Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 938 A mouse broke into the base

Chapter 938 A mouse broke into the base

He Miao clenched her small fist like a steamed bun, yelling, "I must find my sister."

Seeing that He Miao was not as ready to hit someone as before, the little king couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Oh, it's not easy to coax a younger sister well.

Knowing that she was called Arya, she definitely didn't respond, and the little king was forced to start calling her He Miao.

"He Miao, do other people looking for sister have a map? Will they find the way?"

He Miao said loudly, "Find the way!"

The little king was a little surprised, they could still find the way?

Through the helmet mask, He Miao didn't show his eyes, but the little king still saw a bit of contempt.

"There are bad guys leading the way," she said.

The little king and Huang Jintong looked at each other, is there a villain leading the way?
The bad guys still lead them the way, isn't the bad guy a bit too kind in his heart?
He Miao seemed to understand what the two of them were thinking, and continued: "The bad guys are tied up, and they will die if they don't lead the way."

The little king was speechless immediately, that's why!
He also said that the bad people are so kind-hearted, and they would take the initiative to take them to Liuli Island.

The map in his hand is the only one, and it is absolutely impossible to find a second map. If the other party does not have a map, he will definitely get lost. Someone will guide the way.

Huang Jintong couldn't help but cast a glance at He Miao, this girl is fierce and ruthless, compared to He Xiaoran, her attack is even more insignificant, it's better for him not to provoke her.

He Xiaoran knew the severity of what He Xiaoran did.

But this girl has no idea at all, if she wants to strike, it must be deadly.

Thinking of this, Huang Jintong felt that his shoulder hurt even more!
Originally, He Miao was running rampant alone, and his speed was that of a scud fighter, but now with the addition of an injured golden pupil, and the pampered little king, the speed slowed down instantly.

He Miao couldn't find the way, but the problem was that even if she took the little king's map, He Miao couldn't understand it, so He Miao could only walk with the little king and Huang Jintong aggrievedly.

Although she has protested countless times along the way, she feels that walking this way is too slow, how can she find her sister like this?

But those two people still walked slowly like snails, which was really annoying.

On the other side, Zhou Chenyuan and his group were anxious until He Miao came back to find them.

Nanzhao said, "Fifth Young Master, we have to hurry up. What if He Miao ran to the base by himself?"

"She doesn't have the ability to judge and analyze when things happen. If she breaks in alone, it's too dangerous!"

Zong Tang looked back at him, "We know that whoever is not in a hurry dare not stop at this step."

He felt that since Nan Zhao worked with He Xiaoran, he became more verbose.

Worry about this one, worry about that one too, mice are more courageous than him!

Nan Zhao doesn't quarrel with them, he just kills these boys, what do they know?
They have no concept at all just by hearing about Liuli Island.

Liuli Island is a special place to produce killers, no matter how powerful He Miao is, he can't stand up to the crowd.

He Miao was exhausted from just fighting with the wheels.

He Miao doesn't have the brains of He Xiaoran.

He Xiaoran knows what he wants, and he can also measure the disparity in strength between the two sides, and he knows what method is most beneficial to him.

What about He Miao?
She didn't have such a concept at all, she just rushed forward with one mind!

If He Xiaoran knew that they took He Miao on the road and lost He Miao halfway, He Xiaoran would definitely be able to take their skin off!

Nan Zhao was too lazy to say a word to Zong Tang and the others.

He was not like them, a bunch of old bachelors.

He has a wife and child now, and Xiaojuan is still at home waiting for him to go back.

He told Xiaojuan that he was on a business trip, and if Xiaojuan knew that he was going to a dangerous place, he didn't know what to think.

He didn't intend to die when he came out, not only did he not intend to die, but he also planned to take He Xiaoran back safely.

With He Xiaoran here, their family can live in peace and stability. If He Xiaoran is gone, what's the point of their life?

The spiritual core no longer exists, so what is alive is the body?
So he will definitely find He Xiaoran and bring her back safely.

Zong Tang and the others were still muttering, but Zhou Chenyuan stood still and turned to stare at them, "It's not over? He Miao got lost from us, and we can't find anyone by then. How can we explain to her sister and sister?"

"If you want someone from us, we spread our hands and have nothing?"

"Don't forget, He Miao is not an ordinary person, she is the princess of country T, you better pray that you can find her as soon as possible, otherwise you will be in big trouble."

"One by one, you're tired after just such a short journey? Are you still a man?"

"I need to speed up a bit, don't dawdle any longer! Even a little girl like He Miao walks faster than you big men, so you have the nerve to mutter here?"

As soon as Zhou Chenyuan opened his mouth, the others immediately shut up.

Compared with the previous speed, it really accelerated again. Everyone was so exhausted that they didn't dare to shout anymore.

The Liuli Island base was in chaos.

"A mouse broke into the base and gnawed at our important cables. This mouse must be removed in time!"

That's right, the mouse is He Xiaoran!
He Xiaoran held Lin Xiaoxian hostage, and in the face of He Xiaoran's absolute power, Lin Xiaoxian's little bit of strength seemed to be a trick.

However, Lin Xiaoxian's position in the base is as light as weight.

Although his force value is not strong, he is a contributor to 30.00% of Liuli Island's economic resources.

In other words, Lin Xiaoxian is the core figure of the entire Liuli Island's foreign business cooperation. Without him, Liuli Island's income will be greatly reduced.

Otherwise, how could Lin Xiaoxian, a scumbag of physical ability, become such an important and core figure on Liuli Island where advocating force is the core?

It is entirely because of his economic acumen that he can bring a lot of income to Liuli Island.

Now that Lin Xiaoxian is controlled by He Xiaoran, it means that He Xiaoran has seized Liuli Island's economic lifeline.

Under such a premise, who would dare to rush in?

After all, the woman who broke into Liuli Island dared to come to Liuli Island alone, and carried a [-] million fund card with her. No matter from which point of view, this woman is very dangerous.

Money, ability, and courage are all different from ordinary people.

Unless they disregarded Lin Xiaoxian's life and death, gave up the huge sum of money she was carrying, and completely killed Lin Xiaoxian and her somewhere.

Otherwise, there can only be a stalemate like now.

But losing both sides is obviously what Liuli Island wants. After all, Lin Xiaoxian's value is very high, and they are not willing to let go of the money that the woman carried with her.

This is also the reason why Liuli Island knew that Lin Xiaoxian was held hostage by He Xiaoran, but never launched a strong attack.

"But such a stalemate is not a solution. The camera has been blocked by that woman. We can't sit still. Now, we can only dispatch snipers!"

(End of this chapter)

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