Chapter 812 Scumbag Textbook (20)

He Xiaoran and Shi Shi sent He Miao and Yu Lingju to the airport, and Yu Lingju held He Miao's hand.

He Miao was obviously in a particularly good mood. She held a big helmet and walked waddlingly, looking very proud of herself.

Yu Lingju held her hand, He Miao turned around, waved vigorously to everyone, and then bounced away.

There is no meaning to remember it at all.

Along with the two of them, there are five large boxes of luggage.

It was a gift prepared by He Miao's mother's family in Yulingju.

Because this meeting is not a formal family meeting, but a gift prepared by Yulingju in his personal capacity.

In order to prepare this gift, Yulingju did his homework in advance and worked very hard.

On the plane, He Miao swayed her legs, because the person next to her was Yulingju, she was very comfortable and relaxed, and even complained to Yulingju about Red King: "Big fish, Red King is a big fool, and he can't find his way home .”

Yulingju asked very cooperatively, "Then what should I do? She can't find her way, so why isn't she going home?"

Sure enough, He Miao stretched out her hand very proudly, and said proudly, "Take her home!"

Yulingju was surprised: "Did Miaomiao bring the Red King home?"

He Miao nodded proudly: "Humph!"

Yu Lingju smiled, then he leaned his head over and kissed her: "As expected of our genius Guoguo, nothing can defeat us Miaomiao. Come, give me a reward!"

After the kiss, he said, "Miao Miao, why are you so good? What would I do without you in the future?"

He Miao was even more proud, pinching her waist.

If pride would have a long nose, He Miao's nose could poke through the ceiling of an airplane.

After the plane took off, Yu Lingju covered He Miao with a blanket and drew the curtain to let her sleep.

After He Miao woke up, the plane arrived at the airport in country T. Knowing that He Miao was going back today, Mrs. Shimila and the little king specially sent someone to pick him up.

After leaving the airport, Yulingju saw the receptionist holding a sign at a glance. He went over to greet him, introduced himself, and then took He Miao to the palace of country T.

Mrs. Shimila knew that He Miao was coming today and she brought a very good friend with him. He Xiaoran did not specify who that friend was.

But Mrs. Shimila knew that He Miao had brought her boyfriend home after hearing the description of the responders!
In fact, Mrs. Shimila was a little surprised.

For Mrs. Shimila, it was beyond her expectation that Yulingju became He Miao's boyfriend.

From Mrs. Shimila's point of view, Yulingju is a public figure, and whether his combination with He Miao is suitable remains to be considered.

What's more, Mrs. Shimila is determined to give up. She hopes that He Miao can marry someone from country T, and even finds a partner for He Miao.

She hoped that this person could get along well with He Miao and keep He Miao.

Looking at it now, I'm afraid it won't work.

Originally, there were not many people who could get along well with He Miao, but Yulingju unexpectedly attracted He Miao's liking.

Mrs. Shimila watched a lot of He Miao's programs, among which Yulingju and He Miao's variety shows left a deep impression on her.

She found that Yulingju was very good at dealing with He Miao, and could always make He Miao happy and obedient.

The key point is that He Xiaoran has a positive attitude towards the relationship between Yulingju and He Miao.

Because not long ago, Yu Lingju suddenly announced his relationship with He Miao on the Internet, and emphasized that he was pursuing He Miao.

When Yulingju released that announcement, He Xiaoran must have known about it.

Mrs. Shimila actually knew that she had no position on He Miao's matter.

He Xiaoran knows He Miao better, and is more qualified to advise He Miao.

Mrs. Shimila is willing to return He Miao to He Xiaoran, but she will be very happy that He Miao can stay in country T because of love.

It's just that looking at it now, this wish is extravagant.

Because her daughter has brought home the boyfriend she made herself!
What else can Madame Shimira say?

Compared with Mrs. Shimila's entanglement, the little king seemed much calmer.

He was very happy and said to Mrs. Shimila: "Mother, I think it is a gratifying thing for my sister to bring her boyfriend back, because she is willing to bring her boyfriend back home for us to see, It shows that she is gradually treating us as relatives."

When the little king said it from this point of view, Mrs. Shimila immediately felt relieved.

That's right, it was because He Miao regarded them as family that she graciously brought her boyfriend home!
For He Xiaoran's country, it should be a very important thing for a boyfriend to visit for the first time, right?

This clearly treats them as He Miao's first family!

Mrs. Simila hastily ordered her servants to start arranging the palace, making sure to give top priority to receiving her daughter's partner for the first time.

Furthermore, Yulingju is a public figure, a very famous actor with a good reputation, his evaluation of the court also directly affects the image of the court.

The little king began to think about how to prepare a gift for his sister's partner.

After all, he has already learned that his sister's partner has brought a lot of big boxes, and the other party came prepared.It doesn't matter whether the gift is expensive or not, what matters is the heart.

The car stopped in front of the palace gate, Yu Lingju took He Miao out, and when he looked up, he saw the young king and the elegant Mrs. Shimila. .

The palace implemented a very high-standard royal reception ceremony. In addition to the military band, the red carpet stretched all the way to the entrance of the palace. It was clear at a glance how much the other party valued.

He Miao didn't feel that the atmosphere was wrong. Wearing a big helmet, she followed behind Yu Lingju, scratching Yu Lingju's palm with her fingers from time to time.

This trick was learned by He Miao from Yu Lingju. Yu Lingju held her hand at the celebration banquet at the end of their program, and just scratched her palm with his finger to tease her.

He Miao found it very interesting.

Now, she also secretly scratched Yulingju, she was still curious, would the big fish feel itchy?
Yu Lingju looked at the way He Miao was snickering, even though he was wearing a big helmet, he knew she was snickering.

Shaking shoulders revealed the password!
He quickly tightened his little hands and said with a smile, "Naughty!"

He Miao: "Hee hee."

The king happily greeted him, and said loudly to Yulingju, "Mr. Yu, I have seen all your works, and I think you are an excellent actor, and my sister is a simple and lovely person, but I think you are very similar to her." I am a perfect match, and I am honored to have you as my sister's husband."

What the little king said made Yu Lingju look at him differently, he thought that the kings in the court were all serious and rigorous people.

There may be a lot of Mandarin in the communication. I didn't expect the little king to be so young and active, and the words he said fit his current age.

The most important thing is that he didn't have any prejudice against He Miao, a sister with albinism who has been living outside for many years, which made Yu Lingju very relieved.

At least let him know that He Miao didn't suffer from any exclusion while living in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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