Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 983 She Can't Live Without Dad

Chapter 983 She Can't Live Without Dad

He Miao looked at Xiao suspiciously, who is this person?What does he want to do?Why let yourself go so fast?
She doesn't want to listen to this man!
He Miao stood up angrily and was about to walk towards the administrative area.

Xiao was in a hurry, "Get out of here quickly... By the way, where is Huo Huo? Where's the child?"

He Miao stood there in doubt, tilting his head slightly and staring at Xiao.

Xiao thought he didn't hear clearly, so he said louder: "Your sister is not here, where is the child? Where is the child who looks like your sister?"

He Miao understood what he was saying, because he asked about his sister and the child who looked like her.

"My sister hugged me!"

Xiao thought it was the language barrier between them that caused him not to understand each other's language habits very well.

So he can only guess and guess when talking to the other party, "Your sister left with that child?"

He Miao pointed at the administrative district, "Here!"

Xiao paused, then he shook his head hastily, "No, no, your sister is not here. Are you lost? You have to go back, you can't stay in this place..."

He had just said a few words when a gun shot at him in the distance.

"I found Xiao! Mr. Lin said that the Fa must be executed on the spot, and he must be killed!"

When Xiao heard it, he turned his head angrily and looked at Lin Xiaoxian who was lying on the ground.

On-the-spot formation?

He thought that he and Lin Xiaoxian had always been at odds, but he didn't expect that Lin Xiaoxian hated him so much that he wanted him to die!
He gave Lin Xiaoxian a cold look, "You slap me so hard, I wish you would die, but I'm not as inhuman as you!"

As he spoke, he stood up and said to He Miao: "Little girl, you are lost, I will take you away!"

Liuli Island is too big, and the administrative area is also a large area. It is normal for the little girl to get lost.

What's more, she is He Xiaoran's younger sister, and she once helped her leave here with fire.

No matter what the purpose is, Xiao will take her out.

Anyway, he is already a dying person, and he can walk a few steps. For him, he is not afraid of death at all now.

Zora must be waiting for him in another world, and he wants to tell her that their Huohuo is healthy, cute and beautiful, and looks exactly like her.

He also had to tell Zora that her sister was coming to fetch her.

Her sister is indeed, as Zora said, a person who keeps her word and keeps her promises.

He bravely ventured into Liuli Island alone, and tried every means to take Zora away from Liuli Island, but it was a pity that Zora had no way to leave.

But it doesn't matter, he can leave him with Huo Huo, and promise to leave with Huo Huo.

With such a kind and brave aunt with Huohuo, Xiao believes that Huohuo will grow into a happy child!

There was no death, no killing, it was a prosperous world and a peaceful society.

Their fire can live happily and happily!
Xiao took He Miao and was about to leave, Lin Xiaoxian shouted desperately: "Xiao, Xiao, wait a moment..."

But Xiao left without looking back.

Lin Xiaoxian was covering the wound from the gunshot wound, when someone rushed out of the room, "Mr. Lin..."

Lin Xiaoxian spat out a mouthful of blood, he shook his head desperately, "Help me up!"

They want to bring Lin Xiaoxian's IQ, Lin Xiaoxian shook his head, this is the last chance!

He's running out of time, he can't miss his brother, they've missed them for so many years...

His younger brother didn't know anything yet, and he didn't even have time to look at his biography.

Why did he want the data room that appeared at that time?

If he had gone a little later, perhaps Xiao would have been able to read through that document completely...

Lin Xiaoxian didn't care about the pain all over his body, he didn't care that the wound was still bleeding, he just wanted to go after Xiao and tell him that he was his brother, his real brother.

He also told Xiao that their father was a doctor, just like Xiao.Their mother was a businessman, like him...

He had to tell him no matter what, he didn't lose him on purpose back then.

He just wanted to ask for a piece of bread for his younger brother, but when he got the bread, his younger brother disappeared standing outside the bakery.

Xiao led the way, and He Miao followed strangely. She thought that this person could lead her to find her sister.

The sound of the explosion came again, and a huge black smoke in the distance covered half of Liuli Island.

The crying on Liuli Island was loud and the screams continued.

He Miao was running happily like a happy rabbit.

Liuli Island was in turmoil, and those who were loyal and loyal to Liuli Island suddenly realized that the voice on the radio had predicted the current situation in advance.

Everything that happened now was accurately conveying a message that Liuli Island was over!
As a result, those who were more flexible seemed to see a chance to escape.

Are you leaving Liuli Island? , Will they really exchange for a different life?

When this belief began to appear, when the first person took the first step, people began to escape from Liuli Island!
General Tuba quickly found out, so he shot and killed a few people who were trying to escape on the spot, and deterred other people with bad intentions by killing chickens and monkeys.

"Let me tell you, no one can do without Liuli Island. Even if you leave, you will be hunted down by Liuli Island for life."

"From now on, as long as anyone with the intention of fleeing is found, the Fa will be punished on the spot, and no mercy will be tolerated! There are people on the island, and people on the island are dead. You and Liuli Island must live and die together."

"This is your lifelong mission and your destiny. Anyone who wants to rewrite this destiny is violating God's will."

"Even if you leave Liuli Island, you will be punished by God and die in any corner of the world. You lived for Liuli Island, and you must die for Liuli Island!"

A burst of impassioned speeches washed the heads of those who were not determined.

Let them firmly feel that Liuli Island is their final destination, and if they leave Liuli Island, they will definitely die!

Zhou Chenyuan stood at the bottom of the soil slope, holding Zhou Huohuo in his arms, and looked at He Xiaoran with resentment, "You're not done yet, are you? Come and go, you don't want to die."

He Xiaoran said: "Is there anything I can do, I have difficulty moving with Huohuo, and I can't use it."

"I entrust Huohuo to you, so I can rest assured. I don't feel relieved at all for the others now!"

She entrusted Huohuo to He Miao, and He Miao gave it to Huang Jintong and the little king on time.

But what about the golden pupil and the little king?
Huang Jintong ran to the base by himself, but his whereabouts are unknown now.

As for the little king, he ran to the base with Huo Huo and was directly arrested.

How many people are worthy of her trust?She didn't trust any of them, and none of them were reliable.

Now there is still Zhou Chenyuan who jumps forward in everything, but He Xiaoran is very worried.

If something happened to Zhou Chenyuan at the base, her Mi Li family would lose her father!

Therefore, He Xiaoran decided to let Zhou Chenyuan stay here with Zhou Huohuo, just stay like this, don't do anything, just take care of Zhou Huohuo.

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at the child in his arms with disgust, "Do you think I'm a nanny? I'll take care of the child for you?"

Before He Xiaoran left, he looked back at him: "What do you call this? You are my man, is it normal to help me take care of the child? Huohuo called my mother, called your father, and father took care of the child. How can I wrong you?" ?”

Zhou Shenyuan: "..."

His expression was a little twitchy, "Say, it's true."

(End of this chapter)

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