Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 882 Alerts Alerts

Chapter 882 Alarm Alarm (3)

The little king's face turned even paler. This time he was angry. He gave the red king a vicious look, turned around and left.

Seeing that he was walking towards Mrs. Shimila, He Xiaoran sighed, and said to the Red King: "You must be prepared for Mrs. Shimila to find you."

Red King was at a loss: "Why is she looking for me?"

"For you to leave his son, it will tell you the difference in status, the difference in class, and even tell you that a person like you is not worthy of a noble king. Of course, from the mother's point of view, she That's right, because in her eyes, you are not even worthy to carry her son's shoes."

The red King looked at the little king's shoes, "Am I that bad?"

He Xiaoran looked at the little king's back, then at the red king, and nodded with certainty: "It's really not good."

Red King: "..."

"However," He Xiaoran leaned in front of her again and said, "No matter how bad you are, it's not a reason for others to humiliate you."

Red King was taken aback.

He Xiaoran smiled and said: "So, when Mrs. Shimila finds you and tells you the difference in status between you, you must tell her very simply that you don't have any wrongdoing for her son, and at the same time hope that The safety of His Majesty the King is more favorable. After all, his safety is related to the country T."

Red King said angrily: "His mother has come to humiliate me, why should I care about him?"

"You don't care about him, but tell Mrs. Shimila that you can see the difference in class clearly. So let her not worry, as long as the king doesn't look for you, you won't even be able to enter the palace..."

The Red King was not convinced, "I can enter the palace, I can climb over the wall..."

He Xiaoran couldn't take it anymore, pinched her face, and said viciously: "I am your creditor, I will do whatever I say, when someone comes to you, just follow what I taught you, do you hear me?"

Red King's face was pinched, and it hurt so much, he nodded hurriedly: "I hurts..."

He Xiaoran stretched out his hand and tapped her forehead, "Let me tell you, if you don't pay back the 160 million, you won't be able to marry anyone you marry."

Hong King was shocked, "Nan Zhao is really right, what a serious person!"

Nan Zhao not far away: "!!!"

Damn it, he's so far away, yet he can still be involved, and he won't care about the red king if he is killed in the future!
As soon as I turned around, I went to find the small rolls that I had eaten all night, and the small rolls were full.

She has never eaten many delicacies from mountains and seas, so she just wants to eat everything once during the banquet. No one else will eat it, and she will eat it alone.

When Nan Zhao found her, Xiao Juan was rubbing his stomach and humming.

Nan Zhao: "..."

Look, look, he knew that if he didn't look at Xiao Juaner for a while, she would lose control of herself.

Nan Zhao pulled her to stand up, "Come on, I'll take you out for a walk to help you digest your food."

The red king was a little depressed, sitting at the dining table, grabbed a king crab leg and ate it, sighing while eating, the only thought now was regret.

She stretched out her hand to fold the crab legs, pulled out the meat strips, and sent them to her mouth.

As soon as she was sent in, she saw Mrs. Shimila walking towards her.

Red king: "!!!"

Is He Xiaoran an old witch?Can fortune tell?
Sure enough, after Mrs. Shimila came, even what she said to her was similar to what He Xiaoran said.

The red king was shocked three times, pursed his lips and obediently listened to Madam Shimila, and when she talked about the difference in their identities, the red king finally caught his chance.

"Ma'am, I really don't have any unreasonable thoughts about your son. He is a king, and I am an ordinary person. I only hope that His Majesty's people will create welfare. At the same time, I also hope that Mrs. Shimila will pay more attention to His Majesty. Personal safety, after all, his safety is related to T country."

After a pause, the red king said unwillingly again: "Without His Majesty's summoning, I would not even be able to enter the palace. Ordinary people, I know."

"Besides, I still owe He Xiaoran more than 100 million yuan, and mine is working hard for her. That black-hearted capitalist He Xiaoran said, if I don't pay off the more than 100 million yuan I owe her, I won't be able to marry. people."

Mrs. Shimira: "..."

After Mrs. Shimila left, the red king went to find He Xiaoran, "He Xiaoran, I decided to hang out with you in the future."

He Xiaoran was curious: "You have been messing around with me from before to now. What's the matter? Finally admitted it verbally?"

Red king: "That old woman really came to me just now, and she told you exactly the same. She also said that her son is her. She said that she wanted to marry me as a princess."

He Xiaoran said, "Have you seen the reality clearly?"

Red king: "I see clearly."

"Very well, work harder in the future, don't read novels every day. Novels are to relieve stress, not to make you lazy."

Red King: "... Got it."

When did she lean over her head, "What did she do?"

"I was stalked by He Miao's brother before." He Xiaoran explained.

When: "He Miao's elder brother is that little king, tsk tsk tsk, that kid is hard to deal with at first glance. He Miao's cleverness and ruthlessness have been snatched by his brother. So our Miao Miao is now It's a little angel."

He Xiaoran glanced at her, "How nice, I don't want to raise a cruel little devil."

Zhou Chenyuan couldn't help but glanced at her again, "You have taken away all the cruelty from the three of you sisters, apart from you, everyone in the family is naturally a little angel."

He Xiaoran went straight over and pinched his neck, "The first person I'm ruthless with is you, that's you!"

Xiao Mili came over and hugged her mother's thigh, "Mom, don't kill Dad. Later, Dad will abuse the child!"

When: "Hahahahaha..."

The place is in disarray.

But He Miao and Yu Lingju were the happiest. He Miao was considered during the wedding process, and instead of setting up a toast for the couples one by one, they toasted collectively.

He Miao changed her clothes, and she said that she was a big red envelope and jumped into He Xiaoran's arms: "Send a big red envelope to my sister!"

Mi Li yelled anxiously: "Mi Li! Mi Li wants a big red envelope!"

He Miao picked up the millet again and rubbed it vigorously, "Give the rice a big red envelope!"

Yan Hua looked at it not far away with tears in her eyes, "Look at how beautiful my daughter is, and how good the children's feelings are."

This is the big family she wanted. It turned out that it was Kutani Wenchang, who knows what to do every day if there is nothing wrong with him. He doesn't feel safe living in his own home. Someone will secretly stab someone in the back at any time. .

Thinking about it now, Yan Hua felt that thanks to A Yuan's determination, the family must be separated, no matter how many people objected, he was determined to decide on the separation.

Separated, the world is clean.

Of course, how did the changes in Caiwei Mountain come about?

There is no doubt that Xiao Ran brought it.

(End of this chapter)

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