all the way to fairy

Chapter 107 1 thought

Chapter 107 One Thought

Yunli caught a glimpse of something red flying out of the storage bag flying over, and Huan Shiling turned into a curtain in front of her in an instant.

Shen Nineteen laughed wildly: "I can't stop it, your magic weapon is really powerful, but no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it can't stop the smell!"

It turned out to be poison, Yunli calmly took Huanshiling away, caught the storage bag, ignored the fat man's disbelief, and looked down.

"How come you weren't poisoned!" Shen Jiu couldn't believe it. He saw her suck it in with his own eyes at such a close distance. Why can she still move?
Shouldn't she have flowed back her spiritual power and died with her meridians shattered?And Shu Fangyi, why didn't it work?

Yunli said without raising her head, "Guess."

Looking through the storage bag, she couldn't help but be disappointed. Compared with Gao Zhuangnan's storage bag, the contents of this storage bag are appallingly small. There are only three spirit stones, and there are not many bottles of pills. The ones that are worth some spirit stones are probably the giant ax and those bursting talismans.

She stared at the chubby man, unable to believe it: "No, no, where is your spirit stone? After all, you are also a mid-stage foundation-building cultivator. How can you be like a little qi practitioner who has just introduced qi into your body? You won't return it!" Do you have any other storage bags?"

Yunli looked suspiciously at the fat man, dragged him over, searched him all over, and finally found out in frustration that he was really poor.

Shen Jiujiu's face turned red. He has always been lavish, and all the spirit stones he earned were spent on the girls in Zuimenglou. Over the years, he has done many tasks and often robbed. He has earned both contribution points and spirit stones. But it just couldn't save the spirit stones, and didn't even add a few high-grade magic tools.

Ying Shiba didn't buy it because he was obsessed with his epee, thinking that sword cultivators should not rely on foreign objects, and he couldn't keep the spirit stone. Fortunately, the girl from Zuimenglou can improve her cultivation, otherwise it would be terrible It's really empty-handed.

However, seeing Yunli's dejected expression, he was suddenly in a good mood, and finally he didn't take advantage of this damn girl.

Seeing the ridicule on his face, Yunli's face darkened, and she let go of Huanshiling.

She was in a bad mood just after she threw the fat man down, when something happened that made her feel even worse.

Above the clouds, a huge bird monster with a gray back and wings, and a black head, neck, and chest swooped down. On its back stood a young man in a white robe.

Looking at the huge bird claws that were grabbed towards her, Yunli narrowed her eyes and snorted coldly in her heart. A mere eighth-level Qi training monk dared to plot her ideas. What made her most annoyed was that a minion talking crane unexpectedly Dare to fly above her head!

Huanshiling flew out, entangled one paw of the Minogue Crane and yanked it fiercely. The proud sixth-order Minogue Crane suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed in pain, while Yunli flew up to its back, subduing the young man above it in two or two , sealed the spiritual vein, tore off the storage bag, and said coldly: "If you want to be the oriole that preys on the praying mantis, you must have that strength!"

The boy's fair face was flushed with embarrassment, until it reached the base of his ears. He was face down, half-pressed on the back of the Minogue Crane, struggled a few times, but couldn't break free. He roared: "Chasing the moon!"

Listening to the master's order, Minogue Crane moved a bit, and then found that the terrifying aura on its back seemed to be even worse, and immediately froze, not daring to have any resistance.

Seeing that the Minogue Crane under her feet did not follow the boy's instructions to attack, Yunli withdrew her attention, slapped the boy on the back, and said angrily, "You rely on it? With such a flat hair, You want to rob me too!"

Ye Chuchen was photographed by her completely lying on the back of the Minogue He, and the warm body temperature of the Minogue He made his fair face red with blood. After watching the whole process, he knew very well that he was not this The little girl's rival.

The two foundation-building monks have been planted in her hands one after another, and their spiritual veins have been sealed in the sky thousands of miles away. The only thing he can rely on is his spiritual pet Minoyuhe, but I don't know what tricks she used to make him always The omnipotent spiritual pet didn't obey his orders.

After the contract was concluded, the owner could feel some emotions of the spiritual pet, but now, the emotion conveyed by Zhuiyue turned out to be fear, so fearful that his heart trembled, he didn't even have the courage to throw her off!

Chasing the moon could not be counted on, thinking of the two foundation cultivators who had just been thrown down without hesitation, he turned his head, blushed, and stammered: "You, you can't kill me, I'm from the Ye's firm. "

"So?" Yunli said casually, turning her head and squinting at the Minogue Crane at her feet. To herself, why does she feel that this monster's reaction is stronger than the one she encountered before?
When it rushed down, it was obviously not afraid, and dared to stretch out its claws to grab it, but at the moment it counterattacked, it felt like it was struck by lightning, and it trembled instantly.

So what are these monsters afraid of?

"I'm a member of the Ye clan, if you kill me, you will become an enemy of my Ye clan and be hunted down by all the Ye clan!"

Forget it, don't think about it if you can't figure it out, Yunli secretly suppressed the doubts in her heart, and when she heard this, she glanced at him suspiciously: "Are you sure?"

Although Ye Shi is powerful, he will not be so idle that he will go to war just for any cat or dog.

Ye Chuchen nodded again and again, and hurriedly explained: "I am a water and wood dual spiritual root, or a direct branch, and my family values ​​me very much."

Seeing that Yunli was still very skeptical, he said again: "This time I followed my uncle to Nanling City to inspect the store. I saw you knocked off the spirit boat just now. I wanted to come and help you."

After speaking, his voice unconsciously became aggrieved.

Yunli rolled his eyes at him, and pointed to the tip of her nose: "Do I look easy to deceive?"

The time when she fell at the beginning, and the fight with the fat man later, was enough for him to fly back and forth on the Minogue Crane a few times, she didn't even see a hair, okay!

Ye Chuchen became anxious, "No, I really wanted to save you in the first place!"


Ye Chuchen blushed a little, and nodded in shame. While admiring the afterglow of the sunset in the lounge, he saw a little girl on the fourth floor of Qi training fall down, and then saw two strong men in the foundation building stage chasing after her.

He knew the girl. At noon, she was fighting with someone on the spirit boat. Uncle Zhang went out to stop her. I couldn't help laughing, thinking that my younger sister is also often naughty, her innocent tone is very similar to the younger sister's expression of trying to get away with it after getting into trouble.

Seeing that she was about the same age as her younger sister, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her, so she transmitted the message that Uncle Zhang didn't care about her.

Unexpectedly, the little girl not only looks similar to the little sister occasionally, but also has the same ability to cause trouble. In such a short time, she has provoked people to kill her in this way.

He couldn't bear it, because his spiritual pet was a sixth-level monster, and he was also an eighth-level qi practitioner, so he couldn't definitely win, but it was still possible to take away one of the two foundation-building monks.

So I chased him out from the lounge, but unexpectedly saw the little girl adjusting her posture calmly, asking this and that curiously, and it was not difficult to hear from the words that she was from the same school as those two big Han teachers.

Since he is from the same sect, wouldn't it be too rash to act rashly?

He struggled for a while, but decided to save someone, after all, she was a little girl who was about the same age as his little sister.

Think about it in another way, if one day my little sister is away and meets some villain who wants to take her life, as an elder brother, he naturally hopes that someone with good intentions will save her from the fire.

Seeing the tall and strong man Xiu throwing out his epee to slash at the little girl, he couldn't help being anxious, and he drove Zhuiyue to go down to save her, but the situation below changed instantly, and the menacing tall and strong man Xiu was completely settled in the blink of an eye.

The next scene was even more shocking, his jaw dropped to the ground and he didn't pick it up again. The orange silk danced like a dream, and the little girl shuttled through it like walking on the ground.

He froze in place, and saw that Ling seemed to have life in her hands, changing as he wished. While he was astonished, he couldn't help coveting that Ling must have given birth to wisdom!
Magical artifacts with spiritual wisdom are not restricted by the existing grades. As long as the opportunity is right, everything is possible, even fairy artifacts are not impossible!

Yunli mocked: "I wanted to save you at first, but saw that the storage bag couldn't move?"

Ye Chuchen raised his head and wanted to refute, but he fell silent under Yunli's mocking gaze. He really coveted behind him, but it wasn't the storage bag that he coveted.

(End of this chapter)

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