Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 971 My sister has become smaller!

Chapter 971 My sister has become smaller!
Just as Lin Xiaoxian's hand touched Zhou Huohuo, Zhou Huohuo's little hand lifted up and hit Lin Xiaoxian's face with a "slap".

Zhou Huohuo was very angry and said loudly: "Bad guy!"

Xiao's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth, stared at Lin Xiaoxian and said, "Touch this child today, and from now on in Liuli Island, I will never die with you!"

Lin Xiaoxian paused for a moment with his outstretched hand, and looked up at Xiao, "If I had been frightened by you like this, my Liuli Island wouldn't be able to survive long ago!"

Lin Xiaoxian reached out and hugged Zhou Huohuo from Xiao's arms, and Zhou Huohuo's small face instantly caught Lin Xiaoxian's eyes.

Lin Xiaoxian's pupils shrank, and he asked in surprise, "This child belongs to He Xiaoran?"

Because this child looks very similar to He Xiaoran, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a shrunken version of He Xiaoran.

Lin Xiaoxian was overjoyed immediately, that's great, if this child is really He Xiaoran's child, then He Xiaoran will definitely come back to find him on his own initiative!

It seems that his idea of ​​catching a turtle in Wengzhong can be perfectly implemented!
As soon as Zhou Huohuo got into Lin Xiaoxian's arms, he resisted very much.

She didn't like Xiao at first, but her mother said Xiao would protect her, so she reluctantly accepted Xiao.

But the person in front of her is from Liuli Island. Zhou Huohuo doesn't like people from Liuli Island. Everyone on the island is very fierce and bad. She hates them the most!
Zhou Huohuo struggled and twisted his small body, "Let me go, let me go, uncle save me!"

Uncle said he wanted to protect him, so Zhou Huohuo stretched out his hand towards Xiao.

Xiao was controlled by two soldiers, his eyes seemed to be bleeding, and the anger and hatred in his eyes were about to overflow his eye sockets.

He said to Lin Xiaoxian: "Lin Xiaoxian, you will definitely pay the price for your behavior at this moment. I swear!"

Lin Xiaoxian had many guards around him at the moment, heavy soldiers with guns everywhere, and a hostage in his hands.

Even if He Xiaoran comes now, he is not afraid, so how could he be intimidated by Xiao's few words?
He sneered, and said to Xiao: "If you really have such ability, you won't have the support of Satya. You have been just a small doctor in Liuli Island for so many years!"

Lin Xiaoxian turned her head away, looking at the little girl in her arms, she had a disgusting face.

No wonder Satya didn't like Zora's face, and he didn't like it either, because when he saw this face, he would think of the picture of He Xiaoran humiliating him.

Zhou Huohuo stared at his big round eyes, and realized that Xiao could not save himself.

Lin Xiaoxian was not as patient as Xiao, so he stretched out his hand and slapped Zhou Huohuo, "Be more honest, or I'll throw you into the water and drown!"

Zhou Huohuo was only three years old, a little milk baby with thin skin and tender flesh. After a slap in the face, her originally white, chubby and cute face instantly swelled up.

Zhou Huohuo felt aggrieved and wanted to cry, but she held back.

This person is a bad guy, she can't quarrel with the bad guys, she has to endure it, she has to wait for her mother to save her!

Zhou Huohuo suddenly said in a childish voice: "Uncle, I am very good, please don't hit me, okay?"

Lin Xiaoxian froze for a moment, then looked at the child in his arms, such a big child knew how to say nice things.

He said angrily, "If you don't want me to beat you, then be honest with me. When your mother comes later, what should you say?"

Zhou Huohuo immediately said, "Tell mom not to beat uncle."

Lin Xiaoxian hooked the corners of her lips, the little brat is quite smart.

"Remember what you said now, or I'll drown you in the toilet!"

Zhou Huohuo said: "I am very obedient."

Xiao was held by two soldiers, and he stared at Lin Xiaoxian.

He will remember this moment, remember this moment, but hate has a feeling of powerlessness.

Lin Xiaoxian was even more gloomy than he thought.

It was him who was too naive.

He thought that Satya was pure and kind, the most innocent person in the incident of Zora's heart being taken away, but he didn't expect that she was the culprit.

He thought that Lin Xiaoxian had a gentle and refined personality, would always take Satya into consideration, and act with propriety in everything.

Unexpectedly, where Satya couldn't see, Lin Xiaoxian's attacks were cruel and inhumane. Even facing a three-year-old child, he could beat a three-year-old child without hesitation.

He looked at Zhou Huohuo's swollen little face, and his heart was bleeding.

His fire, his baby, the child he had just had the chance to hold in his arms three years later, was slapped by a scum like Lin Xiaoxian!

At this moment, a pair of noisy people appeared in the crowd in the distance.

Lin Xiaoxian didn't see any movement clearly, and he didn't find He Xiaoran's figure. He only felt that there was a patch of green grass and soldiers running noisily towards this side.

"One of Mr. Lin got into the ranks of soldiers, she just came this way..."

Lin Xiaoxian quickly glanced around, "Is there someone sneaking in?"

"There is a person who looks like a loach, and moves as fast as a monkey, and he can't catch it!"

Lin Xiaoxian immediately shouted: "Take off all the hats and masks on your heads, and if you find anyone who is not yourself, beat them to death on the spot..."

Before he could finish speaking, a green figure suddenly appeared from a corner.

That figure was like a flying monkey, with brisk and dexterous movements, accurate and ruthless, with one knee on Lin Xiaoxian's chin, sending Lin Xiaoxian flying out.

At the same time, the figure stretched out its hand, snatched Zhou Huohuo from Lin Xiaoxian's grasp, held it high in the air, and shouted loudly: "Sister has become smaller!"

Zhou Huohuo was held up in the air by her, staring blankly at the person in front of her.

She didn't wear shoes on her two chubby feet, and she looked like she was full of flesh.

The most important thing is that she is wearing the T-shirt that He Xiaoran often wears, full of He Xiaoran's breath.

This figure appeared quickly and suddenly, completely beyond everyone's expectations. When Lin Xiaoxian fell to the ground, the people around hadn't reacted yet.

He Miao pinched Zhou Huohuo's armpit, raised it high, and looked at the younger sister in surprise.

Does the younger sister have no way to beat bad guys?

He Miao thought about this, and suddenly his eyes lit up, great, my sister has become smaller, and now she is the most powerful of all!

In the future, if my sister is disobedient, she can spank her ass and teach her how to dance. If my sister can't learn it, she will beat her until she cries!

When He Miao thought about it, she stretched out her hand to open a gap in the collar.

The clothes on her body were worn by men. To facilitate her movement, He Xiaoran tied up her trouser legs very slim, but the top was very bulky.

So He Miao directly opened the collar of his jacket, reached out and stuffed Zhou Huohuo in, "Sister, protect you!"

Zhou Huohuo hastily adjusted a comfortable posture, facing He Miao just like He Xiaoran tied her before, and hugged He Miao's body with four claws.

(End of this chapter)

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