Chapter 553 Weapons (2)

From the next city to Nancheng, with such a short distance, whether it is by plane or high-speed rail, it is time to get home.

Moreover, He Miao is still a social fear, it is impossible to say that she will go shopping or play somewhere on the spur of the moment. The happiest thing for her every day is to go home and drill into the closet. How could she run around?
With a sullen face, Shi Shi said to He Xiaoran: "Sister, ask the second brother-in-law to see if she has gone to look for the second brother-in-law!"

He Xiaoran didn't care about her weird title, and immediately called Yulingju, but no one answered Yulingju's phone.

He Xiaoran raised his head: "He said before that he joined the crew, but now no one answers the phone, I'm still filming on the crew on purpose."

After a pause, "Since he doesn't have time to answer the phone, it's impossible for He Miao to find him by himself."

He Miao is not a person who takes the initiative to deal with people, so how could he take the initiative to visit Banyulingju?Unless Yu Lingju had time and deliberately asked He Miao to find him.

Now Yulingju doesn't have time to answer the phone, let alone anything else.

He Xiaoran stood where he was, raised his wrist to check the time, it was nine ten in the evening.

Assuming that He Miao set off from the shooting location at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, it has been six hours now, six hours, and it is actually very simple to deal with He Miao. When there are too many people, she will be cowardly.

She lowered her head and fiddled with her mobile phone. After a while, she looked up: "When will you pack up the books for tomorrow's class. Red King, go and prepare the materials for the vaccination of millet grains."

Nan Zhao and Hong King stood at the door of their respective rooms, watching He Xiaoran not speak. After hearing He Xiaoran's words, Hong King went to take out the materials for the injection of millet grains, and when did he obediently go to get the books for tomorrow's class .

He Xiaoran turned and went into the bedroom, took a bag full of millet diapers and milk powder from the bedroom, stretched out his hand and threw it to He, Shi held it in his arms and watched He Xiaoran remain silent.

He Xiaoran bent down to pick up Mi Mili again, and asked Shi Shi to hold Mi Mili's milk powder, and directly take Shili and Mi Mili out.

When you don't say a word, the millet is in your mother's arms. Although you don't speak, the little thing seems to know that something bad has happened. Two fleshy little hands are holding on to your mother's clothes. Obediently don't cry or make trouble.

Diao's mother and Wei's mother had just returned home. After a busy day, they were about to take a good rest when the doorbell suddenly rang outside.

They and several other bodyguards live here, and the door is controlled by fingerprints. Most people don't need to ring the doorbell, so those who ring the doorbell at this time are naturally outsiders.

The bodyguard also heard the doorbell and came out. Mother Diao walked to the door, reached out and clicked on the access control video, and suddenly saw He Xiaoran standing outside the door holding Mi Li, followed by He Miao who was holding something.

Mother Diao hurriedly opened the door: "Miss He? Oh, little master, why haven't you let him sleep so late?"

He Xiaoran reached out and handed Xiaomi Li into Diao's mother's arms, then slipped Shi Shi out from the back door, and pushed behind Diao's mother, "When Shi and Xiao Mi need your care for two days, and when will you have class tomorrow? Millet will be vaccinated the day after tomorrow, this is the information, there is no one at home for the past two days, if I don’t come back the day after tomorrow, I will trouble Mommy Diao to take Xiaomi for the injection.”

When Xiao Mili heard about the injection, her little arm would hurt, and she hurriedly waved her hands: "No...needle..."

He Xiaoran pinched his chubby face, "Then you can discuss it with Grandma Diao, and if Grandma Diao says no injections, then no injections."

When he pursed his lips, stood behind holding diapers and milk powder, staring at He Xiaoran with both eyes.

He Xiaoran smiled at her immediately, "It's okay, my sister will be back after going out for two days."

Tears welled up in his eyes, when he choked up and didn't speak.He Xiaoran took a step forward, reached out and pulled her into his arms, "Oh, it's okay, my sister came back after going out for a few days, what are you worried about?"

"you promise?"

"I promise." He Xiaoran said: "Only the two of us cheated He Xiaomiao's red envelope together. When did I cheat you? Can I cheat you? I promised you that I would come back when I went to T country, didn't I came back?"

When did he choke, "Then, then you have to come back early..."

He Xiaoran nodded: "Okay, sister promises you will come back soon."

After finishing speaking, she waved to Mi Li, "Baby, bye, mom is leaving first! When will you play with Mi Li!"

When Shi nodded with tears in his eyes: "Yeah."

Diao's mother was holding the millet grains and was at a loss. What, what's wrong?
Although Diao's mother didn't know what happened, but He Xiaoran just told Shi that he was going to travel far away, and Xiao Mi and Shi were put on their side. This must be a very serious matter!
Diao's mother held the millet, dragging when with one hand, and hurried into the house, put the millet down here, and called Caiweishan there.

"Ma'am, just now Miss He sent Millet and her youngest sister to us suddenly, and said that the little master can't even take the vaccine for the day after tomorrow. Listening to what she said, I feel that the matter is quite serious!"

Yan Hua was stunned: "Is the millet grain on your side now?"

"Yes, in the living room, arguing with his little aunt. He looks sleepy, but his mother is not here, so he is making trouble."

Yan Hua immediately said: "Put the child to sleep first, wait for me to go over!"

When Zhou Chenyuan arrived, he found that he had fallen asleep with Mi Li, and He Xiaoran, Nan Zhao, and Hong King were not at home, and the room was pitch black, as if no one lived there.

Zhou Chenyuan directly asked Diao's mother to wake her up.

When Shi is actually sleeping with millet grains, she can't sleep at all, she is worried about her sister and He Miao, how can they sleep?

"Brother-in-law." When stood in front of Zhou Chenyuan.

Zhou Chenyuan asked: "What happened? Where did your sister go? Where is He Miao? Why did she put you and Xiaomi here? Where is He Miao?"

"Sister went to look for He Miao." When said: "He Miao returned home after filming the show today. He set off from the filming location at three o'clock in the afternoon and didn't come home until nine o'clock in the evening. He usually arrived home at six or seven in the past. It was late, traffic jams, etc., and it was eight o'clock at the latest, and I didn't go home until nine o'clock this time."

Zhou Chenyuan asked: "Did your sister say where to find He Miao?"

"No, she didn't tell me, but I guess she must have a direction. Because I heard her tell the senior that she asked the senior to help order the locator. She was worried that He Miao would not have the ability to adapt to the situation, and she would work outside in the future. It will be convenient for her to find He Miao. Because He Miao's helmet will never be lost casually, so she put the locator in the helmet."

Behind him, Jin Ji came over and shook his head at him, but He Xiaoran couldn't get through the phone.

It seemed that she also thought that when the millet grains were delivered, the news would reach his ears, and she deliberately turned off the phone.

Zhou Chenyuan was a little angry, she didn't even tell herself that such a big incident happened, did she treat him as an outsider?
Yan Hua had already got into the car with the rice grains and when, and quickly returned to Caiwei Mountain.

Zhou Chenyuan stood where he was, turned around and looked at Jin Ji: "Mobilize everyone, I want to know the positions of He Xiaoran and He Miao in the shortest possible time!"

(End of this chapter)

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