Chapter 830... (10)

Fang Ruoyu was originally engaged in scientific research in the laboratory. When he heard that he could not go to the laboratory, he immediately refused, "Mr. Zhou, I am afraid that is not possible. I only promised to give birth to a healthy child, but I did not say that I would give up my existing one." studies and work.”

"Not to mention that the experiment I did was a scientific research experiment, not the kind of experiment with chemicals that the public understands. If Mr. Zhou is worried about the health of his children, I think Mr. Zhou's worries are unnecessary."

Zhou Zhichu looked at her, and slowly walked in front of her: "Miss Fang, it's you who want me now, not me. Even if it wasn't you, you would have another woman, but you only want one thing. "

Fang Ruoyu pursed her lips, and then she looked up at Zhou Zhichu: "Mr. Zhou, if you insist, then you can arrange for the next woman."

After saying these words, Fang Ruoyu kept staring at Zhou Zhichu's eyes, impartial, neither saying nor humble, her eyes were her attitude.

Fang Ruoyu was also betting, she was betting how much Zhou Zhichu cared about this child.

With a kidney and a child, if she is controlled by Zhou Zhichu at this moment, then she will have no room to stand up in the future.

The two stood facing each other, with only one meter between them.

One man, one woman, one tall and one short, the eyes of both sides produced intense sparks in mid-air, and no one would give in to the other.

Fang Ruoyu knew too well that compared with Zhou Zhichu, she was a disadvantaged group.

She must fight for the greatest rights and interests for herself in the first round of confrontation.

Zhou Zhichu remained silent.

Fang Ruoyu took a step back, and she reached out to pick up her bag: "Don't worry, I will destroy the embryo, goodbye!"

Fang Ruoyu turned around and walked to the door. Just as his hand was on the doorknob, Zhou Zhichu said, "Wait a minute."

Fang Ruoyu stood where he was, with his head lowered, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he quickly returned to his original expression.

"You can continue to work, but my staff must personally check the child's birth inspection from beginning to end. If there is any mistake in the middle, all your work must be stopped."

Fang Ruoyu turned and looked at Zhou Zhichu, "Deal!"

On the 17th day when Fang Ruoyu disappeared completely, Yan Shaozhuang finally drove out of the company on a Monday morning and went straight to the hospital where Fang Ruoyu worked.

He registered a number for himself, and finally waited in line to see the doctor. He said that he had been in a coma before, and after 10 minutes to half an hour, he was worried about something wrong with his body, so he came here for consultation.

The doctor asked him about his usual work and rest habits in detail, and finally said to him: "Your work and rest habits are not particularly problematic. Do you usually have hypoglycemia? Or is it other underlying diseases?"

Yan Shaozhuang said no, the doctor asked a bunch of other questions, Yan Shaozhuang still shook his head.

The doctor was a little confused, "I checked, and your body is basically fine. If you are worried, why don't we do some basic screening, such as blood sugar and blood pressure?"

Yan Shaozhuang frowned and said, "Shouldn't it be necessary? I just had a physical examination two months ago, and the doctor said there was nothing wrong. Could it be that these problems will appear after two months?"

The doctor also felt that there was nothing wrong with him, but he insisted that he passed out for half an hour. If this is the case, the situation is quite serious.

The doctor persuaded him a few more words, and finally Yan Shaozhuang took the medical records written by the doctor and left.

In fact, when he went back after that day, he paid great attention to it. Even his work and rest time at night was advanced, and his body felt that everything was normal.

Besides, he didn't come here today to see a doctor, but to take the opportunity to see Fang Ruoyu.

Yan Shaozhuang naturally didn't feel that he came to see Fang Ruoyu on purpose, he was just a little worried, after all, he had been following behind him to gossip, and now that there was no news suddenly, he was worried if Fang Ruoyu lived alone The dormitory, no one knows what happened in it.

Fang Ruoyu is concentrating on doing scientific research experiments.

The door was opened by a colleague, and the colleague saw a young and handsome man standing outside the door, his eyes were a little bit bright.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

Yan Shaozhuang asked: "Fang Ruoyu, is Ms. Fang here?"

At the same time, he pointed to the sealed space inside, and said, "She is doing experiments inside, and I'm afraid she won't be able to come out for the time being."

Yan Shaozhuang took a look inside, but he didn't see Fang Ruoyu, so he frowned: "Is it convenient for me to go in and take a look?"

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid it won't work. The experiment she did was dust-free."

Yan Shaozhuang nodded his head to thank the other party, and then he sat down on the bench outside.

Since she was doing experiments inside, I don't believe she still came out for dinner. If he didn't see Fang Ruoyu today, he definitely wouldn't leave.

Yan Shaozhuang sat outside and waited. The colleague who just opened the door opened the door and looked outside, only to see Yan Shaozhuang sitting on a long chair.

The expression on the colleague's face was suffocated, and then he retracted his head, and the door of the laboratory was closed again.

The colleague hurried inside, probed Ruoyu and said, "Ruoyu, that handsome guy is really here."

Fang Ruoyu suddenly looked up at his colleague and asked, "Did he say what his name is?"

"He didn't say anything, he just said he was looking for you, and then I said you were doing an experiment, and he still wanted to come in to see me, and lied to him that what you did was Wuchen and didn't let him in. He is sitting outside waiting for you now, you If you don’t go back today, you will definitely meet him when you go back.”

Fang Ruoyu stretched out her hand to rest her forehead, and suddenly felt a terrible headache. At first, she thought that if she didn't go to Yan Shaozhuang, he might come to ask him a few days ago, and she had already thought about the reasoning.

After such a long time, Yan Shaozhuang actually found him?
What does he mean?What do you want to do?Could it be that he realized later that something was wrong that day?

No, I obviously used the non-sensing essence extraction at that time, which can be said to have avoided all sensitive elements, and absolutely did not make him feel any physical discomfort.

The main reason was that he was unconscious during that time, and it was even more impossible to find out.

Why did he suddenly come to find himself now?

Fang Ruoyu was also a little scared, maybe he already knew what was in his stomach...

She pursed her lips, but she didn't say it. If it was said by them, it would have nothing to do with her.

Fang Ruoyu finished the experiment and took a look at the full-length mirror at the door. The white coat covered her figure, and she was still young, so she couldn't see anything in her belly.

Fang Ruoyu deeply suspected that Yan Shaozhuang got this news from someone else.

She took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out. Sure enough, she saw Yan Shaozhuang sitting at the door, and when she saw her coming out, she raised her eyes to look at her.

When Yan Shaozhuang saw Fang Ruoyu coming out, he took a look at her. In fact, he was making sure that Fang Ruoyu was safe and well.

After all, a big living person suddenly disappeared, and he was quite worried. Seeing that she was fine now, Yan Shaozhuang was relieved.

People safe is good.

But Fang Ruoyu has a guilty conscience. After all, she stole someone else's seed, and now she is still planting it in her stomach.

So Yan Shaozhuang's sizing up and down eyes made Fang Ruoyu break out in a cold sweat. She felt that Yan Shaozhuang's sizing up her eyes must be because he knew the truth, otherwise, why had he never looked at himself with such eyes before?
Fang Ruoyu took two steps with a guilty conscience, folded his hands in front of his body, and entangled back and forth: " know?"

Yan Shaozhuang was stunned for a moment, you know?what do you know?
He immediately thought, could it be that he was talking about his body?

Yan Shaozhuang nodded, "Yes, I see."

Fang Ruoyu asked: "Then, what should I say?"

Yan Shaozhuang replied: "I can still say that, listen to the doctor and check regularly."

Fang Ruoyu looked at his reaction, feeling a little disappointed in his heart. He knew that was the reaction?
Not surprised or happy, not even angry, as if it was something that didn't matter to him.

Does this person really have emotions?
Or is it that he doesn't care about everything?

Fang Ruoyu nodded, feeling a little depressed: "Well, follow the doctor's advice, and hope everything goes well in the future."

Yan Shaozhuang won, and he asked again: "Are you busy recently? Have you been working hard on the experiment?"

Fang Ruoyu replied, "It's okay, I'm used to it, there's nothing hard or hard, I can hold on anyway."

She turned her face away, inexplicably feeling full of grievances, she was pregnant with his child anyway, is this his reaction?
Yan Shaozhuang said that he understood. It turned out that he didn't look for him because he was busy with experiments recently.

"You have to rest when you are busy. After all, you are a girl, no matter how hard you work, you must pay attention to your body."

Fang Ruoyu held back his nose, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you!"

After all, he just doesn't care about anything, talk to him about irrelevant things, such as paying attention to the body, whether it's hard or not, he doesn't care at all, okay?
She doesn't even want to talk to him now!
Fang Ruoyu stood up, "If you have nothing to do, go back, I'll be fine."

Yan Shaozhuang took a look at her expression and felt that her expression was not right. He wondered if work was not going well, so he was in a bad mood?
He left him to say a few more words, but it annoyed him and disturbed his work. He thought that he had confirmed that she was fine. She would go back today and talk about it later if there was anything else to do.

Of course, Yan Shaozhuang didn't want Fang Ruoyu to make a ridiculous deal with Zhou Zhichu.

He felt that Fang Ruoyu had just graduated from university, and he still had some brain problems, and his thinking was not mature enough.

Although she is a top student with a high IQ, she doesn't think well about many things. If she makes a deal with Zhou Zhichu, can Zhou Zhichu suffer?Only she suffers.

Besides, the child is not something else, something that hasn't appeared yet, so Fang Ruoyu naturally doesn't feel that there is nothing he can't let go of.

But one day she is really pregnant and has an extra baby in her belly. The instinct from the mother will definitely make her feelings for the baby deepen. At that time, it will be too late for her to regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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