Chapter 106

Ying Shiba was shocked. He had never seen this level of control over spiritual power, let alone a monk in the Qi training stage, even those in the Nascent Soul stage.

In her hands, the orange long silk seemed to be a part of her body, changing at any time in conjunction with her battle.

On the contrary, Shen Nineteen, although he was in the middle stage of foundation establishment, was trapped between him and Cheng Ling. Every time Cheng Ling touched his body, it would leave scars on his body.

Shen Jiuyu drove the flying sword, trying to highlight the encirclement of Cheng Ling. However, no matter which direction he chose or how far he flew, Cheng Ling could always catch up with him lightly. The most pitiful thing was that his greatest reliance was the law of life. The giant ax can't do any real damage to this thin, soft cloth.

Whenever his giant ax swung past, the silk would instantly become soft and elastic, unable to exert force at all.

At this time, he deeply hated himself for blindly pursuing strength when he forged the magic weapon of his own destiny. He believed that if his magic weapon was sharper, he couldn't break the broken silk, so why wouldn't he be able to cut it?
While coping with it, he thought about his belongings. He was about to die. When he received the task, he saw that he was just killing a qi-training disciple. Simple.

Even if this ant is special and fierce, it is still an ant, just be careful not to get stung when you crush it to death.

He put his spiritual sense into the storage bag without hope, um, there are still some talismans, and he looked again, the burst talisman, he was disappointed.Most of the fighting methods and bursting symbols are big killers that change the situation of the battle, but most of the battle situation does not include the current situation.

Surrounded by Orange Ling, if he dared to throw the Explosive Talisman, the enemy might not be killed, but he would be killed first.

There is also a pack of soft incense powder exchanged by the mission hall, which is refined from eighteen kinds of poisonous herbs, and a small amount of Shufangyi is added to make the medicine more effective. As long as it sticks a little, the spiritual power of the whole body will flow backwards and damage the meridians;
And under the effect of Shu Fangyi, the poisoned person will be exhausted and unable to raise the energy to control spiritual power.

AoE damage doesn't work either.

In a daze, Cheng Ling entangled his ankle, and he was startled, and quickly avoided in the direction of Chang Ling's entanglement.

Just now, he could see clearly that the silk wrapped around Ying Shiba lightly for a few times, and Ying Shiba was sealed with his spiritual veins, waiting to die.

Although Ying Shiba's cultivation base is a realm lower than his own, his combat power is not bad. He is a monk who has cultivated sword power. This broken silk must have a way!
Thinking of this, he suddenly became cheerful, and instead of attacking Yunli, he dodged and flew downward towards Ying Shiba. As long as he untied Ying Shiba's spiritual veins and restrained Ling, wouldn't it be easy? !
Yunli originally lamented that a fat man was as nimble as a monkey and could not slippery, but she didn't let her Ling stay on him for a second longer. Every time he touched it, that guy burned his ass like fire , away quickly.

It's good now, he actually wants to rescue Gao Zhuang Nanxiu, isn't this a chance for her, she pretends to carefully control Chang Ling to go down and chase, as if she will fall if she is not careful.

Shen Jiujiu was overjoyed. Although Na Ling was powerful, she was not a serious flying weapon after all, and she couldn't do whatever she wanted.

He drove the flying sword down quickly, and came to the parallel position of Ying Shiba. Looking at the long silk wrapped around Ying Shiba, he retracted his outstretched hand, wouldn't he also wrap him?
Raising his head, Yunli above was still controlling Aya to sink a little bit, while the section of Aya wrapped around Ying Shiba's body had no brilliance, and he couldn't miss the opportunity. Although he was anxious, he didn't reach out rashly, but approached After a while, the spiritual power popped up to help the tall and strong man release the spiritual veins in his body.

At this moment, the dull orange silk suddenly flashed with light, and Shen Jiujiu immediately retreated like a frightened rabbit, but unexpectedly, this retreat fell straight into the fantasy silk hanging behind, Li suddenly tightened the Huanshi Ling and quickly sealed his spirit veins.

Yun Li is happy, she can control Chang Ling to lay a carpet, just one fall, how can it be difficult, this guy really believes it, and this guy's attack method is too simple, restraining his destiny Magical weapon, half of the combat power has not been displayed.

Sitting leisurely on the hot air balloon swing transformed by Huanshi Ling, slowly falling down, slowly summoning the spoils tied to Huanshi Ling.

She first picked up the fat man's giant axe and weighed it. The weight was okay. As her strength continued to increase, the previous giant hammer was a bit out of hand. She didn't expect it. Sleepy came to send pillows, this time two pieces Let her choose the heavy magic weapon.

These two people are in the foundation building stage, and their cultivation base is much higher than that of the old man who was in the early stage of Qi training, and the two are more of a strength type, and their magic weapon is perfect for her.

She took the epee again and tried it, good guy, she almost didn't move it, her eyes lit up, the epee was of better quality and heavier than the giant axe!

Looking at the fat man, she smacked her lips: "I didn't expect your body to grow for nothing!"

Looking at the strong tendon muscles of the tall and strong man again, he nodded again and murmured: "It's normal for people who like to exercise to have more strength."

Being sealed with the spirit veins all over his body, hanging on the silk, without the slightest strength to resist, and having to suffer such an insult, Shen Jiujiu and Ying Shiba wanted to vomit blood, and shouted together: "Demon girl, let us go if you have the ability! "

Yunli gave them a blank look: "Am I stupid?"

The two choked, and changed their words: "If you have the ability, you kill us!"

Yunli replied without raising her head: "Don't worry, wait until I finish the inspection and acceptance."

Staring at the ax and weighing the sword, she finally chose the epee. First, the epee is heavier. Although it is a bit difficult now, it will definitely take longer to adapt to it; second, she still resists these It's a blunt and heavy magic weapon, let's get used to it with the heavy sword first, in case she learns to use the sword!
After deciding on the magic weapon for the future, she dragged the tall and strong monk over, took off his storage bag, wiped away his consciousness, and checked his wealth, and she did not disappoint her. There are thousands of stones, and there are about a dozen middle-grade spirit stones. She counted roughly with her fingers and converted them into low-grade spirit stones. There are almost 13 spirit stones in total!
In addition, the pills are the most, especially the Rejuvenation Pill, there are ten bottles!

After investigating, she looked at Gao Zhuang Nan with starry eyes admiringly: "Master, you are so rich! How do you make money? Why are there so many spirit stones?"

Ying Shiba Yuyu, he is obsessed with the way of the sword, and doesn't care about everything else. Except for the exchange of kung fu sword formulas and this epee, the contribution points of the missions these years have been exchanged for spiritual stones for cultivation .

Before he could answer, Yunli sighed again: "Having prepared so many rejuvenation pills, uncle, do you often find someone to fight with?"

Ying Shiba's black face flushed purple, and he squeezed out between his teeth: "Demon girl, kill me if you have the ability!"


As soon as the words fell, he felt the long silk wrapped around his waist loosen, and his whole body fell downwards.

Shen Jiu was terrified when he saw it. At first, when they saw the little girl entangle the falling Ying Shiba with silk, they thought she would not kill them, but it turned out that she was just coveting their storage bags.

Seeing with his own eyes that the little girl was chatting affectionately one moment, and then let go as soon as she said she was relaxed, without blinking her eyes, he couldn't help but get chills down his back, and looking at Yunli, he begged for mercy in horror: " Don't kill me, don't kill me! I'll give you the storage bag, I'll give you everything!"

While talking, he untied the storage bag, extended his consciousness, opened the storage bag and threw it towards Yunli, his frightened eyes turned fierce, judging by the little girl's behavior just now, it is impossible to let him go, let alone , If they fail to complete the task, they will inevitably die.

Since he is dead anyway, why not pull a backrest, a fierce smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, soft face powder was not used just now, but now it is perfect for a backrest.

(End of this chapter)

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