Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 897 Alerts Alerts

Chapter 897 Alarm Alarm (18)

Inside the baby carriages tied with red silk ribbons, two baby babies were dangling. Xiaomi Li pouted and pushed one of the baby carriages.

She is two years older than Mi Li, so she is stronger than Mi Li, and Mi Mi has used all her strength to feed the baby. The little girl pushed the stroller and was able to walk steadily forward.

After the two baby shower girls delivered the car, the task was completed.

Xiao Mili got a big red envelope again as she wished, and proudly stuffed the red envelope into her pocket.

Mi Li turned around and said to He Xiaoran: "Mom, Mi Li will not go to school in the future, and Mi Li will earn red envelopes in the future."

He Xiaoran sneered, "How many flower girls do you think there are for you? How many times have you been a flower girl, either your uncle or your aunt, they are all people you know around you. When you don't know People become flower girls, and we can talk about it after earning red envelopes."

"Do you want to go to kindergarten? It's beautiful."

Xiao Mili pouted and was very wronged. How could a mother beat a child like this?

He is still a child, he should be encouraged.

The little flower girl was very sad and felt that she was no longer her mother's baby.

Shi Shi hugged the millet and put it on his lap, "Rice is a little genius in my mother's heart. Little geniuses don't use their physical strength to make money, but their brains."

"Now you are focusing on the mental work of pushing carts and sending flowers with your body. Of course, my mother will feel disappointed."

Millet thought about it, and felt that what Auntie He said was right.

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at the unscrupulous mother, and gave Xiaomi Li a firm look: "Father believes that you are the best in everything you do."

Xiao Mi was a little happier now.

Pointing to the bride on the stage, He Miao asked Yu Lingju, "All brides look good!"

Yu Lingju nodded, "That's right, the brides are all super beautiful."

He Miao frowned and said, "I want to be a bride!"

There are good-looking clothes to wear, and a lot of red envelopes to receive.

Yu Lingju sighed: "Only those who have a bad relationship will become a bride again. Miaomiao and I have such a good relationship, so we can't be a bride again."


"People who have a bad relationship will get married for the second time, so they can become a bride for the second time. Is Miao Miao going to divorce me?"

"What does divorce mean?"

"Divorce means that you are no longer a family."

"do not want!"

"Then Miao Miao will have no chance to be a second bride."


Xiao Juaner started to eat like crazy again, Nan Zhao became anxious: "When you finish eating later, you will eat yourself up!"

Usually I don't give her less to eat, why do I eat desperately when I come out to eat?

Xiao Juan'er replied: "When I was in my hometown, eating banquets means not eating desperately when the food is improved. The gift money I handed over is thankful, and I can't eat it back!"

Nan Zhao was mad, "Why is it necessary to come here? Look at how many are still unmarried. Every time you get married, you eat yourself like this?"

Under Nan Zhao's repeated persuasion, Xiao Juan didn't eat or drink too much.

Red King was sitting at the table with her face in her hands, her belly was a little bigger, and she didn't go to the company recently, just eating, drinking and having fun in Jiugu Wenchang.

But her right to read novels was deprived by He Xiaoran. He Xiaoran felt that holding her mobile phone all day was not good for prenatal education.

Red King seldom came out to a banquet, saying that He Xiaoran was unprepared, and stretched out his hand to grab a pig's knuckle, but He stared back at him.

Red King suddenly felt a chill in his scalp, Xiao Papi looked so closely?

Red King's last prenatal examination was just two days ago. The doctor said that Red King had excess nutrition and should pay attention to a balanced diet.

So He Xiaoran and When kept looking at Red King, not letting her eat big meat and oil, worrying that the child would be too big to be good for the health, and it would be difficult to give birth at that time.

Red King was furious. She rarely came out to eat banquets, so she wanted to sneak a bite of oil, but she was looked at deadly. How could this be?

They are abusing pregnant women, don't they have any awareness of this?
When did you get so angry, "Why don't you have a mouth to slander you to death?"

Red King said angrily: "I haven't eaten meat for several days!"

When: "What meat do you want to eat? Last night you ate half a bowl of bird's nest. Now you are thinking about eating meat. Be careful that you won't have a baby when you give birth!"

"You learn from my sister. How balanced was my sister's nutrition at that time? When giving birth to a baby, the small grains will come out when the baby is born. It means that the child is well controlled, the size is moderate, and it is easy to give birth during normal delivery. not guilty."

"At any rate, you have learned about pregnant women with me, but you don't know this bit of common sense? You can't control your mouth when you eat, and you have to cut your stomach with a knife to get the baby out."

"Have an extra wound on the belly, do you know how many people suffer? You also saw it when the bride was confinement in Caiwei Mountain, because it is inconvenient to do anything because of the extra wound on the belly, I heard people I said it, the wound will itch easily in the future!"

Red King swallowed nervously, "Okay, don't talk about it, I understand, can I not eat?"

When: "I have realized this a long time ago, and there are still people whispering in your ears. You don't realize it, but people still whisper in your heart after they say it."

King Hong was very sad, thinking that being pregnant is really troublesome!

When He Xiaoran was pregnant at the beginning, she thought it was not that troublesome, but now it was her turn.

She finds it very annoying, there are so many people in charge, they are in charge of this and that, and they have to control everything they eat and drink. Isn't this killing her?
He Xiaoran glanced at the red king and reminded, "When you are right, you are disobedient now, and you will suffer yourself in the future, so don't yell at us then."

"You have to dare to yell at us when the time comes. We only care about the children and leave you alone. You have a wound on your belly. Let's see what you do."

Red King: "... Got it."

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at them, women are troublesome and have many things to do.

He looked at the millet grain sitting on Shi Shi's lap, and then at He Xiaoran, who was staring at the bride and groom on the stage.

Zhou Chenyuan couldn't help feeling proud, it's better for his wife and children.

He earnestly counted with his fingers, he has to be 22 years old to get married, soon!There is hope!

Besides, he doesn't have to get the certificate yet, he can organize the wedding.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chenyuan's heart was agitated, yes, why didn't he think of holding the wedding first?

So he moved towards He Xiaoran, "He Xiaoran, let me tell you something."

He Xiaoran turned his head and glanced at him, "What's the matter, tell me."

"The two of us will hold a wedding next month. I will ask Hu Daxian'er to pick an auspicious day and organize our wedding!"

He Xiaoran stared round his eyes, turned to stare at him and said, "What are you talking about?!"

(End of this chapter)

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