy? Who is she? Why didn't I know there was such a thing?"

The flamboyant woman introduced herself: "I am a friend of Chizhou. We have a very close relationship and have known each other for a long time. When Chizhou didn't go home, he would spend the night with me. I'm sorry madam, I didn't greet you in advance. It was my fault."

Chizhou's mother was going crazy, she ignored that woman at all, but stared at Chizhou and cursed: "What kind of woman are you looking for? Ah? What kind of woman is she?"

From this point of view, she is not a decent person, she is dressed gaudyly, even though she is covered in jewels, she doesn't know how to match it at all, her outfit is nondescript, from this point of view she is the kind of woman who can't stand on the stage.

But Chi Zhou put his arms around the woman and said, "I think Lilia is pretty good. I like her type. Mom, don't you know what I like?"

The beauty and beauty's mother at the dining table couldn't sit still, and left angrily without saying a word.

Chizhou's mother wanted to explain something, but she didn't know what to say.

Chizhou was still making sarcastic remarks to his mother from behind, "Mom, don't go, let me introduce Lily to you, she is really good, mom?"

Chizhou's mother left in anger. Before she left, she pointed to the woman beside Chizhou and said, "If you dare to marry this kind of woman to me, I will drive you out of the house!"

After speaking, Chizhou's mother ran away like the wind.

At this time, Chizhou was satisfied and finally felt relieved.

He took the hand on the woman's shoulder and was about to talk to the woman, but when he turned around, he found a pair of young girls sitting by the window looking at him.

He took a closer look and saw that it was He Xiaoran and when.

Chizhou: "!!!"

Chizhou hurriedly walked towards them, wanting to say something to them, but He Xiaoran said to Shi: "I'm full, how about you?"

Shi Ye said, "I'm full too."

So He Xiaoran took when and left without looking back.

Chi Zhou: "Huh? Hey, no, listen to my explanation..."

He wanted to leave, but the woman behind Chizhou grabbed him, "You can't leave, you haven't paid yet!"

Chizhou was so angry that he hurriedly opened his wallet, took out a wad of money from it and threw it into the woman's arms, "Take it."

When he chased outside, He Xiaoran and Shi had already left in the car.

In the car, He Xiaoran taught when, "Did you see it? What kind of creatures are some men? If you have a partner and go on a blind date, then the girl who goes on a blind date with him is not unlucky?"

Shi Shi nodded: "It's really unlucky."

He Xiaoran also said: "The girl he went on a blind date with is well-educated. She is beautiful, warm, generous and beautiful. She comes from a good background and has a higher education. No matter how many people hold a lantern, they can't find such a good girl. So what? As long as a man doesn't like it, he doesn't like it if he looks like a fairy, even if the woman outside is a piece of trash, he thinks it's a treasure."

When did he nod again, "That's right, this is scum."

He Xiaoran said with certainty: "So men don't have many good things."

When Shi turned to look at He Xiaoran and asked, "What about brother-in-law?"

He Xiaoran replied, "A man is very good at pretending and acting. You think he is a good guy. Who knows what virtues he has behind his back? It is their ideal state to fly colorful flags outside, but not to go home with red flags."

Shi Shi asked, "Since men are so bad, why did you let He Miao marry brother-in-law Dayu?"

He Xiaoran said: "Your brother-in-law Dayu is one of the few good men. At least he is doing well now. What happens in the future depends on whether he can stand the test of time."

When Shidun and You Rongyan said, "I picked it for He Miao!"

"Yes, it's a good choice. We must maintain an objective state at all times. Even if you look at people with a filter when you are most in love, you have to imagine what kind of person you see if the filter is turned off. Such a state. You can fall in love with passion, but you must also bring brains and reason.”

(End of this chapter)

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