Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 934 Is my sister dead? !

Chapter 934 Is my sister dead? !

What He Xiaoran said was simply humiliating, and Lin Xiaoxian's face turned pale from her anger.

Of course Lin Xiaoxian knew that He Xiaoran could do such a thing.

After all, this woman had ordered her bad-minded sister to take off his clothes.

Lin Xiaoxian regretted it now, why did he let the guards go first, even if he took He Xiaoran's card, he didn't need to let them go, but He Xiaoran turned out to be scheming and pretending!
Lin Xiaoxian was furious, but He Xiaoran remained unmoved, "First question, where is the person I want to exchange?"

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Lin Xiaoxian's eyes, "You said it all, you paid the money with one hand and the person with the other, and you didn't pay the money, so why did you let me see the person?"

He Xiaoran frowned, "As a spare, you actually forgot what your goddess said just now? That woman said that I look exactly like a person named Zora. Where is Zora?"

With a displeased look on her face, she also took advantage of the opportunity to raise the instrument of torture in her hand, and held it in her hand to look at it.


He Xiaoran's eyes fell on him, "I must have seen the person, and I handed over the money to the person. You didn't let me see the person, and you brought me to this kind of place in a daze."

She looked around, "What is this place? A dungeon? An interrogation room? Why are there medical supplies?"

Lin Xiaoxian was cornered by her and kept watching her actions.

He Xiaoran looked back at him, "You don't think I'll let you go if you don't speak?"

"At the beginning, Liuli Island promised to redeem people. Where is the person?"

Lin Xiaoxian stared at her and said, "" People will let you see them.But what you're doing is dangerous.Do you know what your behavior is in Liuli Island? "

He Xiaoran spread his hands and said, "I'm not from Liuli Island. How does Liuli Island evaluate my behavior? What does it have to do with me?"

"Bare-faced dog, you are acting unkind. Tell me, why did you bring me here? Moreover, what is the purpose of trying to capture me alive?"

He Xiaoran waved the torture tools in his hands, "It seems that you usually torture people a lot. If this is the case, we just have a good discussion about the scientific nature of these torture tools."

She turned her head to look at Lin Xiaoxian, "What's so good about talking on paper? It's really effective when it's combined with practice."

Lin Xiaoxian's face turned green, "What do you want to do?"

He Xiaoran smiled and said: "I've said it all, I just want to discuss with you the use of torture tools combined with practice.

Lin Xiaoxian stared at He Xiaoran, gritted his teeth suddenly, raised his legs and ran towards the door.

He Xiaoran stretched out the object in his hand and blocked it in front of him, and the two quickly fought.

Although Lin Xiaoxian is a man, but he has reached the best period of physical fitness, and it is fine if he has not practiced for many years. The original talent in this area is not good, and he was easily subdued by He Xiaoran.

He Xiaoran threw him in the corner, waved the torture device in his hand and said, "I didn't want to beat you, but if you insist on beating, then I have nothing to do."

Lin Xiaoxian was out of breath, and was so angry that she didn't speak for a long time.

He Xiaoran said: "The opportunity to test Liuli Island's importance to you has come!"

She pointed at the surveillance, "Guess what they will do to save you when they see you being abused like this from the surveillance?"

"Or, they would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let it go, and seal the dungeon directly. While arresting me, they also want your life?"

Lin Xiaoxian's face was ashen, "The base will not give up on me."

He still has that confidence.

But He Xiaoran said: "That's not necessarily true. Judging from the fact that you dare not kill me, I seem to be more important than you."

Lin Xiaoxian stared at her, "Do you want to try?"

He Xiaoran suddenly grabbed him by force, directly buckled her on the iron chain that tied her just now, and hung him up.

"Just try it, you think I dare not?"

Lin Xiaoxian was extremely angry, "He Xiaoran!"

He Xiaoran said: "Now it's time for me to ask you to answer. If you answer well, I will untie one hand. If you don't answer well, I will break your hand."

He Xiaoran waved the torture tool in his hand, "The first question, is the person I want dead or alive? Don't say you don't know each other, and don't say you don't know."

"Seeing my face, you should know everything. When you first went to find me, you said you knew who I was and my back."

With that said, He Xiaoran stood still, put the torture instrument in his hand on Lin Xiaoxian's arm, "Okay, start answering!"

Lin Xiaoxian stared at the instrument of torture in her hand, "I've been away all year round, doing business for Liuli Island, I really don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, the instrument of torture in He Xiaoran's hand roared, directly breaking one of Lin Xiaoxian's arms.


With heart-piercing screams, Lin Xiaoxian's head was covered with cold sweat. Seeing her raising the torture tool again, he hurriedly shouted: "I say! I say!"

He Xiaoran tilted his head and looked at him, still smiling.

Lin Xiaoxian gritted his teeth and said, "He's still alive, in the experimental base on Liuli Island, he's being held alone..."


There was no expression on He Xiaoran's face, no surprise or accident, just like the calm before the storm.

"Satya's heart is dying, and she urgently needs a new heart... After matching, the person you want to redeem is the gentlest, so Satya can't see her..."

He Xiaoran stared at his face, suddenly she stretched out her hand and swung it, the object in her hand smashed the monitor above, she stretched out her hand to touch the handle of the torture tool.

She slowly walked in front of Lin Xiaoxian, "Your last chance, is that woman's beating heart right now hers?"

Lin Xiaoxian was taken aback for a moment, and her whole body froze, only then did she realize that she didn't believe what she just said at all!
There was movement outside the door, people who rescued Lin Xiaoxian came!
Field, grass.

With one hand, he brushed aside the grass covering half of his body, "Sister!"

He Miao's voice came clearly. She squatted on the ground, staring at a photo on a tombstone, and shouted: "My sister is dead!"

The people around him squatted down, their eyes fell on the tombstone, and their pupils shrank.

The flashlight shines on the photo carefully, and the girl in the photo has the same face as He Xiaoran.

Zhou Chenyuan said: "This is not my sister!"

He Miao was very angry, "It's my sister!"

Zhou Chenyuan said, "It's not my sister."

His heart sank to the bottom, He Xiaoran tried so hard to redeem her sister, but the person she wanted to redeem appeared in a tomb in the wilderness.

"It's my sister!"

As He Miao said, she stood up, found a stick, and started digging the grave. It was my sister!

She wants to dig out her sister!

"He Miao!"

Where is He Miao willing to listen?

I dig!I dig!I dig dig dig!

"Sister!" He Miao dug desperately, but no one could stop her.

The point is, no one dares to touch her, she will be beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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