Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 937 1 Must Find My Sister!

Chapter 937 Must Find My Sister!

The little king recognized He Miao and immediately called out her name.

But He Miao never admitted that the name "Arya" was the same, so her movements didn't stop at all. Like a whirlwind, a gust of wind picked up the little king and threw him aside.

"Where is my sister?"

He Miao threw Huang Jintong down, pressed her to the ground, and said fiercely, "It smells like a sister!"

The little king got up from the ground and hurriedly explained to Huang Jintong, "The elder sister she mentioned is He Xiaoran, please tell her about He Xiaoran!"

Huang Jintong was furious from the bottom of his heart, very angry, as if he didn't intend to cooperate at all.

The little king said, "If you don't want to die, tell her now!"

Huang Jintong doesn't know what He Miao is like, but the little king knows that his twin sister is not an ordinary person!

Huang Jintong naturally refused to admit defeat, trying desperately to struggle.

He Miao yelled, "Where is my sister?"

The little king was finally forced to do nothing, Huang Jintong refused to admit defeat, so the little king could only come forward by himself.

He lay down on the spot and said carefully to He Miao, "He Miao, do you still recognize me?"

He Miao turned his head ferociously, and stared at the little king with a pair of eyes under the dark mask of the big helmet.

She could see the figure of the little king clearly in the dark, and she had already smelled that the little king was someone she knew.

It was because she knew that the little king was not a threat, so she left the little king aside, otherwise, the little king would have been killed long ago!

He Miao stared at the little king and said, "People in the palace!"

The little king nodded desperately, "Yes, yes, I am from the palace, I am my brother! Miss He has already said, I am your brother, we are brothers and sisters, we should be good friends, we are a family, you forgot ?"

He Miao stared at the little king and said loudly, "Sister is the family!"

To put it bluntly, she knew the little king, but He Miao refused to admit that she and the little king were in the same family.

In He Miao's heart, only her sister is the real family with her!

The little king is also a little bit out of control. Time could have had a better relationship, but time hasn't seen him for a long time, and he almost doesn't know him anymore.

The little king said frantically: "Even if you and your sister belong to the same family, then I am not an outsider, right? I am your elder brother. We lived in the same house. Have you forgotten?"

"When I was in the court, I let you play with my pet! Have you forgotten?"

He Miao froze. She looked at the little king and said after a while, "I forgot a little bit."

The little king was furious, "You are my sister and I am your brother. You can forget everything, but this is the only thing you can't forget! Just like you and He Xiaoran are sisters, you can't forget one thing about her being your sister. !"

"You release her quickly. She is helping us. Your sister came here with her. It was agreed that the soldiers would split into two groups and meet up at the base. If you hurt her, you will never find your sister. "

"She is my sister's friend, that is, your friend, remember?"

He Miao stared suspiciously at the little king, and then at the golden pupil who was pressed to the ground by her.

Huang Jintong's face was flushed with anger, she wanted to press the girl on the ground and rub it again and again, but she found that she was not the girl's opponent.

It's enough that she can't beat He Xiaoran, why is there a little girl with an abnormal mind, and she can't beat him?

Huang Jintong felt aggrieved in her heart, but He Miao didn't respond, but after hearing what the little king said, she really let go and stood aside.

But still staring at the golden pupil very vigilantly.

Huang Jintong was furious, "Is He Xiaoran's sister mentally abnormal?"

The little king immediately turned his head, stared at her and said, "Be careful with your words, this is my sister, my own sister."

Huang Jintong's eyeballs almost popped out, "Is she really your sister? Is she the one He Xiaoran said, the sister recognized by the court?"

The little king nodded angrily, "What else? Your sister?"

Huang Jintong was even angrier, "So this girl is the princess of country T."

Little Gu Wang, "Why don't you? I never heard that I have a sister!"

Jin Jintong almost vomited a mouthful of old blood.

This girl is actually the princess of country T?

They are also orphans, how can some people's lives be so good?
"What does he mean by wearing a big helmet at night? What's his hobby?"

The little king's sister-in-law was very nervous, "Wearing a hat doesn't interfere with your business, why do you care so much?"

Jin Jintong wanted to hit someone.

The little king hurriedly said: "I just asked He Miao to release you, which is equivalent to saving your life. Do you want to turn your face now?"

Jin Tong gritted his teeth and said, "Who turned his face? I can't even exercise my muscles and bones?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the big helmet angrily.

The big helmet in the wilderness at night is weird!
But here is the problem.

He Miao only cared about where her sister was. As for the little king's communication with her about other things, He Miao didn't want to hear it at all, and kept asking where her sister was.

Huang Jintong looked at the little king and said, "Did you hear that? You silly sister doesn't care about you at all!"

The little king said angrily: "Then can you keep quiet? Let me talk to her?"

Although he knew that his sister was not very good at communicating, she could communicate with him.

It was Huang Jintong who kept making noises nearby, which distracted He Miao's attention!

"He Miao, did you come to look for my sister alone, or did many people come to look for her? Why are you alone?"

The little king only knew that He Miao would respond to the word "sister", so he specially focused on finding his sister.

As soon as He Miao heard that she was looking for her sister, she immediately said loudly, "There are a lot of people!"

The little king asked again: "Where are the others who are looking for my sister?"

He Miao turned her head and pointed to the back, but she didn't find the person behind. She stayed where she was, and said, "I lost it!"

The little king was stunned, "So you are alone now?"

He Miao nodded, then looked at Huang Jintong angrily and said, "My sister's smell is gone!"

The little king hurriedly took out the map from his bag, and said to He Miao, "It's okay, my sister left us a map, and we can find her according to the map. Would you like to come with us?"

He Miao is a little girl, she walks alone in the wilderness, how dangerous is it at night?

The little king felt that it was safest to keep his sister by his side.

He Miao tilted his head to look at the little king and asked, "Can you find my sister?"

The little king nodded affirmatively, "Then we must be able to find my sister! This is the map my sister left us, and she is still waiting for us."

He Miao was finally persuaded, "I must find my sister!"

My sister is lost, she can't smell her sister, but they have a map to find her!
(End of this chapter)

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