Chapter 554 Weapons (4)

Nan Zhao got out of the car, put on his gloves, held a crowbar, and walked towards a door, stretched out his hand to pry it, and the door opened.

The gaudy room was dark.

Nan Zhao turned on the flashlight, familiarized himself with the road, and walked along the aisle, and finally stopped in front of a door. When the crowbar was released, the door opened.

The flashlight scanned the room, but there was no one there.

Just as Nan Zhao was about to turn around, a gust of wind blew past his head. He tilted his head preconditionally, and the stick hit his shoulder.

A few minutes later, Nan Zhao walked back into the car, reached out and threw the crowbar to the co-pilot, and when the door was closed, he dialed the phone.

The call went through quickly: "He Xiaoran, I found the address you mentioned, and there was no one there. But this place must have something to do with Lin Xiaoxian, two people attacked me just now, and they were very ruthless. Ordinary people don't catch thieves. That skill."

On the phone, He Xiaoran said: "Got it, Red King is looking for Lin Xiaoxian's former assistant. We need more information from Lin Xiaoxian, especially the power behind him."

Nan Zhao paused, "His back? Then we have to leave Nancheng."

He Xiaoran replied: "He better not let me catch him!"

"He Miao's location can't be found yet?" Nan Zhao asked.

He Xiaoran said: "There must be equipment blocking signals around her."

The point is that after such a long time, no one has contacted her, which probably means that the target of the other party is He Miao, not anyone else.

Why did the other party choose He Miao?

He Xiaoran believes that the other party must have done a lot of research and analysis, and even followed him. He Miao used to participate in martial arts competitions, and later participated in various variety shows. The most important thing is that He Miao highlighted her in the last variety show. Unparalleled ability to reproduce...

What He Xiaoran fears the most is happening. Since He Miao's last location was near a chain ring of Lin Xiaoxian's, He Xiaoran's biggest suspicion is Lin Xiaoxian.

Lin Xiaoxian has been recruiting fighters with high martial arts skills. She is worried that after Lin Xiaoxian is humiliated, he will hold a grudge and deliberately retaliate.

After all, it was He Miao who beat him that day.

But He Xiaoran is more worried that the forces behind Lin Xiaoxian are interested in He Miao's ability and want to train He Miao into a machine.

After all, it turns out that He Miao is not completely out of control, except for her and when, there was a small scroll later, and now there is Yulingju, which must make the other party think that as long as the suitable person appears, He Miao must be able to train of.

He Xiaoran pursed his lips and wanted to find He Miao as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

It's just that the other party must know that she will not let it go, and will definitely race against time to transfer He Miao's position.

Xiao Juan and He Miao disappeared together, and Xiao Juan was probably taken away deliberately by the other party.

He Xiaoran drove to meet the other two people. When the car arrived at the meeting point, the red king trotted over, "He Xiaoran, I found this phone at the location you mentioned!"

He Xiaoran took it over and saw that the phone case was a red rabbit, and the screen was broken. She remembered that Xiao Juan said not long ago that this was her newly bought mobile phone. It seemed that Xiao Juan had struggled before being taken away.

"This is Xiao Juan's cell phone, have you found anything about He Miao?" He Xiaoran asked.

He Miao would not know what was left on purpose for her to find out, but Xiao Juan would probably leave clues on purpose.

The red king shook his head: "Only this one was found in the grass. If it was on the road, it would most likely be picked up by someone."

Just as He Xiaoran was about to speak, Nanzhao's car drove over, "He Xiaoran! What do you say?"

The red king probed: "The people over there have moved away long ago. The boxing ring should have been prepared long ago, and the security is tight, so you don't know anything about it."

He Xiaoran laughed suddenly, "Then there is really no silver 300 taels here. Since the other party is so wary of me coming to them, then I really have to find someone."

The red king hesitated for a moment, and suggested: "Why don't we call the police? The police have many information channels, so they can definitely find He Miao!"

He Xiaoran glanced at her, "They do have many channels, but they also have many rules, and there is a process for doing things, I can't wait!"

Since they were on guard, she decided to make a surprise attack to make the commotion louder.

An hour later, two huge bulldozing engineering vehicles drove towards the boxing ring from far to near. The two drivers wore engineering hats, and the vehicles staggered towards the guard booth at the door. Driving, the security guard in the guard booth thought at first that the other party was trying to take advantage of the time to turn around, but saw that the car not only did not slow down, but also accelerated when turning the corner.

Two security guards scrambled and ran out, and then watched as if the two engineering vehicles had entered no man's land, rushing all the way, heading directly for the training hall.

In the dead of night, there are only a few boxers who are still training hard in the training hall of the boxing field, and everyone else has gone to sleep.

Three or four people heard a loud noise, and then saw two bulldozers swaying their huge bodies. In the "crackling, dingling, jingling", all kinds of training equipment in the training hall were instantly destroyed.

Finally, shouts came from outside. With such a big event, can everyone not panic?
Two bulldozers swept around the hall, destroyed as many things as could be destroyed, and then rushed out again.

Then a sports car stopped at the door, threw out a big horn, and after a few "stabs" from the horn, he began to say: "Where's Lin Xiaoxian's naked dog?"Get out of here, old man!
Then the big horn began to repeat continuously.

Of course Lin Xiaoxian didn't come out, but the person in charge of the boxing field hurried over with someone.

He Xiaoran sat in the bulldozer, "Where's Lin Xiaoxian?"

"Boss Lin is not in China, tell me if you have anything to do!"

He Xiaoran laughed, "Tell me? It's not that I look down on you, will it work if I tell you?"

As He Xiaoran said, as soon as the car moved, the people standing in front stepped aside quickly.

Lin Xiaoxian was not there, he probably left here directly with someone.

He Xiaoran's eyes darkened, and after much calculation, does she have to go back early?

At this moment, Nan Zhao's cell phone rang suddenly, and he picked it up to see Zhou Chenyuan's call.

The phone was connected: "Master Zhou."

"You tell He Xiaoran, I know where He Miao is. You take her out of that ghostly place, the house is almost crumbling, and you are not afraid of crushing her to death?"

Nan Zhao: "..."

As for Master Zhou's way of caring for people, I'm thankful that he didn't get mad.

Nan Zhao immediately probed and shouted to He Xiaoran: "He Xiaoran, Master Zhou said he knows where He Miao is!"

He Xiaoran paused, "How did you let him get in touch? You tell him to let him mind his own business!"

Nan Zhao glanced at her, "He should be nearby. Just meet him, maybe he really knows where he is."

He Xiaoran was a little irritable: "Does he know fart?"

"Master Zhou said, if you don't leave, he will bring someone in now and arrest you!"

He Xiaoran almost flipped the table, "Crazy, I'm going to take care of my business? Young Master Jingui, how many lives does he have to deal with?"

Nan Zhao muttered in a low voice: "Then you don't have nine lives."

(End of this chapter)

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