Chapter 804 Scumbag Textbook (12)

Li Rong chose a group of kind-hearted little ponies for Xiaomi Li, and they were fluffy, and they looked like young milk horses that had just been born.

Xiaomi Mi wears a small hat and sits on the pony's back.

Two professional horse trainers, one holding Xiao Jiangshen, and the other protecting Xiao Mili from falling off.

When was very worried, he turned his head and asked Li Rong: "Brother Li, will the millet be all right?"

Li Rong sighed, pointed to the two horse trainers and said, "Didn't you hear that I just asked them to call out all the experienced horse trainers here? Those two people ranked first and second in the horse training points list." They are horse trainers who have been training horses for 30 to [-] years. Now they are holding a three-month-old pony in their hands, and it is the most gentle one in the same batch of newborn pony. "

He turned around to look at Shi, and put his hand on Shi's shoulder, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

When did his eyes fall on Li Rong's hand on his shoulder, and he glanced at Li Rong, "Brother Li, are you taking advantage of me?"

When she finished speaking, before Li Rong could refute, she had already said by herself, "I'm sorry, brother Li, I didn't mean to say that you wanted to take advantage of me, but I was asking if this method is a way to take advantage of me? I'm afraid When I encounter this situation in the future, I don’t know how to deal with it, so I want to ask.”

Li Rong: "..."

The hand he put on Shi Shi's shoulder didn't know whether to say it back or continue to press it.

Selfishly speaking, his actions are to take advantage of when, he wants to have further physical contact with when, so that when when can gradually adapt to his approach, but when he asks when, he doesn't know for a while What should be the answer.

He was afraid that if he said that this was not harassment, then whenever he encountered such a situation in the future, he would default to the other party's hand on his shoulder.

Li Rong was naturally unhappy.

But the problem is that if he tells Shi that this is a kind of harassment, and that Jean is determined not to let others touch her like this, then it means that he is harassing Shi now...

Li Rong pursed his lips, thoughtful, and then said to Shi Shi: "Under normal circumstances, if a man touches a woman's body without authorization, it is indeed a very sensitive matter, but if the relationship is close, it is not There will be such doubts, if it is a half-baked male approaching you in this way, then this person must be harassing you."

When opened a pair of pure and innocent eyes, looked at Li Rong and asked: "Then what if it is a familiar man?"

Li Rong was very vigilant, because he found that every time he asked questions, he always asked them in the most innocent and innocent tone, but the questions he asked were very lethal, and often made him feel that he was about to be overwhelmed.

He said very cautiously: "If it's an action like this made by men who are generally familiar with, it may be an unconscious touch. You have to observe their expressions to judge whether their thoughts are touched by accident or intentionally. touched."

When Shi nodded very seriously and said, "I understand."

After a pause, she asked again: "Brother Li, what did your action just now mean?"

Li Rong: "..."

really!Sure enough, it came!
He knows when the problem is not so simple and not so easy to deal with, when there is always a spirit of seeking to break through the casserole, and this kind of questioning is not the kind of unreasonable trouble, she is coming with a strong desire for knowledge Ask him these words.

So Li Rong had no way to perfunctory, nor could he ignore it.

Because he is worried that when he answers, it will affect when he will react when he gets along with other people in the future.

In case he was wrong, it meant when something might be misjudged and someone else would take advantage of it.

For a normal man who is selfish about when, he naturally doesn't want any man to have the opportunity to take advantage of when.

Li Rong felt tired, the little girl is not very old, why is the question so sharp?Is this trying to kill him?

"My action just now is a kind of... I can't help it!" Li Rong replied very, very carefully, "Because in my heart, my relationship with When is definitely different from those outside, although I can't compare When's family is close, but in my heart I long to have a closer relationship with When..."

When did he show an expression of sudden realization: "So Brother Li, are you actually creating an opportunity to get close to me, so that I can get used to touching you like this?"

Li Rong: "..."

He's dying, he's really dying!

He couldn't stand it anymore, why could this girl say such a thing?

It was like cutting his chest with a knife, pulling out his heart, and stripping away all the dirty thoughts in his heart for the public to see.

Li Rong stretched out his hands to cover his face, he didn't want to see him now, what should he do?This girl felt that every word she said wanted his life.

How could she use such a pure and innocent face to say such fruitful words?
When she said these words, Li Rong began to wonder if he was a veteran in the love field, otherwise, how could she complain about him as if nothing had happened?

When Li Rong waved his hand, he resolutely denied when what he said hit his heart, "Of course not. There are also some situations where people will have an unconscious movement when they are excited and excited. They just want to reach an agreement with the other party. On the same front, or when I want to agree with the other party's unconscious actions. The action I just made was actually the emotion of speaking, so..."

When to nod again, "Brother Li, I understand, what you just did was also an unconscious movement. It's like when we were in class, the teacher was lecturing on the top, and we listened to the bottom, and then we would do some small movements that the teacher didn't like. .”

Li Rong: "..."

A little trick that the teacher doesn't like?
and so……

Sure enough, when did he say again: "It's okay, Brother Li, just get rid of these little problems."

Li Rong: "..."

What if he is speechless?Needless to say, this matter must be dismissed, he just touched Shi Shi's shoulder, and as a result, he has been singled out for a lot of faults.

Li Rong hurriedly said: "Okay, let's go ride a horse over there sometime, you must have never ridden before, I will teach you!"

Shi Shi nodded, and immediately said: "Okay, then I will trouble Brother Li. I am a bit stupid, Brother Li, don't think I am annoying."

In all sports involving the body, when is really not very good at.

Li Rong finally felt that he had found his strength and could show it off in front of him.

When did he pick a bay red filly, and after inquiring about some precautions, he began to try to mount the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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