Chapter 935
Zhou Chenyuan firmly refused to admit that the person on the tombstone belonged to He Xiaoran.

That woman is scheming, like a cat with nine lives, she always prepares her way out before doing anything, how could it be her?

From Zhou Chenyuan's point of view, He Xiaoran would never let her conquer the countryside by herself, and Zhou Chenyuan was extremely firm on this point.

So the first time he saw the tombstone, he believed that this was the twin sister He Xiaoran wanted to redeem.

He Xiaoran didn't find her sister's cemetery, they came to this place by accident.

In Zhou Chenyuan's view, if He Xiaoran knew that her sister was dead, she would definitely not rush forward.

That woman values ​​love and righteousness, but she is also extremely rational. She will definitely not compare the lives of the dead with the lives of the living.

She will have revenge, but she will also be more rational and will not take risks.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chenyuan couldn't help but frowned, He Xiaoran, this woman is really worrying.

I was sneaky when I left, and I haven't left any personal information on the way.

What does she want to do?Going to die alone? !

She didn't even think about it, she still had a son at home.

Millet is waiting for them to go back at home, and she doesn't care about her son, doesn't she want it?

She wouldn't think that after she died, he could still live happily and freely with his son, right?
Then she thought it was too beautiful!

If He Xiaoran dared to die in such a dilapidated place, Zhou Chenyuan felt that he would, would...

After asking for a long time, Zhou Chenyuan was a little stunned, what is he going to do?

If He Xiaoran died, what could he do?

On the other hand, He Miao insisted on digging out the corpse, insisting that it was her sister.

As for He Miao, no one could persuade her.

He Xiaoran and Yu Lingju were not present, she would never listen to anyone's advice.

So, Zhou Chenyuan said to the people around him: "What are you doing in a daze? Let's dig together!"

Jin Ji stared, "Digging a grave?"

Zhou Chenyuan said impatiently: "He Miao insists on seeing who it is. He is already digging. How dare you big men stand by the side? Dig quickly!"

So, a group of people found all kinds of weird things on Friday and started to help He Miao dig the grave.

Sure enough, there are many people and strength, and they quickly dug below.

The coffin of the deceased was made of rough wood and simply pieced together.

In this wild place, they saw more casually discarded bones, and it was the first time they saw them put in coffins and even erected monuments.

Only four nails were used for the lid of the coffin. He Miao reached into the gap with both hands, and while trying to lift it up, he shouted: "Sister!"

The coffin lid was lifted directly by He Miao's two hands, and He Miao burst into tears, "Sister!"

Zhou Chenyuan hurried over, not daring to touch her, but said loudly: "He Miao, this is not my sister!"

"Sister is alive, this is dead!"

He Miao stayed where he was, and Zhou Chenyuan said, "Come here, that's not my sister!"

Si Qing put on gloves, relied on the light of the flashlight in the field, carefully inspected the corpse in the coffin, and looked up, "This person seems to have been dead for two or three years, and he was wearing a medical surgical gown."

Zhou Chenyuan frowned, "Surgery fee?"

"It's the patients on the operating table, wearing sterile gowns."

Zhou Chenyuan didn't speak, but Si Qing said again: "Tsk, this man's heart has been dug out."

Zhou Chenyuan was taken aback, his heart was dug out, "What do you mean by that?"

"Literally. There are traces of stitches here, indicating that her heart was surgically removed, and the doctor sewed up the wound after the operation."

Zhou Chenyuan squatted on the spot, and suddenly stood up, "We have to hurry up and find He Xiaoran, that woman who always causes troubles as soon as possible!"

Si Qing took off his gloves and said to Zhou Chenyuan: "Ah Yuan, if it is confirmed that she is the young lady's twin sister, then the young lady's current situation should be very dangerous!"

Zhou Chenyuan said angrily: "Does this need to be said? Twin sisters, they still look so similar, and their blood types must be exactly the same. They are probably targeted by someone!"

He glanced at He Miao, and said to He Miao, "He Miao, let's go, save my sister!"

He Miao squatted beside the coffin, pointed to the coffin and said, "My sister is here!"

"My sister is not here, and my sister is not dead. My sister is alive and well. This is my sister's sister, who is the person my sister is looking for. We must find my sister as soon as possible, so that my sister will be fine."

Others have already put the coffin back on and started backfilling.

Zhou Chenyuan asked someone to make a mark, and asked He Xiaoran to come over to take a look.

Anyway, Zhou Chenyuan now firmly believes that He Xiaoran is not dead, nor can he die.

He firmly does not believe it!

He glanced at the person on the tombstone.

The photo on the tombstone seems to be a photo that was secretly taken without knowing it, without looking at the camera at all.

But no matter how you look at it, the person in the photo is very similar to He Xiaoran, or if she is He Xiaoran, some people will believe it.

He Xiaoran's elder sister's heart was removed. Will He Xiaoran's heart be regarded as a possession by others?
The more Zhou Chenyuan thought about it, the more anxious he became. He Miao was still crying holding the photo on the tombstone, wailing, saying that it was her sister.

In the end, Zhou Chenyuan said: "He Miao, if you continue to cry like this, then my sister will really be in danger."

He Miao looked up: "Is my sister still alive?"

Zhou Chenyuan nodded, "To live, I must live. If I don't live, I can't spare her! Hurry up, it's too late, my sister won't survive."

When He Miao heard this, he got up and rushed forward, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Chenyuan was half dead with anger, "What are you still doing, hurry up!"

In the wilderness, if that girl gets lost, He Xiaoran can bite her to death.He still doesn't know where to find it.

Behind the crowd, there was a figure who was tied up and lifted up, "Hurry up and lead the way!"

The unlucky guy was one of those who was thrown into the pit by He Xiaoran and Huang Jintong a few days ago.

When the other one was found, it was out of breath, but this one still had breath.

He was dragged up by Zhou Chenyuan's group, fed some food, and came back to life. Later, it became the map for their group to go to Liuli Island.

He Miao rushed forward, holding a big helmet with a gap open, sniffing his nose vigorously.

Sister's smell, where is the sister's smell?

Why is my sister's smell gone again?

She was rushing in front, running very fast, the group of people behind had worked so hard, they followed behind and chased after.

But how could they catch up with He Miao?

No matter how hard they sucked, He Miao disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Chenyuan jumped on the spot angrily, is He Miao a leopard?What are you doing so fast?
Si Qing glanced at him out of breath, "Didn't she run slowly along the way? Didn't we just find out!"

The point is that it is more difficult for them to find He Miao than climbing to the sky. If He Miao gets lost, it will be a breeze to find them when he comes back!

To put it bluntly, they were very passive along the way, completely following He Miao's ass.

(End of this chapter)

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