Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 1089 I still have to trouble you for the next thing

Chapter 1089 I still have to trouble you for the next thing

When Chizhou came to look for him at night, when he opened the door a crack, looked at him with a disgusted look, and asked, "Why did you come to see me? What's the matter?"

When Chizhou saw her eyes, he became a little crazy, "When, I just passed by and brought you and your sister some food for supper."

When did you glance at him, "I want to say thank you, Mom."

Chizhou handed the specially packed food to When, "No, what, I just want to explain to you that the woman in the restaurant today was hired from outside, and my mother asked me to go on blind dates every day. I was annoyed, so I randomly found a woman outside to deal with her, she is not my partner."

When Shi looked at him faintly through the crack of the door, then he took the food he handed over and said, "Oh."

She looked at Chizhou with a calm and strange look, "I brought the food, can enjoy your nightlife."

Chizhou went crazy, "I don't have a nightlife, I said it was fake, I really just want to lie to my mother."

In the end, when did you still say in that tone: "It's okay, don't be embarrassed, my sister said that adults can have their own lives. Besides, we are so familiar, you don't have to pretend in front of me, open your mind and be yourself Just fine."

Chizhou: "I really didn't..."

In Chizhou's defense, when he slowly closed the door and brought food into the house, "Sister, someone brought us food."

He Xiaoran came out of the house, and saw when he was holding a bag from a high-end restaurant in his hand, "When did you order takeaway? You still order so much, the efficiency of foreign takeaway is quite high."

When to put the food on the table, "It was delivered by Chizhou just now, he said he was passing by, and brought us some supper by the way."

He Xiaoran was taken aback, "What about Chizhou people?"

When the food is taken out and put on the table, "he's gone to enjoy his night life."

When He Xiaoran heard it, he couldn't help but slapped his mouth. He really is a passionate young man who grew up abroad. He started enjoying nightlife so early. How long will it take before he can go back?

Chizhou sat downstairs in the car for a while, and finally left dejectedly.

To be precise, he was driven away by anger.

He really has no so-called nightlife!

Three days later, Chizhou went to the black market appraisal center, and the other party put the appraisal report in front of him based on the certificate he presented, "What you want."

Seeing the sealing strip, Chizhou turned around and left.

He took the appraisal report and went directly to When's house, knocked on the door, when When saw that it was him, he subconsciously looked into his hand, did he send them some delicious food again?
As a result, Chizhou only took a folder, and when he was stuck at the door to prevent him from entering, he asked him, "What's the matter with you?"

Chizhou said, "I'm looking for your sister."

When I heard it, I immediately opened my eyes and said to Chizhou: "Ah? Let me tell you, my sister is married. My sister and my brother-in-law's Xiaomi and Zhou Huohuo look cute and beautiful, and my brother-in-law is tall. You are handsome, you can make money and you are single-minded, you can't even match my brother-in-law's toes, if you want to chase my sister, there is no way!"

After finishing speaking, when did you slam the door shut with a "bang".

When stood at the door, pinched her waist, and thought angrily, no, she must protect the love between her sister and brother-in-law, and she must not let those despicable people destroy the beautiful life of her sister and brother-in-law.

If the relationship between sister and brother-in-law was meddled by a male mistress, how pitiful would Zhou Huohuo and Xiaomi Li be?
Chizhou, who was locked outside, stared round, what do you mean?what does it mean?

When did those last words mean?What is it to chase after her sister?Who wants to chase after her sister? Did a straw get mixed into her genius-like mind?

Her sister is fierce and terrifying, she beats people in the face, how could he chase after her sister?
Then Chizhou started to knock on the door again, "When you open the door, I have something to do with your sister."

When did she ignore him, when she turned around and saw He Xiaoran coming out of the room, she remained silent.

He Xiaoran just heard a knock on the door outside and asked, "Is there someone knocking on the door?"

When immediately shook his head, "No, you heard it wrong. If there is something, it may be that the courier delivered it by mistake, so ignore him."

At this time Chizhou's voice came: "When you open the door, I really have something to do with your sister."

When pretended not to hear it, He Xiaoran looked at the door that was being knocked loudly, and couldn't help covering his forehead with his hand, walked over and stretched out his hand to open the door.

Chizhou stood outside the door, looked at He Xiaoran speechlessly, and then looked at When behind her, and couldn't help saying: "When did you shut me out? I really need your sister."

In the end, when did he just frown his nose, turned around and looked to the side, pretending that he didn't hear Chizhou's question.

Chizhou: "???"

He Xiaoran couldn't help but said: "When, he came to see me for something, I asked him to introduce some partners for me, would you like to come and listen together?"

As a result, when he hugged his arms, he turned around and went back to his own room, "Don't look, I can't go back to Jin Xinxin to work now, and I can't help if I tell you, and my studies are still very tight, and I still have a lot of things to test. Just playing."

After entering the house, He Xiaoran sat down on the sofa and took the appraisal report handed over by Chizhou. She saw the sealing strip on it and glanced at Chizhou, "Didn't you see it?"

Chizhou spread his hands, "I still have this bit of professional ethics."

He Xiaoran stretched out her hand to open the file bag, and pulled out the report from it. She stopped her hand halfway through, took a deep breath, and stretched out her hand to pull out the contents.

Chizhou was sitting opposite her, with a very calm expression.

When she was alone in the room, lying on the table to do her homework, halfway through the writing, she felt a little worried about whether it was too quiet outside, not because she was worried about her sister, but because she was worried about Chizhou.

My sister said that he is not a good thing, so he must not be a good thing.

So, when he secretly opened a crack in the door and peeked out, he saw his sister and Chizhou sitting on the sofa in the living room. For some reason, the two of them didn't speak.

When are you a little confused, what's the situation?what happened?Why don't you talk?Even if they said a word, she could guess what they were talking about.

But when they didn't say a word, Shi Shi felt that the atmosphere in the living room was very strange.

What's going on?
At this moment, when did my sister suddenly say, "Mr. Chi, I still have to trouble you for the next thing."

While talking, He Xiaoran pushed the paper on the table in front of Chizhou.

Chizhou was silent for a few seconds, as if he was also doing mental construction, then picked up the paper on the table, his eyes fell on the final expert appraisal conclusion, his pupils shrank slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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