all the way to fairy

Chapter 102 Reversal

Chapter 102 Reversal
There was a slight curiosity on Wei Lin's face, but his heart almost jumped out. He tried his best to control his heartbeat. It was to wash his heart, which was based on Shu Fangyi, supplemented with secret medicines refined from spiritual plants such as eclipsed heart fruit. .

Refined Shufangyi is extremely corrosive, and when mixed with the heart-corroding fruit that is also corrosive, the corrosiveness will be multiplied.

In addition, Shu Fangyi has the characteristics of making people dizzy, soft and paralyzed, and can corrode the heart of the poisoned person without knowing it.

Shuxin is the secret medicine of Remnant Night Pavilion, and only killers above the prefecture level are eligible to redeem it, and he only read it in Jing Zhe's study.

Ye Xue's face was pale, and the crime of colluding with Canye Pavilion was too great, not to mention her, but the entire Ye family might perish for it.

She is doomed to die, but her mother will still live in the Ye family, without the family's blessing, what will her mother do? She hastily defended: "I didn't! I didn't collude with Can Yege! I am..."

Li Zhou interrupted her coldly: "Shu Fangyi is only available in Can Ye Pavilion, and he said you didn't collude with Can Ye Pavilion!"

Patriarch Ye stepped forward and slapped him: "You evil beast, you haven't really recruited it!"

"I didn't!" Ye Xue roared in despair, but how could these golden elixirs and nascent souls listen to the defense of her little qi training disciple.

Without enough strength, there is no right to speak. The only head of the Ye family here who can make decisions for her has given up on her early.

Abandoning the car to protect the commander in chief, Wei Lin couldn't help but secretly lamented the decisiveness of patriarch Ye. What he said meant that no matter what the final result was, it was all done by Ye Xue alone and had nothing to do with the Ye family.

The next moment, he heard him take the initiative to say: "It's about the Canye Pavilion, it's a big matter, please ask the city lord to search his soul and find out the truth!"

"Grandpa patriarch!" Ye Xiaoqi exclaimed, and was immediately held back by the brothers and sisters around him, such a thing was beyond their control.

Wei Lin's complexion changed, the secret was not good, no matter whether Ye Xue colluded with Canye Pavilion or not, after today's incident, those powerless people like them are destined to be silenced.

Ye Xue had nothing to do with Canye Pavilion, the head of the Ye family thought that they would not let them go in today's embarrassment, if Ye Xue really colluded with Canye Pavilion, they would be silenced even more.

The crowd watching that day and the attendants of Jinye Pavilion were obviously aware of this problem, and all of them had pale faces, dripping with cold sweat.

There is no need to doubt that if you are so cruel to the family members, you have no scruples about them.

Wei Lin was worse than them, he was an elite disciple of Canye Pavilion, if he was discovered, he would die without a place to bury him.

It's good that Ye Xue didn't collude with the Canye Pavilion, it's safe to escape; if he colludes, even if he survives by luck, and ruins the arrangement in the pavilion, I'm afraid he will have to shed his skin.


The shrill screams echoed in the hall, Ye Xueli's face was distorted to the extreme, the veins on her forehead were bulging, two eyeballs almost protruded from the eye sockets, her mouth was wide open, and her body was shaking like a sieve.

Zhenjun Zhongxing stretched out his hand and grasped it, Ye Xue suddenly fell silent, fell to the ground like a rag, his eyes were lifeless, there was only infinite emptiness, his body twitched a few times in inertia, and he was completely gone. movement.

Looking at the gray spot of light in Zhenjun Zhongxing's hand, Wei Lin shuddered. In front of these Jindan Nascent Soul monks, they were no different from little chickens, ready to be slaughtered.

"How?" Zhenjun Zhongxing had just finished investigating, and the impatient head of the royal family couldn't help but asked hastily.

The rest of the people also looked at him right and wrong, Zhenjun Zhongxing was stunned, his expression was indescribable, but he didn't say anything, but handed Ye Xue's dull soul to the head of the royal family.

The patriarch of the royal family took Shenhun to check suspiciously, and shouted: "How is it possible!"

He glanced at Patriarch Ye with some embarrassment, and handed Ye Xue's soul to the Patriarch Chen who was looking over.

Patriarch Ye looked at the expression of the city lord and him, and suddenly snatched it over. After checking it, his face suddenly became colorful, and he was about to vomit a mouthful of blood.

Looking at the sluggish patriarch Ye, the patriarchs of the family turned their attention to the city lord and the patriarch of the royal family who had already checked.

The royal patriarch smiled awkwardly, "She picked up the poison."


Everyone was stunned, they searched with great fanfare for a long time, and thought about all kinds of possibilities, even the possibility that the Ye family is the stronghold of Canye Pavilion, but they didn't expect it, the result turned out to be, pick it up!

As long as the mind and soul are complete, the soul searcher can see all the memories of a person from birth to the present, and there will be no fakes, unless the soul searcher is used by others, and he himself does not know.

The city lord couldn't hold back his face, and the patriarch of the royal family said awkwardly: "A month ago, the little girl of the Ye family went to Matou Village outside the city to practice, and found a storage bag in the cave of a two-headed lizard."

"Two-headed lizard?" Everyone was shocked.

Knowing what they were concerned about, the Patriarch Wang didn't hold back, and said directly: "It's just an ordinary first-order double-headed lizard. As for the storage bag, besides the poison, there are hundreds of spirit stones and a middle-grade yellow magic weapon. A copy of Spirit Induction Jue, besides that, there is nothing else."

Wei Lin has a strange expression, to be able to exchange for poison to wash his heart, at least he must be an earth-level killer with a golden core cultivation base, and this is his wealth?

He knew that there were not many Lingshi disciples in the Canye Pavilion. After all, it was the same for them to make contributions.

"Spirit-leading formula?"

Everyone frowned, this kind of rotten street skill was of no help in confirming the identity of the owner of the storage bag.

Apart from proving that Ye Xue did not collude with Can Ye Pavilion, there is no other redundant information.

Patriarch Wang hesitated and said: "Judging from the situation in the cave, the owner of the storage bag should have been eaten by a double-headed lizard, so his cultivation level should not be high, or he may be a monk who has just introduced Qi into his body."

Wei Lin was even more stunned. Could it be that there was someone more unlucky than him, a dignified Jindan stage monk who was buried in the belly of a monster and was still a first-order monster!
Also, why is it Yinling Jue, isn't the general skill of Remnant Night Pavilion the Void Spirit Jue?
There is also a mid-grade yellow-rank magic weapon, which is also very abrupt. For Qi training monks, a middle-grade yellow-rank magic weapon is naturally rare, but it is very tasteless for Jindan stage.

The items in this storage bag seem to belong to two people.

Two people, he was startled, could it be that Ye Xue passed the hands of one person before!
Wei Lin secretly guessed in his heart, over there, the conjectures of the family heads had no clue, but it was clear that Ye Xue was wronged.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while, the head of the Ye family was stunned and angry, for an unwarranted crime, his Ye family's face was thrown on the ground as a rag, stepped on and stepped on.

With a livid face, he stuffed Ye Xue's soul back into her sea of ​​consciousness, the body on the ground shook violently, those empty beautiful eyes blinked, but they were still dull, no longer as agile as before.

Ye Xue, stupid.

A group of young monks watched with horror, looked at the head of the Ye family in horror, and took a few steps back unconsciously.

The head of the Ye family suppressed the Yu Su in his heart. If there were only one family or two, it would be one of the four major families. This face, he Ye family must also get back.

Now, it is the whole family in Nanling City that embarrasses the Ye family. Thanks to him, the Ye family can only knock out their teeth and swallow their blood.

Thinking of inviting the city lords from other families, he couldn't help but feel ruthless. If he gets a chance in the future, don't blame the Ye family for disregarding the past friendship.

Thinking about it again, the Xue family is also hateful. The two families have always been on good terms. If such a thing happened, it would be better to solve it in private. It had to be brought up in front of the city lord, which led to the current situation.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of Wei Lin at the back of the Xue family's team, and he was even more angry. He was also troublesome. If he hadn't smelled some rotten fruit, how could there be so many troubles?
Seeing the vicious gaze cast by the head of the Ye family, Wei Lin looked calm, the whole room was full of people who were ready to kill him, and he was not afraid if there were too many lice.

The heads of the family clan comforted the head of the Ye family in embarrassment, everyone's attention was not on Ye Xue, but Wei Lin accidentally caught a glimpse of the monstrous hatred flashing in those dull eyes, he was stunned, Ye Xue is, pretending? !
(End of this chapter)

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