Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 902 The Little King's Love

Chapter 902 Little King's Love (3)

Zhou Chenyuan was stunned, "He Xiaoran, what do you mean? Why won't the wedding be held? The wedding of the two of us must be held on time!"

He Xiaoran glanced at him, "I didn't agree. If you have to report it, you can find a bride yourself. Anyway, I won't go."

"Why? Zhou Jingyun is our son, you are my wife, you want to cheat?"

"Can you stop talking about Zhou Jingyun? I always think that he is someone else's son, completely separated from the cute little face of my rice grain."

Zhou Chenyuan was furious: "This name is already registered, why can't it be used? It's because I'm not used to it, so I need to listen more, and then I get used to it!"

He Xiaoran stared sleepily, "Oh, you seem to make a lot of sense."

"Hmph, that's the way it is." Zhou Chenyuan said, "Anyway, the wedding must be reported."

"Otherwise Zhou Jingyun will ask me in the future, I can't even make up what happened at my wedding with you, and I won't be ridiculed to death? Anyway, there must be a wedding!"

He Xiaoran ignored him, Zhou Chenyuan became anxious when he saw it, "Why don't you speak?"

"I said so much just now, why didn't I say anything?"

"When you talk about the wedding, you don't say a word!"

He Xiaoran sighed, "I didn't keep silent, I told you very clearly, there is no wedding."

"Then tell me, why?"

He Xiaoran put his hand on his chin, turned his head to look at him and said, "Of course it's because you can't get the certificate yet? A man can only get the certificate when he is 22 years old, and there is still more than a year to get the certificate. After the wedding, he is not a husband and wife, but he still wants to be a boyfriend and girlfriend. let's go."

Zhou Chenyuan's eyeballs almost popped out: "He Xiaoran!"

"The son was born, and you actually told me that they are not husband and wife? Back then, the two families had dinner together."

He Xiaoran: "You didn't go again. Parents didn't go either at that time. Only Daxian was there. Does Lin Dacai count as a person?"

Zhou Shenyuan: "..."

He sat down on the bed on the ground, angry!
He Xiaoran glanced at him, "Don't be angry, go to bed quickly. I'll go on a long trip every two days, and we'll talk about it when I come back."

Zhou Chenyuan ignored her, leaned on the bed, and bit the pillow: "You are not allowed to go, you are not allowed to go anywhere, you are not allowed to hold a wedding, you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Turned over, rolled to the middle of the bed, and continued to be angry.

He Xiaoran glanced back at him, "If you lose your temper with me because of this, then I'll just accuse you of being immature!"

A pillow hit the back of He Xiaoran's head, "Who is immature?"

He Xiaoran: "You."

Zhou Chenyuan hugged the quilt and turned his back to her, even more angry.

He Xiaoran stared at his back for a while, reached out to close the computer, "Hello."


He Xiaoran threw himself on him, "Why are you so stingy?"

"Is this a petty matter?" Zhou Chenyuan was furious: "This is clearly a big matter for us, you are not active at all!"

"You are a person who can't get a certificate, what's the use of being active?"

He Xiaoran glanced at him, "If you can get the certificate now, I'll move a stool to line up in the middle of the night, but you can't get it, it's still a year away."

"Then why don't I hold the wedding first?"

"Of course not." He Xiaoran said: "Getting a certificate and getting married together will have a sense of ceremony."

After Zhou Chenyuan heard the word "sense of ritual", he finally took a straight look at her.

He Xiaoran nodded solemnly: "It's the sense of ritual."

Zhou Chenyuan sat up abruptly, "Really? You're not lying to me, are you?"

"I lied to you, but you won't give me candy." He Xiaoran asked, "Are you still angry now?"

Zhou Chenyuan immediately twitched and said: "Also, one more thing, if you coax me a bit, I won't be angry."

He Xiaoran stared at him for a while with drowsy eyes, then hugged him and went down, "Sleep, sleep!"

Zhou Chenyuan was furious: "You haven't even taken a bath, go take a bath, it stinks, go take a bath quickly!"

He Xiaoqi died, raised his arm and smelled it, "Where is the smell? I don't know how fragrant it is!"

"Go take a shower go take a shower!"

Zhou Chenyuan rolled around, not letting He Xiaoran's dirty claws touch him, He Xiaoran deliberately chased after him, the two adults quarreled until midnight, and finally He Xiaoran was driven to take a bath.

"Why didn't you clean up and kill you!"

Early the next morning, Xiaomi Li opened her big eyes in doubt, "Mom, you and Dad both have panda eyes."

He Xiaoran let out a sigh, "I can't help it, your father is too annoying."

Don't take a bath and don't let you sleep.

Xiao Mili was sent to kindergarten after eating, and everyone else looked at He Xiaoran sideways.

He Xiaoran: "What are you looking at? Just by looking at your eyes, I can tell that your thoughts are impure, that boy Zhou Chenyuan won't let me sleep..."

"No, I mean I don't take a shower, he won't let me sleep!"

When did the couple finish their meal, pack up their things, and go to school.

The red king held his belly, moved to the side, continued to eat the fruit after the meal, and went to the back mountain to watch the pheasants after eating.

He Xiaoran looked up at the sky melancholy, he couldn't argue with everything, he didn't know who to talk to.

The people in Caiwei Mountain went their separate ways after breakfast, and even Yan Hua went to the Golden Moon Hotel.

When He Xiaoran was not paying attention to Caiwei Mountain, she drove a Maserati and left from Caiwei Mountain.

He Xiaoran didn't run around, but went to Lin Xiaoxian's boxing ring.

After experiencing the baptism of the whole audience once, Lin Xiaoxian's current audience looks a bit bleak compared to before.

Most of them exist in the front field in the form of fitness, which is a small part of it. Most boxing gyms only rent out certain boxing matches.

Of course, this is on the surface, as for He Xiaoran, he doesn't care about it in private.

As soon as the old staff of the boxing ring saw He Xiaoran, they scrambled and ran out.Not long after, the person in charge of the boxing field hurried over and asked He Xiaoran: "What do you want to do?"

He Xiaoran took a look at the other party, and then asked, "Huh? Has someone changed? Where is Lin Xiaoxian? I have something to do with him."

The person in charge hurriedly said: "There is no Lin Xiaoxian here. I am in charge of this store now. Tell me if you have anything to do."

He Xiaoran looked at him suspiciously, "Tell me? You can't solve it. Don't try to lie to me. I checked this store, but the manager has changed, and the boss is still those people."

"Call Lin Xiaoxian and tell Lin Xiaoxian that there is a man named He Xiaoran, and you want to do business with him worth [-] million yuan."

"You girl, why are you here to join in the fun, go and go, don't interfere with our business here."

He Xiaoran raised his hand, and the person in charge immediately took two steps back in fright, "What do you want to do?"

He Xiaoran raised his hand and scratched his head: "Don't be so angry, he doesn't want to do the [-] million business? Just make a phone call to make sure you don't lose money. If you don't call..."

The other party stumbled and asked, "If I don't call, what can you do?"

He Xiaoran said: "What can I do in the current legal society? If you don't call, then I can only call Lin Xiaoxian in person. You call first, and I will come back tomorrow."

After walking two steps, she turned around again, "Oh, by the way, in case I have a bad attitude when I come, you can bear with me."

 I've been a little lazy lately, maybe I want to finish it and take a rest, wait for the big scumbag to brew up, and move towards the completion.

(End of this chapter)

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