Chapter 803 Scumbag Textbook (11)

When he looked at the words sent by Li Rong with his hand on his chin, he slammed his mouth, and didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

He Xiaoran looked at her expression, "What's wrong? What's bothering you?"

When did he think about it, then shook his head and said, "It's okay."

He Xiaoran glanced at her and asked casually, "By the way, how are you getting along with Mr. Li Rongli?"

When did he think about it, and then said little by little: "It's okay, it's pretty good."

In fact, there is no concept of when is it good or not, because she has no experience.

Before that, when had she never gotten along with other boys, she felt that she and Li Rong were like this, it should be considered pretty good, after all, they could go out to eat together and go to some event venues together.

Moreover, Li Rong would give her a gift, and she accepted his gift very calmly. Isn't it good for them to do this?
When she watched TV, when boys pursued girls, or girls pursued boys, she would give gifts to each other, and if the other party received it, it meant that they got along well.

He Xiaoran said with a smile: "Really? That's really great! It seems that when our family is accumulating experience bit by bit!"

Shi Shi nodded and said: "Yes. Brother Li is actually a nice person. He took me to many interesting places. It was the first time I went to many places, and some places were quite interesting. Brother Li took me to a game hall to play, and exchanged the last game for that pink pig."

He Xiaoran clapped his hands to encourage her: "It's great. If He Miao goes out, I'm still a little worried. When I go out, I don't worry at all! My family knows how to analyze the pros and cons, and knows what to do and what not to do." made."

He Xiaoran said so, but he was actually quite worried about when.

Now when He Miao went out, He Xiaoran was really not worried at all. After all, when He Miao went out, his date was Yulingju, who was a man of good character and three views.

But when the date is a top-notch scumbag like Li Rong, even if such a person has bad conduct, the three views are definitely not going anywhere.

When is it the kind who is extremely smart in many ways, but a little slow in this respect.Can He Xiaoran stop worrying?
But He Xiaoran would never say that. Her two younger sisters have some problems. The way He Xiaoran implements the policy for the two younger sisters is to encourage them, and this trick works for both of them.

In fact, when she wants to ask He Xiaoran some questions, but she feels that she may feel a little embarrassed after asking.

For example, when I was particularly curious, for someone like Li Rong who has been in contact with many girls, would he have sex with those girls every time?

When looked at Li Rong's text message, he finally replied: He Miao is back, we need to chat with He Miao, because she will go back to school in a while.

Li Rong: Such a long vacation is not enough, you have to talk for a few days?Then when will you come out?Then go ride a horse!

When she heard about riding a horse, she immediately became interested, but it wasn't because she wanted to ride a horse, but because Xiaomi always wanted to ride a big horse.

She immediately asked: Can I take Xiaomi with me when riding a horse?He has always wanted to ride a horse!

Li Rong: ...

Li Rong: That's not suitable for babies, the horses over there are tall and big, a bit dangerous, it's best not to take millet grains with you.

When: Mi Mi is no longer a baby, Mi Mi will be able to go to kindergarten in September next year.

Li Rong: Then he is also a baby, and the horse over there is not suitable for a baby to ride.

Shi Shi immediately asked: Hey, didn't you say there is a baby horse?

Li Rong looked at the text message when it was sent, and was a little confused. So she knew there was a baby horse?
It's just that he wants to go out on a date with when, and he doesn't want to bring that fat little milk with him at all. If he brings that fat little milk, He Miao will definitely take care of her the whole time, and the fat man will ignore him, so he will take her with him. What's the point of going out?
When Li Rong made an appointment to go out, he wanted to date him alone, not just to spend money.

He is not afraid of spending money, spending money is not in the right place, money that is not impressing when online is wasted!

But Li Rong felt that if he refused now, when, when would definitely be unhappy, and if when, the problem would be even bigger.

Li Rong thought about it, and finally decided to accept her suggestion of bringing millet grains, but there was a condition attached.

Li Rong: You are a little girl, and it is inconvenient to carry a child as small as a millet grain. You ask an aunt to follow you at home. At any rate, when you ride a horse, someone is carrying a millet grain by your side, otherwise everyone will not be able to play.

When did I immediately agree: no problem.

When did he raise his head and said to He Xiaoran: "Sister, tomorrow I will take Mi Li to ride a horse."

He Xiaoran asked with a smile: "Could it be that Li Rong invited you to the racecourse?"

Shi Shi nodded, "Well, he said he invited me to ride a horse. I thought, didn't Xiaomi like riding a big horse before? So I want to take Xiaomi to meet real horses. By the way, isn't it nice to go to the horse factory? Expensive? Riding a horse costs a lot of money an hour, right?"

He Xiaoran reached out and rubbed her head, and said, "How much do you care about him? He wants to take you to see him, so you have to give him this opportunity. Men sometimes have a lot of vanity. You are satisfied Without his vanity, he will be happy even if he spends money."

Shi Shi nodded, "Well, I agreed, just saying that I would bring rice grains, and he also agreed."

The next day, when did he really set off with the millet, and Diao's mother went out with the millet.

Xiao Mili was very happy when she heard that she was going to ride a horse. Early in the morning, she changed into her riding clothes with a high air, with soft little boots on her feet, and followed her aunt out to ride a horse. Aunt Miao Miao had forgotten to the back of her head.

As soon as Li Rong saw the little milk dumpling, he felt very depressed. This little thing really followed.

Li Rong asked: "Comrade Mi Li, do you still remember Uncle Li?"

Xiaomi Li nodded: "Remember!"

Then he raised his small arms and said to Li Rong, "Hug Li Rong!"

Li Rong stretched out his hand and hugged Xiaomi Li into his arms, and Xiaomi Li took the initiative to put his arms around his neck, and said obediently, "I miss Li Rong."

Li Rong: "..."

I thought this little thing was annoying just now, but I hugged it in my arms. After he said these words in a sweet and childlike voice, Li Rong felt very cute.

Sure enough, a smart and beautiful child is attractive. No wonder Master Eleven wants to steal this child home to raise himself. He is so smart, beautiful, talkative and has a high EQ. Who would want to steal this child home and raise him?

(End of this chapter)

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