Chapter 811 Scumbag Textbook (19)

Throughout the dinner table, the problems that He Xiaoran was worried about did not arise, and they did not tell when to make colorful jokes.Nor did it act disrespectfully when.

But this does not prevent when the ability to draw inferences from one instance is used.

Because when did I feel that Li Rong's friends could not be said to be bad people, but they were all playboys.

Judging from one or two sentences of information disclosed in their chats, in the minds of these dandies, girls generally have no way to be on an equal footing with them. In their consciousness, girls are obviously decorations and adjustments. Products can make their boring and monotonous life more fun.

The role of a girl is equivalent to a grain of rice. When everyone is happy, they play with her, and when they are unhappy, they are busy with their own affairs.

When this cognition makes him feel that Li Rong is the same as his friends.

In his cognition, girls are also spices.

There was no talking when eating.

Because He Miao said, eat obediently when you eat, and sleep obediently when you sleep.

When she eats by herself, she doesn't need to take care of the millet grains.

Because Xiao Mili sat next to Zhou Zhichu, the little thing took a bite of his uncle, and he told his uncle what he wanted to eat, and his uncle would naturally give it to him.

Li Rong took a break from his busy schedule, and after chatting with his friends, he turned around and asked when: "Are you still used to it?"

Shi Shi nodded, "It's okay, the food tastes good, and I'm used to the taste. Thank you Brother Li, brother Li, talk about your god, I will eat mine."

After speaking, he smiled at Li Rong.

Li Rong continued to chat with his friends in peace, when Shi and Mi Li held their own small bowls and only cared about eating their own food.

They come out to eat.

Of course, the reason for Mi Li to come out is to protect my aunt. As for now, he is only protecting his little bowl, so I don't know if he protects my aunt.

After the meal, Da Zuo's gang booed and said that they would go to KTV to sing.

Before he could speak, Xiaomi Li had already said loudly: "It's not allowed. My mother said that my aunt is still a student and she can't go to bad places, and Xiaomi Li is still a child, so she can't go to bad places either. Li Xiuxiu , you are responsible for sending Mi Li and Auntie back home, if you don’t go home after that time, Mom will be very angry, and it will be scary if Mom gets angry!”

These words were told to him when he took Mi Li to the bathroom and changed his diapers.

It can be said that Mimi repeated these words word for word, and Mimi would never make the mistake of He Miao, saying it without changing a single word, he could quickly understand the meaning of when, and then use his own words. language to repeat the words.

Now, Dazuo who proposed to go to KTV was immediately complained by other people, "What are you so worried about? When they are still students, and Xiaoli is still a child, you want to take them to that kind of smoky place, What do you mean? Are you not afraid of spoiling the child?"

Da Zuo hurriedly raised his hands in surrender, "I'm sorry everyone, I was wrong, I was really wrong. Xiaomi Li, please forgive Uncle Da Zuo, Uncle Da Zuo didn't mean it. I'm sorry when, I just made a slip of the tongue just now, I'm used to it .We used to hang out there all the time, so... alas! I'm sorry, it wasn't on purpose."

When He smiled and shook his head, "It's okay. I know everyone didn't do it on purpose. It's my honor to have the opportunity to have dinner with you today. Brother Li said that you are all his best friends, that's why I want to eat together." Meal, this shows that Brother Li doesn't treat me as an outsider."

Li Rong smiled and nodded: "Of course the ones who can be brought here are not outsiders. Besides, you finally agreed to have a date with me. I'm not too happy yet."

When did he nod again, a pair of beautiful mist-like eyes were filled with the same innocence as before, "If Brother Li is like this, I will trouble you to send me and Xiaomi back."

Then when did he take a step back and bow reverently to everyone present, "Thank you for your hospitality. After meeting and getting along with you today, I have learned a lot."

Everyone laughed dryly, "No, no, no, we are also very happy to have dinner with you."

In fact, at the entire dinner table, only occasionally did he talk to Shi, and everyone else was talking about their own affairs.

How to say this, when it looks too small, add a grain of rice.

In the entire venue, no one regarded When as their peers.

So during their chat, they revealed some business-related words intentionally or unintentionally, and when they didn't say a word, they heard everything in their ears.

When she said that she learned something, she really learned something, not perfunctory them, but these people thought when they said polite words.

As a result, in the next two days, they found out that the employees of Jin Xinxin Company appeared at the same bidding venue as them. Not only that, they also won the first round of bidding with a huge advantage.

Everyone turned their attention to Li Rong, and Li Rong raised his hand, "I didn't confide a word, the conscience of heaven and earth, am I the kind of person who leaks secrets? Feelings belong to feelings, and work belongs to work. I make the distinction absolutely clear."

Everyone didn't believe it, and finally Zhou Zhichu reminded them: "During the meal last time, I told you not to keep talking about what you have and what you don't, and you must listen to it. Now solve the trouble you poke yourself, and don't blame others. "

When that girl was not easy to deal with, that girl looked stupid, but actually knew it well, of course, Zhou Zhichu didn't really understand the matter of feelings, but he was sure of one thing, Li Rong and He Impossible.

It's just that Li Rong is currently suffering. After Zhou Zhichu reminded him, Li Rong refused to give up, always thinking that although he was suffering, he still had to try.

Because when he is speechless except for communication and speaking, sometimes he is speechless and pokes his heart directly, other aspects are really perfect.

He is good-looking, smart and has a high IQ, very literary and artistic, likes to make money, and has the ability to make money.

At this point, when can be said to have killed 90.00% of the other girls in Nine.

But the problem is, when just talking, it can make Li Rong suffer for a whole day.

Even so, Li Rong was still suffering.

When did Li Rong make an appointment, and when did he reply to the message, saying that He Miao was going back to school, and she would not come out for two days because she wanted to accompany He Miao.

The family has been with He Miao these two days, and He Miao is as happy as the moon surrounded by stars.

Because everyone is kind to her, even Xiaomi Mili gave her all his treasured red envelopes.

Yulingju was already packing up, because it was Big Yu who said he wanted to go to school with He Miao.

He Miao was very happy, she would never go out with the stupidest idiot Guoguo on the idiot tree again!

(End of this chapter)

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