all the way to fairy

Chapter 101 Collusion

Chapter 101 Collusion
When they arrived at the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion, not to mention Wei Lin, Xue Fu was also surprised. Apart from some of the onlookers that day, and the waiter in charge of the Ye family's box in Jinye Pavilion, the patriarchs of Wang, Chen, and Ye were also there.

The head of the Ye family is here, and she can understand that although the one who died was just a side branch, it was a scandal of the Ye family after all, so it was natural to save face.

But what happened to the heads of the Wang and Chen families, did they come to see the jokes of the Ye family?

The face of the head of the Ye family was very ugly. While greeting the heads of the two families, Wang and Chen, he secretly stared at his juniors. Seeing the good deeds these youngsters have done, everyone in the city knows how embarrassing they are.

After staring at his family, he couldn't help cursing that Mr. Zhongxing would not know how to be a man. What's the point of asking the principals of the Wang and Chen families to visit the matter of his Ye Xue family?
Are you sincerely embarrassing the Ye family?
After a while, someone came in again, it was the Sun family, one of the four major families in Nanling City. The complexion of Patriarch Ye changed suddenly, and his face was full of colors.

Wei Lin followed the salute while secretly observing the expressions of the crowd. The crowd watching that day were all dazed and cautious, while the high-level heads of the aristocratic families looked dignified. It was obvious that the thing to talk about today was definitely not just about the Ye family. Junior murder and frame-up case.

What's interesting is that the other patriarchs obviously knew something, but the appearance of the patriarch Ye showed that he, like other monks, didn't know.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, but he remembered that the Ye family was not only one of the best refining families in the Canglan Continent, but also had a Nascent Soul Stage clansman in the Four Seasons Valley, who was also the leader of the peak!
As time went by, people entered the meeting room one after another, and finally the top family leaders in the city came.

Amidst the solemnity, a middle-aged man with a majestic face and a beautiful and graceful woman walked in, and someone whispered in his ear: "Master Qin Zhi!"

Wei Lin didn't look sideways, real person Qin Zhi?Didn't you say it will come in half a month?

As soon as the man sat down, he looked around majestically, and said, "Everyone, I invite you to come here today because there is a big matter to be confirmed."

After saying that, he turned his gaze to the stewards of the city lord's mansion below, and a thin man with a gloomy face came out and said hoarsely: "It has been identified that the deceased had been poisoned and died of poisoning."

Ye Xue's eyebrows twitched, and then she regained her composure.

A little boy next to her said, "Poisoning? How could it be poisoning? We all saw it with our own eyes. Fifth Sister was whipped to death by Sister Xue Fu!"

"Xiaoqi!" The head of the Ye family gave him a hasty look, gave him a silent look, and then cupped his hands to the superior Zhenjun Zhongxing: "Forgive me, the city lord, children are not sensible"

"Although he said that he was a bit reckless, the question was on point," the city lord Zhenjun Zhongxing interrupted him, "There must be real evidence to convince people, Li Zhou."

Li Zhou turned his wrist, and a blood bowl appeared in his hand: "Patriarch Ye."

The head of the Ye family didn't take the blood bowl. With their cultivation base, they could smell the sweet fragrance of blood from this distance, which is the unique smell of the heart fruit.

"Li Daoyou is an expert in poison, and I can trust you, but this blood has the poison of rotten fruit."

Li Zhou nodded, put away the blood bowl, and continued: "The time of death of the deceased was si o'clock three quarters, and he was in Nanpingfang at that time. These people can testify."

He pointed to Wei Lin and others who were onlookers that day. Immediately, everyone recounted the situation of that day, each saying what they said, and testifying to each other. No one lied.

"As we all know, it takes a quarter of an hour for the poisonous effect of the heart-eating fruit to take effect, so the poisoning time of the deceased should be two quarters."

After he finished speaking, he looked at several Jinye Pavilion attendants, and one of them immediately stood up and said, "On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Miss Ye's young masters arrived at Jinye Pavilion at the end of the day. We sent them in when the auction started. For tea, we went in again to fill up refreshments at the fifth quarter of the hour, and we didn’t go in again until the second quarter of the sixth hour, and no one came out.”

"Is what he said true?" As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhou asked the other waiters and the princes and ladies of the Ye family who were in the box that day.

Everyone nodded to confirm that the monk had a good memory, but he didn't deliberately remember it. Now that he recalled it, what he did that day was also vivid in his mind.

He turned to the place where the Ye family junior was standing expressionlessly: "Now it is very clear that the deceased was in the Jinye Pavilion box when he was poisoned at the second moment, and there were only a few of you in it at that time, so tell me, who administered the poison? "

In order to prove their innocence, the young masters and ladies of the Ye family talked to each other, recalling the scene in the box that day, and finally pointed the finger at Ye Xue as expected.

Ye Xue opened her mouth, unable to refute. At this point, she couldn't help but deny it. Taking a deep breath, she calmly said, "That's right, I poisoned you."

"Fourth Sister, why?" Ye Xiaoqi, who had spoken before, couldn't believe it. Although Fourth Sister didn't like to talk to them on weekdays, she really couldn't be more considerate. How could she poison Fifth Sister!
"Why?" Ye Xue sneered, and said with a sneer, "I also want to know why. We agreed to perform well, but the patriarch appointed Fifth Sister before Daoist Qinzhi arrived. Why?"

Her eyes were a little red, and her voice was choked with sobs: "Jiumei has two spiritual roots, we can't compare with me to know, but why is she Ye Wen? The same four spiritual roots, the purity of the spiritual roots is not as good as mine, and the cultivation is not as good I am diligent, arrogant and self-willed, why should I be her? Just because her parents are alive and my father is gone, is my mother just a mortal?"

The sparkle in her eyes could no longer be contained, and as she blinked, it fell down suddenly, like a flood that opened the gate, rushing non-stop, she turned her head to stare at the head of her family: "I don't seek favoritism, I only ask for fairness, but why don't you give it?"

Master Qinzhi's face was a little moved, and she sighed, "Silly boy, I will personally decide on the disciple's matter, others are just suggestions."

The meaning of these words was to admit that the head of the Ye family had mentioned to her about the selection of Ye Wen. Wei Lin frowned. Under the same conditions, it was self-evident who was recommended and who was not recommended.

Ye Xue sneered, obviously thinking of this, and didn't acknowledge her feelings.

The elder of the Ye clan blushed, feeling ashamed of being stripped of his clothes in public, but it was only for a moment, who hasn't had a partiality, it's just human nature.

However, because of such a trivial matter, everyone knew about it, and his heart was burning with anger.

Thinking of the dignified faces of the previous families, most of the anger in my heart has gone again, and I can only pray that all this can end as soon as possible.

After glaring at Ye Xue fiercely, he said: "The city lord is wise enough to clear up this dirty matter for my Ye family. This bastard has such a vicious mind. I must educate the old man well when I go back. I will trouble the city lord."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hand and apologized to the head of the Xue family, but he scolded Ye Xue half to death in his heart, a dead girl, and made him lose his old face, and he must look good in the third room when he goes back!
This matter is said to be his Ye family's family matter, and it is reasonable to make a fuss in the city lord's mansion. Ye Xue's family talked about it, and the apology that should be apologized, the apology that should be apologized, and this matter was exposed.

However, now the city lord summoned all the aristocratic families of Nanling City with great fanfare, and he asked tentatively: "City lord, what about this?"

"It's not over yet."

Zhenjun Zhongxing glanced at him, stood up and walked in front of Ye Xue, and shouted sharply: "Tell me, when did you collude with Canye Pavilion?"


Patriarch Ye was shocked suddenly, his face was sullen, and his voice was cold: "City Lord, you can't say something nonsense!"

"Hmph, if I'm talking nonsense, you can find out by searching the soul."

As Li Zhou stepped forward, he explained to the crowd: "The poison that the deceased was poisoned included Shu Fangyi as well as Corrosion Heart Fruit."

"Shu Fangyi!" The head of the Wang family was impatient, and he immediately took a deep breath and asked, "Li Daoyou, are you sure?"

Li Zhou nodded solemnly, and then handed the bowl of blood to the head of the royal family: "Although Shu Fangyi is colorless and tasteless, when it is fused with the heart fruit, it will make the sweet fragrance of the heart fruit slightly astringent. It’s easy to miss if you’re not careful.”

(End of this chapter)

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