Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 984 You really didn't hear the sound?

Chapter 984 You really didn't hear the sound?

When He Xiaoran saw Zhou Chenyuan's expression, he couldn't help but frowned, showing contempt on his face, "Don't make that expression, as if I forced you. You are a big man, what kind of little daughter-in-law expression do you have?"

Zhou Chenyuan was not convinced, "Why is the little daughter-in-law showing such an expression? It's obviously your fault first, so I can't even raise a protest?"

He took a look at Zhou Huohuo, and felt that Zhou Huohuo was really ugly and fat, not as cute as his Mi Li, who was a peerless handsome guy!
Zhou Huohuo glanced at him timidly, then grinned at him and smiled.

Zhou Chenyuan glared at Zhou Huohuo immediately, "Still laughing?"

Zhou Huohuo said, "Dad!"

Zhou Shenyuan: "..."

Zhou Huohuo saw that the good-looking person disliked her, but hugged her at the same time, and tentatively stretched out his fleshy little arms, wrapping them around Zhou Chenyuan's neck.

Taking her chubby little face again, she rubbed it against Zhou Chenyuan's face, and shouted, "Father!"

Zhou Chenyuan was aggrieved for a long time, and saw the little girl again, looking at him with pitiful eyes.

He snorted coldly in his heart, don't think she calls him father, he really is her father.

He was looking at that woman He Xiaoran... No, he was not looking at He Xiaoran's sake, he was only looking at Xiao Mili's sake, so he reluctantly agreed to him.

So, Zhou Chenyuan snorted softly from his nostrils awkwardly, ""

Behind him, Si Qing and Zong Tang who rushed over from behind, "..."

Look, look!Let's just talk about it, A Yuan don't look at him usually fierce, like a mighty and majestic big tiger.

In fact, he is a kitten, he is a paper tiger.

If someone pretends to be pitiful in front of him a little bit, and says a few nice words, he will be aggressive one second, and soften his heart the next second, feeling pitiful for the other party.

Si Qing glanced at the mosquito bag on Zhou Huohuo's small arms and legs, and sprayed her small arms and hands with mosquito repellant.

Zhou Huohuo is very likable, and she knows very well who speaks the most among the current crowd.

In front of mother, mother must be the most powerful.

But now that mom is not here, she just hugs her dad and says the best, because everyone else listens to dad.

The little king squatting on the ground was even more embarrassed. Originally, his clothes were just old and dirty, but now they were just worn out, old and dirty.

Not only was he unkempt and dirty, but his hair was long too. Because he hadn't washed his hair for a long time, his hair was so dirty that it was knotted, making him look like a wandering little lunatic.

He was brought back, squatted on the ground, and habitually carried all kinds of bags on his body, thinking that it was his task.

Although Zhou Huohuo is young, she has always been very accurate in judging people, but this time, Zhou Huohuo miscalculated in judging people.

She glanced at the little madman under her feet, and thought that uncle madman must be the most useless, otherwise how could he be so pitiful?How miserable!

The little king was actually still in shock. After all, he had truly felt the threat of death since he grew up.

He heard the loud explosion and the sound of bullets hitting people's bodies. He walked through the smoke and crawled among the dead.

At this time, the little king really realized the difference between the palace and the outside world.

He was squatting on the ground with several bags on his back, and he didn't move at all.

He didn't do it on purpose, one was a little hungry, and the other was that his legs were weak.

He squatted on the ground and sniffed, he wanted Hong King, and he didn't know if Hong Ting wanted him.

He felt that the past few days in Liuli Island seemed like a century had passed.

Time has passed so long, has the Red King forgotten him?
The little king knew that the woman had been playing with him all the time, and she wasn't serious at all.

The red king is not serious, but the little king is very serious!

She is not serious, and it should be fine to correct her wrong thinking when the time comes. The core problem now is on his mother's side...

Zhou Chenyuan put Zhou Huohuo on the ground, Zhou Huohuo moved his little feet on the grass with his bare feet, and obediently raised his head and said to Zhou Chenyuan, "Dad, bugs bite Huohuo."

Zhou Shenyuan: "..."

He doesn't want to hug this little girl, hum!
Mi Li is still waiting for him to hug at home, why should he hug this little girl?

While he was disgusted, he reached out and hugged her again, "How old is she? Do you still want someone to hug her?"

After a few seconds, he asked, "How old are you?"

Zhou Huohuo raised his little hand and said, "Three years old."

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at the five fingers raised up by the little girl, each finger was chubby, and the small dimples on it were quite standard.

He was even more disgusted, "You said five!"

Zong Tang: "..."

The little king squatted on the ground, resting his chin on his hands, and suddenly stood up, looking up to the sky, "Did you hear any sound?"

Zhou Chenyuan, Zong Tang, Si Qing and others looked at the little king in bewilderment, "What's the sound? There's no sound, there's no sound at all."

But the little king said: "No! There is a sound, can't you hear it? Such a loud sound, such an obvious sound, it is the sound of a fighter jet engine!"

Zhou Chenyuan looked at the little king in shock, "Are your ears so good? I didn't hear anything!"

Si Qing also said, "Where is the voice coming from? It's over, are you hallucinating?"

After all, this is the king of country T. Does having hallucinations mean that he is out of order?
The little king insisted that he heard the sound of aircraft fighters.

As time progressed, he even said that it was the voice of a fighter group, and specifically stated the number of fighters.

As if looking at the little king, Zhou Chenyuan whispered into Si Qing's ear, "Is it possible that he really heard it, rather than a delusion?"

Si Qing was about to say it was impossible, but Zhou Chenyuan reminded him, "You forgot He Miao? He Miao's nose is better than a dog's nose!"

"They are twins!"

If the little king's hearing is unbelievably good, then what is the existence of He Miao? Bugs?

If one bug can appear, two bugs can appear, not to mention that they are twin brothers and sisters!
After hearing Zhou Chenyuan's words, Si Qing was a little speechless for a while, "Then what, there is no similar example of twin brothers and sisters who are gifted in certain aspects in medicine."

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at him from the corner of his eye, "Now there is."

Si Qing was a little worried, "Then I don't specialize in genetics..."

"If you don't have the ability, just say that you have no ability. Why do you find so many reasons?" Zhou Chenyuan looked down on him a bit, "If you can't judge, just tell the truth. I won't look down on you."

The little king squatted on the ground, looking at them hard, trying to understand what they were saying.

It's a pity that although he has been working hard to learn Chinese, he still can only listen to a half-knowledge.

Zhou Chenyuan lowered his head and asked, "The fighter group you mentioned, could it be the planes from Liuli Island?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Chenyuan's expression changed, "Not good!"

If it is true that Liuli Island sent a group of fighter jets, it means that Liuli Island intends to wipe out all of them, leaving no one alive!
(End of this chapter)

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