Chapter 828... (8)

Whether this is Yan Shaozhuang's private matter, He Xiaoran will ask at first, but she will not keep staring at Yan Shaozhuang to ask him about his relationship with other girls.

So she was curious, but embarrassed to keep asking.

When I saw the photo now, I was a little surprised.

For such a long time, she thought that Yan Shaozhuang and Fang Ruoyu had blown it off, but she didn't expect that they were still together.

This period is not short, right?I don't know how the two get along, and whether the relationship will get better and better.

He Xiaoran was a little emotional, but she always felt that it was not suitable for her to be overly involved in Yan Shaozhuang's relationship. After all, she was not his real sister who took care of her a lot. If the two got along well, the girl would misunderstand her when she showed up. , On the contrary, it is not good.

He Xiaoran's opponent Ruoyu is still fresh in his memory, he is a high IQ and quotient master.

I hope Yan Shaozhuang and Fang Ruoyu are going well.

Of course, He Xiaoran felt that the progress of the relationship between the two mainly depended on how Yan Shaozhuang would deal with it.

If Fang Ruoyu is wishful thinking, then the result is not very clear.

As long as Yan Shaozhuang is a little interesting, he can continue.

After all, it is Zhou Zhichu's choice, Yan Shaozhuang is the best if he doesn't miss it, if he misses it, who knows what kind of girl Zhou Zhichu will arrange in the future?

He Xiaoran felt that Zhou Zhichu was a little abnormal, otherwise he wouldn't have forced Yan Shaozhuang to have a child for him to raise.

Why?Yan Shaozhuang has hands, feet, money, and is handsome, so he can't raise a child by himself?

Zhou Chenyuan took a photo early in the morning, but the subject of the photo didn't know.

At the moment Yan Shaozhuang is having breakfast with Fang Ruoyu.

Fang Ruoyu smiled flatteringly at him while eating, "Hey."

Yan Shaozhuang sullenly held a document in his hand, looking through it with downcast eyes.

Fang Ruoyu is like a lingering ghost, following his buttocks every day, and hasn't stopped for more than half a year.

From his company to his lodging, Yan Shaozhuang felt a headache when he first saw her, but after seeing that he couldn't get rid of her, he gradually got used to it.

Yan Shaozhuang felt that Fang Ruoyu might be good at learning, but he might be lacking in other aspects.

She just couldn't understand her refusal so blatantly.

At first, Yan Shaozhuang thought that Fang Ruoyu might be doing it for money, but later he found out that Fang Ruoyu was doing it to treat her uncle, who needed a kidney transplant to save his life, and Zhou Zhichu controlled the source of this kidney.

If Fang Ruoyu can fulfill Zhou Zhichu's request, then her uncle will be saved.

While looking at the information in his hand, Yan Shaozhuang said without raising his head: "Don't waste your time on me. If you really want to save your uncle's life, you should do what your uncle's close relatives think. Maybe there will be a match. It is unrealistic to place hope on Zhou Zhichu."

While eating, Fang Ruoyu said, "I've tried it. I only have three brothers and one younger sister, and none of them are willing. If I hadn't been desperate, I wouldn't have accepted such an approach."

Speaking of Fang Ruoyu, he looked up at Yan Shaozhuang: "Mr. Yan, just help me, anyway, for you, even if something happens to us, you won't suffer. Is it because I am the one who suffers during pregnancy? Just be Reward yourself!"

Yan Shaozhuang put down the documents in his hand, raised his eyes slightly to stare at Fang Ruoyu: "Do you know what those words just said would sound like to someone who doesn't know the truth?"

Fang Ruoyu put down the spoon in his hand, and said blankly: "I can't take care of it anymore, my health is getting worse every day, and I don't know how long he can last."

Fang Ruoyu took a quick look at Yan Shaozhuang while eating: "Actually, I can understand what you think in your heart. You may feel that you look down on me. I think I have no ability, but if I have a little ability, I won't use it like this." There is a way to save my uncle. Although I call him uncle, in fact he is just like my father to me."

Yan Shaozhuang didn't know what to say for a while, if she was to be blamed, there was really nothing to blame for this matter.

This was Fang Ruoyu's own choice, but she had no choice.

But it's impossible for Yan Shaozhuang to agree to this kind of thing. How could two people who have no feelings give birth to a child?
Fang Ruoyu looked around, moved the stool forward, and whispered to Yan Shaozhuang: "Mr. Yan, would you like to spend a little time with me every day, maybe after a while you think I'm not bad , I have some affection for me."

"Let me invite you to watch a movie tonight. There is a very good movie. It has been released for a while. I want to watch it for a long time, but I have been busy with work, and the people around me are busier than me. I can't make an appointment at all." , it’s rare that I have a day off today. Can you go and see it with me?”

Yan Shaozhuang replied, "I'm not interested in movies."

"I know you're not interested in you, I mean can't we try to get along? If after a while, you confirm that you don't have any feelings for me, then I won't force it. Seriously, you Why don't you deny me now, I'm not reconciled, and I will keep pestering you. If you try it and find that you still can't have any interest in me, I will simply give up and find another way. "

Yan Shaozhuang thought about it, and felt that being pestered by her all the time was not an option.

Now everyone around him felt that he was dating someone, and even his mother started calling him to ask him if he was getting along with a beautiful girl.

This is because Yan Shaozhuang felt that he could not explain it clearly to his mother.

"You said this, I hope you keep your word."

As Yan Shaozhuang said, he reached out and put the materials into the file bag, "Since it's agreed, don't come to me at the non-appointed time. Is that okay?"

Fang Ruoyu immediately raised his smiling face, and nodded vigorously to Yan Shaozhuang, "Yeah, yes."

The two made an appointment for the evening, and Yan Shaozhuang stood up and walked after she finished eating.

Fang Ruoyu returned to the laboratory. After finishing her own series of experiments, she closed the door and took out a set of tools from the cabinet.

No, she couldn't wait any longer.

If he waited any longer, Zhou Zhichu would definitely replace him. He had given himself an ultimatum.

She couldn't take chances, if Yan Shaozhuang never had a good impression of her, would he give up?No, this is the only chance to save my uncle.

She must have a child with Yan Shaozhuang!
In the evening, Yan Shaozhuang really went to the appointment, and Fang Ruoyu knew that he was trying to get rid of the temporary policy he had come up with.

After watching the movie, Yan Shaozhuang wanted to send Fang Ruoyu back to the dormitory, Fang Ruoyu asked, "Then would you like to sit on top of me and have a cup of tea? It's only eight o'clock, you sit for half an hour, we come to chat, you don't want to drink What are you afraid of? You will definitely not have sex after drinking."

Yan Shaozhuang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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