Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 883 Alerts Alerts

Chapter 883 Alarm Alarm (4)

In fact, from Yanhua's point of view, she is really grateful to He Xiaoran.

If it wasn't for Xiao Ran, the changes in their family wouldn't be so obvious.

If it wasn't for Xiao Ran, Caiwei Mountain wouldn't exist.

If it wasn't for Xiao Ran, they might still be living in the dirty and chaotic environment of Jiugu Wenchang.

Unchangingly abide by the family rules set by Kutani Wenchang, live a lifeless life, but have to spend his life in intrigue.

Thinking of those times in Jiugu Wenchang, Yan Hua couldn't help but shiver. Fortunately, fortunately, they met Xiao Ran.

The only thing the old man did right in his life was to use the vernier caliper to find a good girl like Xiao Ran on the map.

Of course, for the old man, the appearance of He Xiaoran may be a shame to the old man, because it is the result of He Xiaoran's calculation of the old man.

But for their family, it was extremely lucky.

Xiao Ran changed Zhou Shang's family, also changed Jiugu Wenchang's old custom of not separating families, and even changed Jiugu Wenchang's stubborn rules that have remained unchanged for hundreds of years...

She brought lovely grains of millet to Caiwei Mountain, she made Ah Yuan full of vitality, full of active exploration of the world, and made everyone around her grow up and grow up as if they had absorbed the light of the sun. Gorgeous.

It seems that everyone does not interfere with each other, but no one has left Xiao Ran Dumei.

Yan Hua never imagined how boring their lives would be if Xiao Ran left one day.

Even a troubled girl like He Miao has found her own happiness.

Is there anything in this world that cannot be overcome?

Wearing a red Chinese dress, He Miao hugged everyone she thought was a family member.

After hugging, she felt that this huge red envelope of hers also made others feel happy.

Yu Lingju took her hand and looked at He Miao with a smile.

He knew that from now on, there would be a girl named He Miao in his life, and the two of them would go through a long and short life hand in hand.

Nan Zhao walked back holding Xiao Juan's hand. Xiao Juan saw He Miao giving out red envelopes at a glance, she immediately let go of Nan Zhao's hand, rushed up and hugged He Miao, and said loudly, "Quick, the boss asked me to give out red envelopes." joy!"

He Miao stretched out his hand, touched Xiao Juan's head lightly, and said loudly, "Xiao Juan, be good."

Xiao Juan said loudly: "Yeah, of course I'm good, can the boss give me a raise?"

He Miao immediately looked at when.

When refused mercilessly: "That won't work, you haven't done any work that creates great value for the company, how can you be given a salary increase? Why should you be given a salary increase? Giving you a salary increase is for those who are capable and capable. A blow to talented employees. No door!"

Xiaojuan looked at Nanzhao sadly and angrily, just look at it, she will know when this little stingy guy will never give her a raise.

So, Nan Zhao walked over to Shi Shi, put his arms around Shi Shi's shoulders, lifted her whole body up, put her in a corner, and said to her, "You give Xiao Juan a raise..."

When did he resolutely refuse, "Brother Nanzhao, are you still planning to use force to threaten me to give Xiao Juan a salary increase? Let me tell you, if there is a salary increase, you will die."

Nan Zhao was so angry that he was half dead, "Can you finish listening to me?"

When: "You say."

"You give Xiao Juan a raise..."

"Thinking beautiful!"

"Can you hear me out?"

When: "I'm sorry Brother Nanzhao, as soon as I hear someone raise my salary, I will respond by reflex."

Nan Zhao: "..."

"You add 2000 yuan to Xiaojuan's salary and deduct it directly from my salary!"

Nan Zhao was afraid that his speech would be interrupted again, so he didn't add punctuation marks, and finished speaking in one breath.

When: "No problem, although it's a little troublesome, but for the sake of the harmonious relationship between the husband and wife of the employees, I'm still willing to pay for this kind of trouble and sacrifice."

Nan Zhao stretched out his hand and tapped on Shi Shi's head, "If you are so stingy, you will definitely not be able to marry in the future, and no one will dare to marry you."

He had already walked a few steps, and he turned around to remind him when: "People like Li Rong are not considered human beings."

When: "...Brother Nan Zhao, how did Big Brother Li offend you? You speak ill of him every day."

Nan Zhao said: "He has already offended me by thinking about you. A wretched old bachelor wants to marry an innocent, lovely, lively and beautiful stingy girl. He has a good idea!"

The main thing is to understand how absurd Li Rong used to be, and Nan Zhao, who is also in Jiugu Wenchang, knows best.

When: "...Brother Nan Zhao, the adjective stingy doesn't need to be said."

After the two of them went back, when did they walk up to Xiao Juan, put their arms around her shoulders and said, "Sister Juan, just now Brother Nan Zhao discussed with me, and he gave me a suggestion, saying that you have been working hard here for the past few years. You work hard, although the things you do are not difficult, and you are not skilled or complicated, but seeing that you have a good attitude and are willing to endure hardships, I decided to give you an extra salary of 2000 yuan."

Xiaojuan's eyes lit up suddenly, tears of emotion rolled in his eyes, "Really, really?"

When nodded affirmatively, "It's absolutely true. When the real money arrives in your account, how can you fake it?"

Xiaojuan was even more moved, "Boss, I will never call you a pickpocket behind my back again. I will definitely work harder for you!"


She glanced at Xiao Juan, "So you're also calling me He Bapi behind your back?"

Xiaojuan clenched his fist: "I won't bark again! How generous you are!"

When: "Then you haven't forgotten your own job, is it to be He Miao's assistant?"

Xiao Juan shook his head, "I haven't forgotten, I remember it. Don't worry if you are in his position and looking for something, I will work hard!"

Xiaojuan is now also found.Even if He Miao is married to Yulingju, she still needs an assistant.

Both He Miao and Yu Lingju are entertainers, and it is impossible for the two of them to work together every day. Yu Lingju knows He Miao well, and if he coaxes He Miao again, he cannot do without himself.

Because it is impossible for Yulingju to follow He Miao 24 hours a day!

When she thinks about it, Xiao Juan is very proud. Her role is still irreplaceable, and it is even more impossible for her to lose her job.

After Yulingju and He Miao's wedding, Yulingju took He Miao out for their honeymoon.

The honeymoon place is T country.

Actually, this is a gift from Yulingju, the newly appointed son-in-law, to Mrs. Shimila.

Because of her special status, Mrs. Shimila couldn't stay in Nancheng for a long time, so she went back with the little king as soon as the wedding was over, and no matter how reluctant she was, she had to separate.

Yulingju suddenly brought He Miao to the court, which really made Mrs. Shimila ecstatic.

After He Xiaoran found out, he still couldn't help but sigh in his heart. When did he choose this brother-in-law for He Miao, it was really great.

Knowing how to behave and do things, completely made up for He Miao's lack in this aspect...

It may not be insufficient, but slightly lacking.

(End of this chapter)

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