Chapter 829... (9)

Yan Shaozhuang took a deep breath, further convinced that Fang Ruoyu's mind was not normal.

But Fang Ruoyu was standing in front of the car, as if she wouldn't get out of the way if he didn't get up and sit down.

Yan Shaozhuang glanced at Fang Ruoyu and said, "Two ten minutes."

Fang Ruoyu's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately replied, "Okay!"

A typical girls' dormitory is full of delicate decorations belonging to little girls, which are neatly tidy.

On the most conspicuous table, there is a photo frame.

The photo is a photo of Fang Ruoyu with an older man.

Fang Ruoyu poured Yan Shaozhuang a glass of water enthusiastically, "Mr. Yan, drink some water, and I'll wash two fruits for you."

Yan Shaozhuang looked at the group photo and asked, "Is this your uncle?"

Fang Ruoyu took a look and nodded, "Well, yes, it's my uncle. This is when he is healthy. When this photo was taken, I was not in college yet."

Fang Ruoyu was washing fruit, and while turning on the tap to turn on the water, she quietly ran to the door and peeked into the living room.

She noticed that Yan Shaozhuang picked up his cup and drank two sips of water.

Fang Ruoyu pursed his lips, washed the fruit quickly, and took it out.

"Mr. Yan, eat some fruit. When I was watching a movie just now, everyone around me was eating. I smelled that smell, and I felt hungry."

Fang Ruoyu picked up a pear while talking, and took a bite.

The way she eats is unpretentious, not at all like a girl in front of her sweetheart.

Yan Shaozhuang glanced at her, "I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully and didn't buy you some snacks."

Fang Ruoyu suddenly laughed, "Actually, I don't like to eat snacks, but in that environment, I can't help but feel a little greedy."

Fang Ruoyu chatted with Yan Shaozhuang without saying a word, "Mr. Yan, do you still have water? I'll pour you some more."

Yan Shaozhuang waved his hand and drank the water in the cup, "No need, that's enough, no trouble."

He raised his wrist to check the time, and felt that he was very sleepy today. Seeing that 10 minutes was approaching, she stood up, "It's getting late, you should go to bed early today, we will talk about it next time if there is anything else."

Fang Ruoyu was a little anxious, but she couldn't make it too obvious, she just said quickly: "Anyway, you have nothing to do when you go back now, why don't you sit down for a while."

Yan Shaozhuang glanced at Fang Ruoyu, "You live alone, so don't bring a strange man back."

Fang Ruoyu lowered his head and whispered, "But apart from you, I never brought any other man back."

After saying this, Yan Shaozhuang was stunned for a moment, and he glanced at Fang Ruoyu again, but he felt that he was getting more and more sleepy, so he had to go back quickly.

He raised his feet and walked towards the door, but found that every step he took was extremely strenuous. When he finally reached the door, he suddenly lost his footing and stretched out his hand to support the wall.

Fang Ruoyu trotted over quickly, and asked cautiously, "Mr. Yan, what's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Yan Shaozhuang was speechless, he looked at the girl in front of him, and felt that he was becoming more and more blurred and gradually lost consciousness.

In the last impression, it was Fang Ruoyu's very frightened call.

After an unknown amount of time, Yan Shaozhuang gradually came back to his senses, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Fang Ruoyu squatting in front of him, wiping his face with a towel.

Seeing that he woke up, Fang Ruoyu hurriedly asked, "Mr. Yan, are you alright?"

Before Yan Shaozhuang could answer, Fang Ruoyu said again: "Mr. Yan, do you have some minor problems like hypoglycemia?"

Yan Shaozhuang shook his head, "I have regular physical examinations, and every time the data shows that it is normal."

Fang Ruoyu frowned, "Pay attention in the near future to see if there will be a next time. If there is a next time, you must go to the hospital for a detailed physical examination in time."

This time Fang Ruoyu came over with a bottle of water, when Yan Shaozhuang unscrewed it, "Mr. Yan, drink more water. Don't rush to leave now, drink some water and take a rest, see if you can go, if you really can't go If so, you can call your friends and ask them to pick you up, I don’t feel at ease if you drive like this.”

Yan Shaozhuang waved his hand, "Just at that moment, I feel much better now, how long did I sleep for?"

"It's only half an hour. I originally wanted to call 120, and then I did a simple check on you, and found that your vital signs are normal, and your appearance is more like a long-term lack of sleep. It suddenly broke out at this moment."

Yan Shaozhuang nodded: "Well, sometimes I do sleep less. Then I have to pay attention to it."

After resting for a while, he stood up and felt that everything was normal, so he said goodbye to Fang Ruoyu and drove away.

After sending Yan Shaozhuang away, Fang Ruoyu closed the door and locked it, and took out a test tube full of liquid from the human bionics box.

Fang Ruoyu then contacted Yan Shaozhuang for a week, and was very concerned about whether the same situation happened to him the second time.

It's just that after a week, she contacted Yan Shaozhuang less and less frequently, and after that, she finally disappeared and completely disappeared from Yan Shaozhuang's side.

Yan Shaozhuang: "???"

He was sitting in the office, flipping through the things in his hand absently.

The secretary knocked on the door and poked his head in from the outside, "Mr. Yan, someone is looking for you outside!"

Yan Shaozhuang immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Let her in."

It turned out that the partner came in.

Yan Shaozhuang's mood at that time could not be said to be more disappointed, but more fortunate.

Being pestered by Fang Ruoyu all the time, he felt irritable, but suddenly one day she stopped pestering her, and Yan Shaozhuang felt a little lost instead.

Sure enough, everyone is cheap!
In the bathroom of the hospital laboratory, Fang Ruoyu's second pregnancy test.

She looked at the two bars on the test paper and let out a long sigh of relief.

She was worried that the first time was too short and the measurement would be inaccurate, so she deliberately waited for a month before taking another measurement. This time it should be accurate!
Fang Ruoyu gave a mobile phone number and sent a text message to tell the other party that he was pregnant smoothly.

Soon, Fang Ruoyu was brought before Zhou Zhichu.

Zhou Zhichu looked at her, and finally his eyes fell on Fang Ruoyu's stomach.

"Confirmed pregnancy?" Zhou Zhichu asked.

Fang Ruoyu nodded: "Confirm, I tested twice."

Zhou Zhichu asked again after a while: "Why would he agree?"

Fang Ruoyu replied: "Mr. Yan did not agree, but I am a medical student. I know how to conceive myself without the premise of normal human reproduction."

Zhou Zhichu looked at Fang Ruoyu, and suddenly laughed: "If this is the case, then can any man have his own child?"

Fang Ruoyu shook his head: "Of course not, some people are destined to have no children, such as patients with azoospermia."

Zhou Zhichu nodded and said, "I promised you something, and I will keep my promise. Next, you need to raise your baby with peace of mind and give birth to your child. In addition, you don't need to go to the laboratory. I don't want this child to suffer any harm."

(End of this chapter)

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