all the way to fairy

Chapter 105 High-altitude battle

Chapter 105 High-altitude battle

"On the boat," Brother Gao Zhuang was overjoyed. Why did he forget that it was in the air? He smiled and transmitted the voice: "I have a solution. You can just get her out of the spirit boat. After a period of Qi training, there is no need to worry about it." It’s not at our mercy.”

The fat man stood up excitedly, this method is good, no matter how strong the dead girl is, she is only in the Qi training period and cannot fly with the imperial weapon.

He couldn't help scolding himself for being a pig, thinking about how to deal with the opponent's strength, but he forgot the most fundamental thing.

After discussing the countermeasures, the fat man slowly approached Yunli, but he was noticed immediately.

Yunli frowned, covered her nose and moved to the side. It's not good to have a too keen sense of smell. Meeting someone with such a heavy body odor and not being hygienic would be a torture to her nose.

The chubby man's expression froze. The arrogance that he was always proud of, which reflected his arrogance, turned out to be a bad thing.

He cursed secretly, frowned and performed the dust removal technique on himself, and after a while, he leaned over calmly.

Yunli: "."

She shook her head, she was so tormented, she looked around for a week, but she didn't find any young, beautiful and fragrant young lady asking her to wash her nose.

Forget it, Yun Hai was tired of watching it all the way, so she simply went back to the cabin to meditate.

The fat man was dumbfounded.

The tall and strong man burst into anger, and cursed: "You hit it directly, be careful with a hammer!"

"But not on the spirit ship."

Before he could finish speaking, Gao Zhuangnan interrupted: "You are afraid of a fart, take her down and we will fly directly with the sword, and take a hammer spirit ship!"

"Uh," the fat man wanted to pick his feet in embarrassment. He was so excited that he forgot about it. He kept saying, "When she comes out next time, I will do it immediately!"

Idiot, the tall and strong man Xiu cursed secretly, hit her as soon as she came out, and she had to retreat directly into the cabin, he was lucky, and suppressed his anger: "It doesn't need to be the first time, at least she should be on the deck, preferably on the side of the ship nearby."

The fat man agreed again and again, and the general direction was set. The next step is to find an opportunity and push it, and the task is half completed. Qianshi doesn't have any acquaintances on the spirit boat. No matter what, when the time comes to land with her, just collect the body.

When they looked through the autumn water and the sunset covered the sky, Yunli finally came out.

Stepping out of the hatch, Yunli immediately felt two fiery gazes, she paused, what bad idea is this guy holding back?

After being discovered, the fat man didn't restrain himself at all. He stared at Yunli unscrupulously with malicious eyes as before; but the tall and strong man Xiu outside the spirit boat didn't speak any more, and urged Feijian to catch up with Ling with all his strength. the speed of the ship.

Yunli glanced around, but didn't feel any danger. After thinking about it, he alone couldn't do anything to him, so he walked to the side of the boat with peace of mind.

The setting sun between the sea of ​​clouds is not so thick, the light red, clear orange, stains the large sky, holy and majestic.

The wind blows through the ends of her hair, whispering wonderful and mysterious stories, closing her eyes, the whole person seems to be in the world, unrestrained, full of freedom, she can't help thinking, flying with a sword, freely shuttling in the world Between the sea of ​​clouds, the experience must be even worse.

The fat man was delighted, God helped them, this little girl actually walked to the side of the boat, leaned leisurely on the side of the boat, and stretched out her hand, what a great opportunity!

He immediately turned into a human cannonball and threw it at Yunli, feeling the surging air behind him, Yunli had only time to open his eyes when he was hit by the strong-smelling cannonball behind him and fell off the spirit boat.

The people on the spirit boat were shocked, and then showed a clear expression, people, they should keep a low profile, high profile people don't live long.

After a few words of exclamation, everyone stopped paying attention, and the light of Huanshi Ling on the wrist of the fallen Yunli flickered, then dimmed again.

She turned her head and glanced at the fat man who came down from the spirit boat with her behind her. This guy has such a strong bandit temperament and is so arrogant.

Then look at the tall and strong male Xiu who Yu Jian followed, he looks very rich.

She changed herself into a comfortable posture and lowered herself down, and greeted cordially: "Hi two uncles, what generation are you from? I have only been in the cabinet for more than a year, and many people don't know each other. You have been doing tasks outside ?"

Gao Zhuangnan's heart was shocked, the flying sword wobbled, and he almost fell off the flying sword.

The fat man opened his eyes and exclaimed, "Did you recognize us?"

She nodded honestly.

She rolled her eyes secretly in her heart, she was not blind, the two of them had a clear goal since they got on the boat, and came straight to her.

And since they entered the Canglan Continent, the only people who have met with each other are the people from the Canye Pavilion, who specially sent people to wait on the road to rob and kill her, except for the people from the Canye Pavilion!

"Impossible, we can-"

"What in the attic, don't make excuses, today you are dead!" The tall and strong man held the flying sword steady, stopping the fat man's stupid behavior of wanting to declare himself a family.

Yunli groaned, and after being quiet for less than half a minute, she asked again: "Uncle Shi, did you take everything with you when you went out?"

"Of course, why are you asking this?" The fat man suddenly became alert in the middle of speaking, and Fox asked.

Yunli smiled cutely and sincerely: "It's nothing, I'm just curious if everyone is like me and has to take all their belongings with them when they go out."

Isn't this nonsense, here at this moment, you are not sure where you will be at the next moment, and you have to carry your belongings with you, in case of accidents, the fat male cultivator gave her a sideways glance like an idiot.

Yunli's eyes fell on the flying swords under their feet again. One of them was a giant axe and the other was an epee, but what they were stepping on were flying swords with the same material and similar styles. She couldn't help being curious.

"Do you need to prepare another flying magic weapon? Can't you use your own natal magic weapon?"

Tall and strong male cultivator: "..."

Why are there so many questions? Does she even know her situation?She was falling from a height of thousands of miles, and there were two foundation-builder monks staring at her beside her.

Seeing her confident and undisturbed leisurely appearance, the tall and strong monk felt uneasy. Could it be that this dead girl has some tricks?
Thoughts turned in his mind, and at the moment he ignored the previous plan, gave the fat man a look, summoned the epee and slashed towards Yunli.

The orange silk on Yunli's wrist suddenly spread out under her feet, like an orange mirror, smooth and flat, her toes touched the mirror, and she jumped up with her strength to avoid the attack of the epee.

Gao Zhuangnan was startled, he never expected that she could find a point of support, he watched the orange mirror that was condensed at that moment, and turned into a veil again the moment the little girl's toes left, and was blown up by the wind.

Just as he was in astonishment, he heard a slap from behind, Yunli had landed on his flying sword, and he was horrified, years of fighting instinct made him subconsciously turn around and strike with the sword, but unexpectedly Yunli did not attack him, Instead, he stomped heavily on the flying sword and jumped towards the dumbfounded fat man on the other side.

He flipped his wrist, raised his sword and was about to go to help, when the orange gauze floated in front of his eyes, a few acupoints felt a slight pain like a needle prick, and then he found that the meridians all over his body were sealed!
Without the support of his spiritual power, he fell straight down with his sword and man, and because of the heavy sword in his hand, the speed of falling was as fast as a meteorite. He subconsciously wanted to lose the heavy sword in his hand. I really don't want to part with the painstaking efforts to get a suitable natal magic weapon.

While he was struggling, the long orange silk flew down from above his head and wrapped around his waist, and then wrapped around the epee in his hand, and then the silk head flew upwards like it was alive.

The tall and strong man was dumbfounded, is this little girl so kind?
He looked up, his eyes were full of orange, the orange gauze was flying, and the little girl shuttled nimbly among them, fighting against Shen Jiujiu, who was stepping on a flying sword and wielding a giant axe, without losing the wind in the slightest.

The high-altitude environment has no real impact on her, and every time she lands, the orange silk will become a hard plane, and it will turn back to a thin long silk as she leaves.

 Thank you for your votes, cuties!

(End of this chapter)

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