Chapter 854 I Love Work (9)

Xiao Juan twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at the other party carefully and asked, "May I ask, how old are you now?"

"I am 32, the most prosperous age in a man's life, and his career is also at its peak. A child born at my age must be smart and healthy!"

Xiao Juan'er looked up at the sky, and counted with his fingers, "So you are 32, that's too old. People say that there is a generation gap of three years old, but you are four years older than me. It's a generation gap and you are turning around." .”

The man's face froze, "Standing up at thirty, my age is the right time to stand up."

Xiao Juan laughed dryly twice, and his voice weakened immediately: "Ah, I just asked casually..."

The man seemed a little displeased, feeling that Xiaojuan disliked his age: "Even if a man is 40 years old, he is still in demand, and he can marry a 20-year-old girl, but a woman will go downhill after 25 years old. After this age If you remarry, you can only marry second marriages, or be someone's stepmother."

Xiao curled his neck and dared not make a sound, but she was hard to find.

Finally, a lighting engineer got close to her in order to cheat her of 8000 yuan.

"I bought the house before marriage. I have a monthly loan of [-]. You can live in whatever you want, as long as you help me repay the loan..."

Xiaojuan thought about the house she was living in now, and she hadn't spent any money yet, and brother Nanzhao didn't ask her to pay, so she still needs to help repay the loan to live in his house?

Xiao Juan murmured in his heart, with such a comparison, who would want to live in his house?

He also has to do housework and work, and he has to earn the money to give birth to his child, and the salary can't be high.

This is really going to marry him, and this day doesn't seem to be very happy.

At this moment, a figure suddenly sat down.

"Who are you? Someone is sitting here." The man's eyes lit up when he saw the person sitting down, "Uh, may I ask you...?"

He Xiaoran crossed his legs, "Hi, I'm Xiaojuan's older sister. I know that my younger sister is going on a blind date with you today. I can't help but come over to take a look. I have a few questions for my younger sister's happiness. I would like to ask you, sir. I hope you don't find it presumptuous and abrupt."

The man's arrogant attitude changed immediately, and he hurriedly held his hand, "No, no, if you have any questions, just ask."

"May I ask what job you are doing now? What is the position of this company? How much is the monthly salary? Is the full payment on the RV? How much is the deposit?"

"You just said that you pursue equality between men and women, and hope that men and women can share daily expenses equally. I agree very much. So how do you balance daily housework and childbearing?"

"Housework can be divided equally, so to what extent can you divide the matter of having children equally? How much can you pay for the top-level genes you provide so that women are willing to give birth to children like you?"


Xiaojuan didn't dare to breathe, why did Miss He come?

Why did her aura change when she came?

Just now, the man's nose was almost touching the ceiling. When Ms. He came, the man's neck was two inches shorter!

He Xiaoran stretched out his hand and gently brushed his hair: "At the age of 32, sir, look at your hairline, no matter how good your genes are, I'm afraid it can't help young adults lose their hair, right? Tsk tsk tsk, this can't be done, little juaner, I suggest you think carefully about it!"

Xiaojuan: "..."

In the end, the man left in despair. Before leaving, he turned his head unwillingly: "If you miss out on a potential stock like me, you will regret it!"

He Xiaoran looked up at Xiaojuan, "Just now he said that he is a young talent, at the peak of his career, and finally he became a potential stock, look, the man didn't tell the truth."

Xiao Juan quickly sat down, "Miss He, why are you here? How do you know I'm here?"

He Xiaoran pointed at the private hospital next door, "I brought my son here for a physical examination. When I got off the bus, I saw you coming in. I thought of you saying that you have a blind date these few days, so come over and have a look. Look, you What kind of stuff are they looking at?"

Xiao Juan scratched his head in embarrassment, "I didn't know he was like this."

He Xiaoran glanced at her, "For such a man, if you really want to marry him, you will jump into the sea of ​​suffering, and you will never be able to swim back. He brainwashes you every day, making you accept the arrangement of fate obediently, and feel that Following him is the best choice."

Xiao curled his neck: "I, I didn't believe it either..."

"You have to believe it, I will fire you right now." He Xiaoran said: "Xiaojuan, let me tell you, if you choose a man, you have to find a template for reference!"

Xiao Juan looked at her curiously, "Template?"

He Xiaoran nodded, "That's right, if you have a reference, you will know what type of man you like, so when you are on a blind date, you can tell at a glance whether this person is your favorite."

"For example, if a girl thinks her father is a good man, she will use her father as a reference template when choosing a mate."

"This person's personality, temper, three views, and even the height, fat and thin, will have a general reference, and it will be easy for her to find someone who is comfortable with her."

Xiao Juan'er looked up at the sky and said, "My father and mother gave birth to me when they were 40 years old, and my father is almost [-] now..."

This has no reference value at all!

He Xiaoran said with a smile: "Besides father, there are many reference objects around me, such as brothers and uncles, those elders and the opposite sex who make you think they have good qualities and respect you can all be reference objects. .”

He Xiaoran glanced at Xiao Jiao again and reminded her: "What do you think of Nan Zhao?"

Thinking of the scene of Nanzhao cleaning last night, Xiaojuan nodded without hesitation, "Brother Nanzhao is really a great man, he can do housework and he will buy me an extra copy when he goes to work early. If I give him money, he doesn't even want it."

He Xiaoran smiled, "Yes, you have such a good reference object around you, you can use Nanzhao as a template and find one that is the same, how great it is."

"If your parents tell you in the future, what do you want to find? You can tell them according to Nanzhao's standard, and let them find you according to this standard!"

Xiao Juan stared, and thought about it very seriously. After a while, she suddenly realized: "Yes, Miss He, I can't remember it unless you tell me. Brother Nan Zhao is the best reference template!"

Xiao Juan looked at He Xiaoran with surprise and said: "I never thought about this, I thought about it this way, can my parents introduce me a good man who is very similar to Brother Nan Zhao?" ?”

Really worried about Xiao Juan's blind date, couldn't help but follow Nan Zhao who came over, just after entering the door, he heard Xiao Juan's last words.

Nan Zhao: "..."

Listening to Xiao Juan's words... is she secretly in love with herself?
(End of this chapter)

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