Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 896 Alerts Alerts

Chapter 896 Alarm Alarm (17)

Zhou Zhichu glanced at Zhou Chenyuan, "Young yin and yang are weird."

Zhou Chenyuan said again: "I heard that Aunt Eleven is pregnant? Congratulations Uncle Eleven, now you don't have to steal other people's children."

Zhou Zhichu was so angry with him that he didn't speak for a long time.

He reached out and tapped on the table, and said, "What do you mean by robbing someone else's child? You know how much time and energy I have spent on choosing the mother of the child. To put it bluntly, the agreement is still there. You let Fang Ruoyu stand in front of me. face, try to regret it?"

The old god Zhou Chenyuan said: "Who is Fang Ruoyu? Naturally, she dare not go back on her word in front of Uncle Eleven."

"It's just that I, as the Zhou family, have some things to say. If Uncle Eleven wants to use Yan Shaozhuang's child to pretend to be the heir of the Zhou family, I can't just sit idly by. Although I have moved out of Jiugu Wenchang, my last name is Zhou. "

"You said that I was protecting Yan Shaozhuang. I admit this, but other than that, I also think about the Zhou family. Now Aunt Eleven is pregnant, and she will be my younger brother and sister. This is a great joy .”

"Oh, by the way, Mi Li said that if his uncle becomes a baby, he will protect his uncle and sister-in-law in the future. Please ask him to have more babies."

Zhou Zhichu propped his forehead with his hands and closed his eyes, just because he was so angry with the kid in front of him.

In fact, Zhou Zhichu knew in his heart that if Wei Sisi hadn't suddenly reported that he was pregnant and had four children, Fang Ruoyu's child would be taken away at all costs, even though he knew that the problem was complicated.

But now, the series of consequences of bringing Fang Ruoyu to give birth to a child are far more complicated than keeping the child in Wei Sisi's belly.

To put it bluntly, after weighing the pros and cons, Zhou Zhichu knew very clearly that choosing the child in Wei Sisi's womb was the best choice.

Firstly, Jiugu Wenchang's pressure on him that he has no heirs has been calmed down, secondly, it is indeed his child, and thirdly, with a child, Wei Sisi will be able to hold the position of the Eleventh Lady with peace of mind.

Under the comprehensive conditions, the best choice is to give up Fang Ruoyu's child, give A Yuan face, win over the third elder brother's family, Mi Li returns to Zhou's house, and the relationship between Caiwei Mountain and Jiugu Wenchang is as harmonious as ever...

What's more, the four children in Wei Sisi's womb are in good health, and the chances of giving birth safely are very high.

If he is at odds with A Yuan because of this matter, the loss outweighs the gain.

It's really a matter of him stepping back and taking a step back.

A Yuan found him several times, but in fact he bowed his head to him, hoping to see him for his sake and stop worrying about Fang Ruoyu's affairs.

Otherwise, A Yuan wouldn't be eccentric in his words, and deliberately stab him a few words to make him feel better.

Zhou Zhichu saw the pros and cons clearly, but Zhou Zhichu felt aggrieved.

There is no other reason, because Zhou Zhichu knows very well that the person who really hopped up and down to control the overall situation in this matter is He Xiaoran.

He is angry!

Back then, she played with Jiugu Wenchang and Caiweishan. Now, she is playing with Jiugu Wenchang and Caiweishan. She grinds walnuts with both hands, turning as she wants, and stopping as she wants.

With such a young girl, he was really angry just thinking about it.

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at him, "If Uncle Eleven is dissatisfied, I will bring Mi Li to the door in person someday, and ask him to make a promise with Uncle Eleven himself."

Zhou Zhichu pinched his brows, "Okay, you don't need to say any more. I know Fang Ruoyu doesn't have the guts, but as for Shaozhuang..."

Zhou Zhichu paused, chewed the name in his mouth, and continued: "I know what kind of person he is. Since he is reluctant, let's keep the child. He was against it in the first place."

As he said that, Zhou Zhichu took out an agreement from the drawer under the coffee table and threw it in front of Zhou Chenyuan, saying, "Take it, the agreement will be void, and it will be assumed that I have chosen a suitable wife for Shaozhuang."

Zhou Chenyuan took it over and flipped through it, "Uncle Eleven has worked hard."

"Remember to call me at the full moon banquet. If you can't raise a child, you can still be a godfather."

Zhou Chenyuan made an agreement, "Uncle Eleven is very generous. I knew that Uncle Eleven was a person who cared about the overall situation. If someone like Uncle Eleven took over in Jiugu Wenchang, it will definitely get better and better in the future. There will be countless cooperations in the future. Uncle Eleven goes hand in hand, we are a community."

With that said, Zhou Chenyuan stood up and said, "Okay, I won't bother Uncle Eleven anymore. If there's nothing else, I'll go back first. Uncle Eleven, take your time to rest!"

Zhou Chenyuan turned around, and simply left quickly.

Leaving Zhou Zhichu behind, he sat there and could only curse, "A family of three, there is no good thing."

The wedding ceremony of Yan Shaozhuang and Fang Ruoyu was held together with the full moon banquet of the two dolls, the reason is to save trouble.

Yan Shaozhuang's mother, An Qing, personally organized the entire wedding process.

Yan Qing was worried that she would not be able to hold on, so she specially arranged for Yan Shanshan to help.

And all the wedding expenses were borne by Yan Qing, his stepfather.

After An Qing married Third Master Yan, she never spent any big money.

Now her only son's wedding and the child's full moon banquet suddenly became the most solemn part.

An Qing has always felt ashamed of her son for so many years. The two most important things in her son's life were put together, and she naturally went all out.

Considering An Qing's body, Third Master Yan also attached great importance to it, and participated in everything that required his participation.

At the very least, in the eyes of outsiders, although Yan Shaozhuang has restored his surname Yan, the Yan family is still Yan Shaozhuang's backer.

Third Master Yan had three sons and one daughter, so it was natural that Yan Shaozhuang was a stepson. After Yan Shaozhuang left the Yan family, the two parties still maintained a friendly relationship.

Brother Yan usually needs Yan Shaozhuang's help for anything, and if he wants to borrow Yan Shaozhuang's strength, Yan Shaozhuang will still help without hesitation.

It's just that his participation in the Yan family's core project has decreased, and he no longer takes a stake.

His current core shares are mainly the mines in country T, which occupy a large part, followed by the projects he developed in China in the next few years.

Among them, there are many cooperation projects with Jin Xinxin.

This is not what Yan Shaozhuang wanted, but He Xiaoran's shameless slap in the face in order to hold Yan Shaozhuang back in the first place, so that when he would rely on him.

The reason given was to borrow Yan Shaozhuang's network resources.

Anyway, Yan Shaozhuang is right now if he is not short of money, and he is not short of money, which is different from Nanzhao's.

Nan Zhao really doesn't spend money, he is content with eating and drinking, and he doesn't buy anything for a year.

He doesn't prefer a refined life, and doesn't deliberately buy all kinds of luxury goods, but he is somewhat influenced by the people around him, and the cost of food and clothing is the best.

It's just that he is not fanatical and has no desire to buy.

Most of his things follow the trend and buy them with Zai Rong and the others, because in this way, he doesn't need to bother to choose the quality and save trouble.

Anyway, when Fang Ruoyu was worried about money at the wedding, he felt that he paid himself a dowry of 2 yuan, fearing that he would have no status at home in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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