all the way to fairy

Chapter 103 Don't Talk About Hygiene

Chapter 103 Don't Talk About Hygiene
Being able to forcibly survive the soul search without losing her will, this Ye Xue's determination is rare in the world!

He glanced at the head of the Ye family in the crowd, and raised the corners of his lips. Ye Xue is different from them. She is also a child of the Ye family. Leave the City Lord's Mansion alive.

As long as today's crisis is over, with her current image of a fool, the Ye family must be unprepared for her. Are they afraid that they will not find a chance to leave by then?
When such a person who deeply hates the Ye family and all the Nanling families grows up, it is not certain what will happen in the future.

Over there, the patriarchs had finished being polite and were about to evacuate. At this time, a waiter of Jinye Pavilion hurriedly stood up: "My lord, since this matter is over, I will take my leave first. There are still a bunch of people in Jinye Pavilion. Business is waiting to be dealt with."

The companion who came with him suddenly woke up like a dream, yes, as long as he can return to Jinye Pavilion, even the city lord can't do anything on the site of Jinye Pavilion. No matter how powerful the Nanling city lord is, he can still control the entire continent Ye Shi?
There was a moment of silence in the hall, and the two waiters bowed their heads respectfully, with cold sweat on their foreheads. After a moment of oppressive silence, Zhenjun Zhongxing smiled gently: "I'm sorry to trouble you, since you are busy with business, my seat I won't stay any longer, Li Chun, you personally send the two of you back to Jinye Pavilion, don't neglect!"

The two waiters suddenly turned pale, and they would not let them go.


A square-faced, dark-faced middle-stage foundation-building guard responded loudly, then turned around and stretched out his hand to the senior officials, and made a grim expression to the two Jinye Pavilion attendants: "You two, please."

Since the city lord is willing to do the work for him, the other patriarchs are also happy to commit crimes and let him go.

With a thought in his mind, Wei Lin glanced at the three remaining guards in the foundation building period, and walked out, saying, "My lord, I will also take my leave."

True Monarch Zhongxing smiled and nodded without any hesitation.

Xue Fu looked at him in surprise, opened his mouth, but said nothing in the end.

After Wei Lin nodded farewell to her, he followed a mid-stage Foundation Establishment monk and went out.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, the Foundation Establishment cultivator who saw him off naturally asked, "Where does little fellow Daoist live?"

Wei Lin looked at the man's plain face, and replied politely: "Yuelai Inn, I have to thank you, senior."

The man gave him a strange look. Did this guy really think he was here to see him off?After coughing twice, he said, "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, the man stepped forward, and Wei Lin followed behind him without saying a word, a few steps behind, keeping a polite distance.

As soon as he turned a corner and arrived at the Yuelai Inn, the man in front of him sacrificed his magic weapon indifferently, and suddenly turned around and slashed at Wei Lin. However, the blade with a cold light barely stopped an inch above Wei Lin's head.

The man was shocked, and lowered his head in disbelief. A silver-white long sword was precisely inserted into his heart. There were green leaves lingering on the sword, and a thorough coldness spread from his heart to his whole body.

Wei Lin raised his hand to catch the big knife that was about to fall from above his head, and at the same time drew out his long sword, looked at the fallen man, and said softly, "Your knife is too slow."

The man's unbelievable eyes slowly closed, Wei Lin took the storage bag and his identity token, instantly turned into light and shadow, and left quickly.

The Yuelai Inn is not far from the city gate. He had noticed it when he entered the city a few days ago, and he also mentioned this place on purpose just now, just for the purpose of escaping now.

It didn't take him half a moment to arrive at the city gate. He thought he needed an identity token to get out of the city, but he didn't expect the city lord to be very confident in his subordinates. There was no martial law at the gate, and Wei Lin walked out easily.

He didn't stop for a moment, and immediately made a big detour when he got out of the city gate, from the south gate to the north, before fleeing in the direction of Purple Light City.

This escape was very smooth, until he successfully boarded the spirit ship to Fenshui City in Ziguang City, he did not see any pursuers, even the platinum-clothed Nascent Soul Zhenjun he met in the Tianwu Forest did not chase after him. .

Sky Cloud City, Drunken Dream Building.

After working as an accountant for seven days, a girl finally came to take over Yunli's bookkeeping. She wondered if she was thinking too much, and Zuimenglou's bookkeeping was indeed in charge of a special person.

In doubt, Yunli embarked on the return journey, hurried back, she directly took the spirit ship from Tianyun City to Fenshui City.

Perhaps due to the secrecy of the killer organization, Canye Pavilion is surrounded by villages, and some small towns a little farther away, without public transportation, and Fenshui City is the closest large city to Canye Pavilion that can be reached by spirit ships. city.

Because the missions in the pavilion that require long distance travel are almost all done by mysterious and earth-level assassins, and the trips are all flying with imperial weapons, so I don't think there is any inconvenience in transportation.

When they reached Xuling, two men came up, the one on the left was tall and strong, more than eight feet long, with a mustache, and he was in the early stage of foundation establishment;
The person on the right is full of big yellow teeth, the opening of the gray ramie gown reveals a chest covered with black hair, and a brown sweat towel is tied on the belly that is bulging like a ball, and it is deeply sunken into the oily and sweaty bed. In fat.

He walked over swaggeringly, and put the huge shiny ax in his hand towards Yunli, the deck trembled, and then he shook the flesh on his face, and roared in a rough voice: "You have no eyes, I didn’t see Lao Tzu coming, I’m going to die!”

Yunli was about to give him a hammer, when she saw a dark yellow saliva flying towards her face, her figure flickered, and she retreated behind the person beside her, it was so disgusting!
The handsome male cultivator who accepted the baptism of the fat man's spittle star on her behalf turned dark immediately, and the fat male cultivator didn't realize the power of his saliva star at all. He turned his head and made a nasal sound to Yun Li behind the delicate male cultivator , Shouted: "You are wise!"

Depend on!
How come you don't have any self-awareness!
Yunli leaned back, and raised a layer of aura to stand in front of her body to block the saliva that flew over again. The man finally reacted to such an obvious dislike, and he smiled wretchedly, "Little bastard! How dare you dislike Grandpa's saliva?" Dirty, come here for me!"

Yunli's eyes narrowed. What he wanted to say at first was definitely not this sentence. He still spoke in a lewd and greasy tone, and his attitude of not being ashamed but proud suddenly turned into a rage halfway through.

She glanced at the tall and strong man next to the fat male cultivator, and there was no doubt that he was the one who transmitted the voice.

These two people came for her.

Before she could speak, the delicate male cultivator in front of her, who was constantly being showered with yellowing saliva, burst out. The folding fan in his hand suddenly pressed against the fat man's neck, and he said through gritted teeth, "Fat pig, get out of here!"

Yunli was surprised, she didn't expect such a handsome and gentle person to be so rude when he opened his mouth.

In a word, he successfully angered the fat male cultivator. With a smirk, he picked up the ax and slashed at him, shouting, "You're courting death!"

When he swung the axe, the oily sweat on his arms slapped Qingxiu Nanxiu's fan again. The man's face turned black instantly, and he swung his fan to fight the fat man.

Everyone retreated one after another. On the one hand, they were afraid of being affected by the battle;

Yunli is disgusting, and monks are not ordinary people. They can be cleaned with a simple dust removal technique.

At the end of the cultivation base, daily spells such as dust removal are basically familiar, so it's just a matter of raising your hand. This is purely for disgusting people!
Seeing that things were developing like a runaway wild horse, the tall and strong man, Xiu, had already deviated from the purpose of their trip, and sent voice transmissions to the fat man repeatedly, trying to stop his behavior.

But the fat man who was angry couldn't listen to his words, and he fought fiercely with the handsome man. Both of them were in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and they were evenly matched.

(End of this chapter)

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