Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 901 The Little King's Love

Chapter 901 Little King's Love (2)

Mrs. Shimila took the initiative to talk to His Majesty the King.

When the little king heard that Mrs. Shimila wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, his head suddenly became dizzy.

What he is most afraid of now is talking with his mother, because the little king can almost guess what they want to talk about, and it is nothing more than the important responsibilities of the family, the country, the world, and the society.

The core point is to let him put aside his children's personal affairs and focus on the development of the country.

But the little king was very angry in his heart. He had scruples about this and that. He had already sacrificed too much compared to his peers. How could he even care about women?

He is obedient to major events in the world, shouldn't he choose the woman he likes?Why can't it work?

He just likes the red King, and he noticed it the first time he saw it.

It's a pity that she ignored her at that time, if it wasn't for Arya's husband who suddenly went to her and stimulated King Hong, maybe she would have ignored her.

What would happen if he married the Red King?Is the country in chaos?Such a fragile country is in chaos because of a woman, so don't let it go.

Since he is the king of a country, how can he choose a woman he likes without the right?

If so, he might as well not be the king.

Thinking about it this way, the little king became a little envious of Arya.

If he had been let go, wouldn't he be as free as Arya is now?
If he is lucky and meets a sister or brother like He Xiaoran, he must be much freer than now!

The little king's troubles, the red king naturally didn't know, she blocked the little king's contact information.

Her belly was getting bigger day by day, and she could still feel the two little things in her belly, and they started fighting.

Yes, the doctor said, she has two in her belly, and she likes to fight.

The red king is scared and nervous, if there are two, is the belly bigger than that of He Xiaoran?

Thinking that his stomach was like an inflated balloon, Hong King felt a little scared for a while.

On the way, she also asked Fang Ruoyu, can she also reduce the contents of her stomach by one?
Fang Ruoyu's reaction at the time was to stare with envy, "People want to have twins but can't have them, you're fine, and want to reduce one? You're not afraid of being sad when the other one is born?"

"If you have time to worry about these things, you might as well go for a walk and move around, and you'll be better off then!"

The red king hung up the phone dejectedly, and went out for a walk with his stomach in his hands.

Since Fang Ruoyu said that it is okay to take a walk to help with the birth of the baby, then she should take more walks.

"Student Zhou Jingyun!"

As soon as she walked outside, Hong King heard Zhou Chenyuan's voice. She poked her head around and found Xiaomi Mili running outside with her short legs.

Behind Xiao Mili, Zhou Chenyuan was following him with his hands behind his back, calling his name all the time.

Millet feels so annoying.

Since Dad changed his name, he followed him every day and called his new name.

Mi Li didn't feel much about his new name, because he had been called Mi Li since he was a child, and suddenly his father called him a strange name, and Mi Li said he couldn't accept it.

However, Zhou Chenyuan just felt that the name Xiaomi Mili must not be used to it at first, so he insisted on saying a few more words in his ear.

This way the millet can accept the new name.

As a result, he babbled too much, and Xiaoli ran away when he saw him.

"Grandma, help." Xiaomi Li ran towards Yan Hua's house, and threw herself into Yan Hua's arms.

Zhou Chenyuan: "Zhou Jingyun, why are you running? Can't you hear Dad talking to you?"

Xiao Mi stretched out her small hand and covered her small ears.

Yan Hua was so angry that there was no end to it every day.

The Zhou Guangzu that Zhou Shang read every day is nice, and Zhou Chenyuan calls Zhou Jingyun every day, insisting that Xiao Mili accept his new name as soon as possible.

Yan Hua looked at the eldest grandson who was covering his ears, and was really pissed off by the father and son.

He Xiaoran was honestly watching the play while nibbling melon seeds, and looked at the pitiful appearance of the millet grains covering their small ears, and laughed so hard that he leaned forward and backward.

Yan Hua glared at He Xiaoran, "Xiao Ran, you don't mind, look at how the millet grains have been quarreled by him!"

He Xiaoran ate melon seeds and said: "Mom, I really can't control it. If I want to say something to him, he can stare at me and argue ten times."

Yan Hua immediately scolded Zhou Chenyuan, "Try to quarrel with Xiao Ran next time!"

Zhou Chenyuan who was scolded for no reason: "???"

He Xiaoran: "Hahahaha..."

It was late at night, and when He Xiaoran saw that the lights were still on in the room, she went to knock on the door: "When are you going to sleep, don't be too late."

When the sound of footsteps came, when opened the door, looked at He Xiaoran, looked at her with piercing eyes and said: "Sister, the money is all together!"

He Xiaoran was taken aback, "Have you got all the money?"

When to nod desperately, "This year, I will find a way to get Brother Nanzhao and Brother Shaozhuang to settle last year's account and this half year's account. Just now, I suddenly discovered that the money has been collected. Moreover, we will have a balance of several million !"

When He said excitedly: "Sister, you can use that money to exchange for big sister to go home!"

He Xiaoran suddenly panicked, feeling that her hands and feet were a little numb, did she really get all the money?

When He dragged He Xiaoran to the computer and asked her to look at the bank account, "Look!"

He Xiaoran took a closer look, and sure enough, he saw the string of numbers on the computer.

She really got all her money!

He Xiaoran didn't speak, but reached out and hugged Shi.

When was a little dazed by her embrace, but he didn't dare to move, he just gently stroked He Xiaoran's back.

She said in a low voice, "Sister, wait for Eldest Sister to come back. Let's coax Eldest Sister. You didn't intentionally stay away from her for such a long time, but we didn't collect enough ransom, so we couldn't find her."

He Xiaoran choked with sobs and nodded, "Yes."

"Sister, is eldest sister good-looking?" When asked curiously.

He Xiaoran nodded: "It's pretty."

"Do you look a lot like your sister?"

"Exactly the same..."

When did he become happy, "Wow, I'm so looking forward to my big sister coming home!"

He Xiaoran nodded: "Well..."

Shi Shi patted her on the back, "I hope my sister won't have to worry about anything in the future. Every penny we earn will be our own, and we will be truly rich by then!"

He Xiaoran continued to nod: "Yes, we will be real rich people in the future!"

Back in his room, He Xiaoran saw Zhou Chenyuan sleeping under the quilt. After hearing the movement, Zhou Chenyuan opened his eyes and glanced at her, and said with disgust, "Why are you staying up so late? Are you a thief?"

He Xiaoran didn't speak, but went to the bedroom and turned on the computer.

Zhou Chenyuan sat up slowly, scratching his head while asking: "He Xiaoran, what are you doing?"

Seeing He Xiaoran ignoring him, Zhou Chenyuan got up excitedly and said, "Since you don't sleep, let's discuss about our wedding next month!"

This time He Xiaoran spoke up: "When did I promise that the wedding will be held?"

(End of this chapter)

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