Chapter 853 I Love Work (8)

After the meal, He Xiaoran pulled Xiao Juan to talk, and Xiao Juan said happily: "Boss, in fact, I took advantage of Brother Nan Zhao. If you are not psychologically balanced, I can still pay a little rent. But Brother Nan Zhao Say no, the room is vacant anyway. But I will pay the utility bill normally.”

He Xiaoran didn't reveal that Nan Zhao was the landlord, but said with a smile: "Nan Zhao said that you are allowed to live, so you can just stay at ease and live boldly."

Xiao Juan immediately felt relieved, "Thank you, boss."

Although Brother Nanzhao has always said that he can live there, but with the approval of the boss, Xiaojuan feels that he does not need to be sneaky. Otherwise, if the boss goes there to find Brother Nanzhao in the future, he will not be able to tell after seeing her.

After eating, Nan Zhao went back with Xiaojuan.

On the way back, Xiao Juaner said to Nan Zhao: "I think our boss is very nice. He is beautiful and has a good figure. Even the baby he gave birth to is so smart and cute."

Nan Zhao glanced at her: "Well, when He Xiaoran doesn't talk about money, everything is fine."

Xiao Juaner stared, "What is this called? Who can be good when talking about money? Who doesn't know that money is a good thing? Someone told me for no reason, asking me to give him the money. I was in a hurry, let alone boss?"

"Since when have you been brainwashed by her to become her fan?"

"What's a fan? I'm his employee. Isn't it natural to evaluate my boss objectively?"

"Those two are big and small."

Xiaojuan was upset, "Brother Nanzhao, you are wrong, Ms. He is your boss, you take the salary of the boss, and now you speak bad things about him behind the back, this will reach the ears of the boss, you said your work is still good Can you keep it?"

Nan Zhao didn't take it seriously, "I dare to say that in front of them."

Xiao Juan felt that Nan Zhao had no EQ, how could he say such things?
No matter how good the relationship is, you can't say this in front of the boss. To put it bluntly, it is the parents who live and eat!
The two murmured all the way because of this.

Xiao Juan lives in the master bedroom, which has a separate bathroom.

Nan Zhao felt that it would be more convenient for girls to have a room in the room. He is a man, so he came here as conveniently as possible.

Xiao Juan had just moved in and started to pack her things. The closet was soon filled with clothes that the little girl liked.

Don't look at Xiaojuan 28, but she is small and her face looks small. When she goes shopping for clothes, everyone recommends cute chairs. All the clothes in the lady's closet are almost the same style.

When Xiao Juan was packing up his things, he heard Nan Zhao outside seeming to be doing something.

She opened the door a crack, looked around, and found that Nan Zhao was mopping the living room with a mop.

Xiaojuan: "..."

Nan Zhao is so hardworking, yet he is still mopping the floor?
Xiao Juan retracted his head silently, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, how many people are there who love to do housework so much?

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Juan felt that Nan Zhao was really a good man, so he couldn't help silently giving Nan Zhao a thumbs up.

Before going to bed at night, Xiaojuan received a call from his mother.

As soon as the phone was connected, Juan's mother's voice came: "Xiao Juan, what's the matter with you? We didn't agree to go on a blind date today, why didn't you go? The young man has been sitting there for a long time! Don't you Why don't you say a word?"

Xiao Juan suddenly took a deep breath, it was over, she forgot about it.

"Mom, I didn't mean not to go. I've been busy moving for the past two days, so I'm confused!"

"Such a big thing is no more important than your moving. Are you stupid, kid?"

Xiaojuan was dejected: "No matter how important a blind date is, then it's also important for me to move. There are so many things, and there are people to help. If no one helps, the moving will not be completed in a few days."

"If you don't go, you have to tell people. This is the most basic courtesy. Otherwise, why would people think you are so impolite. Are you sensible?"

"I was wrong, I was so wrong."

"It's good to know that I'm wrong. I'll have to call someone later to apologize. Make an appointment again. You can forget such an important thing. You are just confused."

Juan's mother re-arranged a meeting time for Xiao Juan, and Xiao Juan remembered it firmly this time, and even set an alarm clock specially.

When the alarm clock rang at the set time, Xiao Juan ran to ask Nan Zhao for leave, saying that he was going on a blind date.

Nan Zhao looked up at her and asked, "Is it reliable?"

Xiao Juan scratched his head, "My aunt introduced it, so it should be quite reliable. Anyway, it was my aunt who kissed her. If she is not reliable, didn't she hurt me?"

Nan Zhao glanced at Xiao Juan suspiciously. He didn't suspect that Xiao Juan's aunt was unreliable, but he suspected that Xiao Juan was unreliable. Now in Nan Zhao's heart, Xiao Juan is almost a top-level idiot.

Nan Zhao took a piece of paper and a pen, put it on the table, and said to Xiao Juan, "Write down the time and place of the blind date, and send me a text message when it arrives, and send me a text message when the blind date is over."

Xiao Juan let out an "oh", bent down to pick up a pen, and obediently wrote down the address and time of her blind date on the paper.

"Brother Nan Zhao, can I go now?"

Nan Zhao looked at the address, judged the distance, and the time to rush there in case of any emergency, nodded and said, "Well, you can go."

When Xiao Juan walked to the door, Nan Zhao reminded again, "If you encounter anything, remember to call me."

Xiao Juan nodded, and waved to Nan Zhao, "Thank you Brother Nan Zhao, I'm leaving."

On the blind date table.

"I prefer a good wife and mother. I hope that after you get married, you can stay at home in peace. Every day when I come home from work and open the door, three meals a day are prepared. The windows in the house are bright and clean, and the ground Clean, everything in order."

"If you are ambitious, it is not impossible to want to work. You can go to work as long as you settle down at home. Any job should not affect the quality of your family. So I suggest you find a job that costs 3000 yuan a month , don’t work overtime, and don’t have entertainment.”

"In addition, I am a man of equality between men and women, so in terms of daily expenses, I hope that the daily expenses of both parties will come and go, so that it can appear that women have a higher status."

Not long after the man came up, he asked the waiter to bring two glasses of boiled water, and then started such a long-winded discussion.

Xiao Juan'er shrank her neck, put her hands between her knees, and listened to the other party's words seriously.

Originally, she looked small, but once she did this movement, she looked more like a girl listening to her heart.

"I am very satisfied with your appearance. I personally prefer younger ones, but since I myself don't want to have a deep generation gap with young girls, I lowered the criteria for choosing a spouse and set the age between 25 and 28." Now, congratulations, you have caught up with the tail of my mate selection criteria."

(End of this chapter)

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