Chapter 970
Satya tried her best to smile, "Xiao, you are not a prop, I really love you, without you, I don't know how I would live."

"I'm used to having you in my life, and I can't live without you."

Xiao Que said, "You have also been used to Zora in your life. Didn't you take her heart and kill her?"

But Satya said: "I took her heart away, shouldn't that be what she should pay? I have treated her so well, and she will always give me back."

"I love you, and I am willing to give everything for you. You marry me as my reward. Isn't this what you should do?"

Satya said: "What's more, wasn't you the one who performed the operation? The one who dug up Zora's chest, took out the heart, and put it in my body is obviously you!"

Xiao's face turned pale instantly.

Of course he knew that he was the one who did it. Before Zora was injected with anesthesia, he even hugged him affectionately...

Behind Satya, a group of medical staff ran out to take care of her, "Miss Satya!"

Xiao suddenly said to the group of people: "Satya's mood is very unstable now, his thoughts have become a little confused, and he has been talking nonsense."

"You take her back immediately and inject her with tranquilizers to calm her down as soon as possible, otherwise Satya's heart will be overloaded and her life will be in danger at any time."

"Until the intruder is caught, the operation is still unknown. Make sure Satya is emotionally stable!"

Regarding Satya's condition, Xiao is an authoritative existence in the entire Liuli Island.

So what he said, all medical staff took it as an imperial decree, not to mention Satya's two heart operations, Xiao participated in it.

After laughing, the medical staff who had just arrived hurriedly helped Satya up and walked towards the rear.

When Satya saw it, he struggled desperately, and shouted in Xiao's direction: "Xiao, you can't do this to me, you can't do this!"

She angrily supported the medical staff who went back and shouted: "Let go of me, or I won't spare you! Don't you listen to my words now? You are so courageous..."

It's just that the medical staff heard Xiao say a second ago that Satya's mood was unstable and she was talking nonsense, so the medical staff didn't take her threats to heart.

The more Satya quarreled, the more the medical staff felt that Xiao's words were right. Satya's mood was indeed very unstable!
Xiao turned around and followed the soldiers to walk down the steps. His only thought now was to send Huo Huo out. Where was the receptionist arranged by that woman?
He was holding the child and was caught in the middle of the team of soldiers.

Zhou Huohuo suddenly asked in a low voice, "Are we going to be killed?"

Xiao felt a sudden pain in his heart. His cute little baby was already worried about death when he was three years old.

Xiao replied: "No, if you call me Dad, I will protect you."

Zhou Huohuo squinted his big eyes and glanced at him hesitantly, "Really?"

Xiao nodded, "Really, if you shout, I will protect you."

Zhou Huohuo struggled for a while, she called her mother, and her mother would protect her, if she called her father, wouldn't this father become very, very powerful?


Tears welled up in Xiao's eyes instantly, "Yeah!"

He was holding the child and walking slowly. While walking, his eyes were still scanning the surroundings. He just wanted to know, where is the person who manages the child?
If he brings the child in front of Lin Xiaoxian, what if Lin Xiaoxian ignores Sanqi 21 and hurts Huohuo?
Zhou Huohuo obviously also felt the tense atmosphere, her little hands were tightly wrapped around Xiao's neck, and she looked around with big eyes.

where is motherIf mother came, she would definitely take her away.

My brother is still waiting for her to go to kindergarten together.

Zhou Huohuo didn't know where the kindergarten was, but he knew that his mother said that there are many children of the same age in the kindergarten, and he can make friends.

"Don't be afraid, Huohuo, Dad will definitely protect you!" Xiao looked at the front and said with a firmer tone.

Soon, they were brought in front of Lin Xiaoxian.

There are seven or eight people around Lin Xiaoxian, who are constantly getting angry, scolding those people for not catching the intruder until now.

"Mr. Lin, Xiao and that child are here!"

Lin Xiaoxian turned around and saw Xiao standing in front of him holding a child.

Lin Xiaoxian's eyes fell on the child in his arms, and he couldn't help frowning, "This is the child that He Xiaoran stole?"

Zhou Huohuo hugged Xiao's neck with both hands, and lay on his shoulders.

But when Xiao faced Lin Xiaoxian, he only saw the round back of that little girl's head.

"Give me the child!" Lin Xiaoxian raised his foot and walked towards Xiao. He wanted to see who the child was. Why did He Xiaoran insist on taking this child away?

Judging from the current situation, it seems that He Xiaoran sneaked into the nursery and stole the child.

What's different about this kid?
Apparently aware of his intentions, Xiao took a step back holding the child and said, "This child is injured and has broken ribs."

"You are unprofessional when you hold her, and it will make her scars worse. She doesn't need treatment and can heal on her own."

Lin Xiaoxian's hands were hanging in the air, obviously he didn't believe Xiao's words: "It's just a girl, so what if she dies? Just throw it in the wild and feed it to the dogs."

Xiao clenched his teeth for a moment. He stared at Lin Xiaoxian and said, "I'm a doctor, and it's my duty to save the dying and heal the wounded. You can disregard human life, but any human life is very important to me."

He avoided Lin Xiaoxian's hand, and said in a firm tone: "I will heal this child, and after the injury recovers, I don't care how you arrange it."

"But now, no one can hurt her!"

Lin Xiaoxian suddenly sneered, "Xiao, you are not the son-in-law of Liuli Island, you don't think you have the right to speak in Liuli Island, do you?"

Xiao replied: "I said that I am a doctor and have nothing to do with my other identities. Even if Satya stood in front of me, I would say such things."

"I won't hand it over to you, my child. I can cooperate with you if you have anything."

Lin Xiaoxian stared at him coldly and said, "This is the child I want now."

"The woman He Xiaoran came here specifically to find this child, indicating that this child has some kind of connection with her. Having this child means that the woman will take the initiative to approach."

"That woman is full of tricks, her whereabouts are unpredictable, and her skills are first-class. Instead of casting a net all over the sky to find people randomly, I might as well use this girl to catch a turtle in a jar!"

Lin Xiaoxian took a step forward, "Give me the child, you go back to accompany Satya, you don't need to worry about other things."

Xiao naturally wouldn't give him the child, but Lin Xiaoxian raised his chin slightly, and the soldiers behind Xiao suddenly stepped forward and directly controlled Xiao from left to right.

Lin Xiaoxian walked over, reaching out to hug the little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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