all the way to fairy

Chapter 108 Contract

Chapter 108 Contract
Seeing that Yunli's eyes were getting worse and worse, he said seriously: "I really wanted to save you at first, otherwise I wouldn't have chased you down, and I didn't lie, I'm really a direct descendant of the Ye family, and I've lost my soul." Lantern, if you kill me, you will not be able to escape the pursuit."

After thinking for a while, he added: "Our Ye's firm has spread all over the continent, and we have stores in every town. No one can escape the pursuit of the overnight family."

"Tch!" Yunli didn't care, "If I seal your spirit veins and throw you into a group of monsters or just kick you down, do you think your family will find me along the soul lamp?"

Ye Chuchen choked, and the soul lamp could only send back the images of the last short period of time before his death. If it was true as she said, what was sent back was probably images of a group of monsters, or the blue sky and white clouds.

Seeing that he stopped arguing, Yunli sized up his eyebrows. Under normal circumstances, a qi training period fell from the sky, and there were two foundation-building monks staring at him, so there was absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Although the young man's clothes were simple and there were no extra accessories on his body, his cassock was made of Mu Yunsha. It didn't look like he was lacking spirit stones, and if he was really a child of the Ye family, it was even less likely that he lacked spirit stones.

Then there is no possibility of following him down to pick up bargains. Could it be that he really wanted to save himself in the first place?
These days, there are still people who see injustice and draw their swords to help, which is also rare!
However, from the conversation between the three of them just now, it is not difficult to guess that she is from the Remnant Night Pavilion, but the young man didn't think of it for a while, but after going back and thinking about it, he would guess it easily, and then he would be in danger.

She let go of the young man, frowning slightly, chop it up, this young man is a rare stream in the Canglan Continent, and his initial intention was good, don't kill him, leak his information, and don't even think about walking in the sunshine in the future down.

While she was in distress, a rune slowly appeared in her mind. She was stunned for a while, and after reading the information of the rune, she raised her hand, pouring spiritual power from her fingertips, and skillfully outlined a rune out of thin air, as if she had once Outlined countless times the same.

"Contract or die."

"What is this?" Ye Chuchen rubbed his sore arm, and stared in astonishment at the light golden rune that appeared out of thin air. The simple lines, but with a faint mysterious meaning, have been watching for a long time , There was a slight burning pain in the eyes.

Yunli: "Master-servant contract."

Ye Chuchen was even more confused. He had only heard of the contracts between monks and spiritual pets, and they were all contracts with people as the main and monsters as the slaves. He had never seen a contract between people.

"To put it simply, after signing the contract, you can't violate my order. Also, if I die, you die. I don't care if you die."

Ye Chuchen turned pale with fright, isn't this the spiritual pet contract?Still the cruelest kind.

Yunli moved her feet: "If you don't tie, you will die."

Ye Chuchen's ashamed red face suddenly turned purple, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm married."

He took a deep breath, let's go through this test first, he comforted himself, he will find the third grandpa when he goes back, he must have a way to solve it, the third grandpa is the most powerful talisman master in the Ye family, and he is the top in the entire Canglan Continent , the contract is connected with the rune, so it will definitely be solved.

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, she was willing to see such an ending, she could fight back without hesitation to those who wanted to kill her, but she hoped to be more tolerant to a person who had good intentions towards her at first .

"A drop of heart blood, do you take it yourself or me?"

"I'll do it myself." Trembling, Ye Chuchen forced out a drop of heart blood, and Yunli made a move, and the blood drop flew towards the rune.

Ye Chuchen's heart trembled slightly. Watching his blood essence slowly merge into the pale golden rune, there was a subtle connection between himself and that rune.

After the blood and the rune were completely fused, Yunli skillfully outlined it again, as if strengthening the rune.

Then the controlling rune fell into the young man's forehead, and at the same time, there was the same light golden rune imprint on the palm of her hand, which was not flesh and blood.

Ye Chuchen felt a chill on his forehead, and then felt dizzy as if a green leaf had fallen into his mind.

It is the sea of ​​consciousness!
His long eyelashes trembled, and his thin and delicate eyes were full of fear. This contract fell directly into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness. Could it be that his own life and death depended on the other party's thought!
Yunli saw him looking like a frightened deer, and comforted him: "Don't act like a prostitute, it's just an ordinary master-servant contract, as long as you don't disobey my orders, don't hold any ill intentions towards me, I won't What will happen to you. If we get along happily in the future, I will definitely explain to you. "

"Get along well? I want to follow you all the time?" Ye Chuchen was ashamed and angry. Isn't this a spiritual pet?
"That's not necessary."

Yunli gave him a blank look, what was she thinking, she signed a master-servant contract with him because she was afraid that her identity would be leaked, and she took him with her, so wouldn't all her secrets be known to him.

However, although the contract was concluded very skillfully, it was the first time after all, so she had to try the effect. Thinking of this, she spread the palm of her left hand, her thoughts moved slightly, and a pale golden mark appeared, and then she shook hands, Ye Chuchen Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly feels like being pricked by a needle, and it hurts heart-piercingly.

With a loud cry, he fell from the back of Minogue Crane and passed out from the pain.

Yunli was startled, the fantasy world flew out and pulled him up, she scratched her head, is that an exaggeration?She shook it lightly.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She squatted down and patted the boy's almost transparent white face, only then did she notice that the boy was extraordinarily slender, under the thin skin, she could even see the inner structure, her lips were vermilion, against the white and transparent face, there was a kind of Thrilling beauty.

She remembered her rough action just now, she actually rubbed such a delicate person on the back of Minogue Crane, it was so merciless!
Amid Yunli's self-blame, the beauty's butterfly wings trembled slightly, and she slowly woke up, her foggy eyes had crystals at the corners of her eyes, which made Yunli blame herself even more.

She said embarrassingly: "This is the first time I concluded this kind of contract, I just tried the effect, don't worry, I will never do this casually in the future!"

Seeing her, Ye Chuchen was still in shock, jumped up subconsciously, and almost fell again, it was too painful, that kind of pain, I experienced it once, and I don't want to experience it again.

Anger arose in his heart, he had originally intended to save him, but with a single thought, he ended up in such a mess.

Seeing that he didn't believe in herself, Yunli didn't care about it. Since the contract is valid, it's important to settle the business first. She stared at the young man and said seriously: "After getting off the spirit boat, nothing related to me can be done. Tell others, no one can tell, remember?"

With the master-servant contract, he can't do things that she doesn't allow, or in other words, can't do it. This is the main function of the master-servant contract, to ensure that subordinates will never betray.

Ye Chuchen almost squeezed out between his teeth: "Remember, stop."

She called out Huanshiling and was about to leave when she suddenly remembered that she didn't know his name yet, so she turned around and asked, "Oh, by the way, what's your name?"

Seeing her turn around, Ye Chuchen took two steps back in fright, and replied, "Ye Chuchen."

"Ye Chuchen," Yunli read it again, and asked, "You just said that you are from the Ye family, can I help you?"

Ye Chuchen closed his eyes. For the first time in his life, he wanted to be rude. Your life is in your hands. Dare you not help!
He closed his eyes again, suppressed the anger surging in his heart, and said calmly, "Say it."

Yunli took out a storage bag and handed it to him, saying: "Help me sell all the instruments inside, and also, don't reveal any information about me. As for the spirit stone, just give it to me next time we meet, yours Just deduct the labor fee directly."

Originally, she was thinking about how to get rid of Shuangjiang's pile of hot potatoes without anyone noticing, but now that it's done, Ye's disciples have come forward to sell it, even if it is recognized as Shuangjiang's belongings, no matter what Come on them.

"It's better to sell it later, um, about seven days later."

At that time, I had already returned to the Remnant Ye Pavilion, so I made it clearer!

Ye Chuchen opened the storage bag, slightly startled, did not expect that the help she said was really just help, wasn't it just to deal with some magic weapons that came from wrong sources, this matter is a trivial matter to their Ye family children.

Compared with dealing with these instruments, he was more concerned about another question, "When will we meet next time?"

(End of this chapter)

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