all the way to fairy

Chapter 109 The first batch

Chapter 109 The Second Batch

Yunli frowned. She wasn't sure when she would come out and how long she would be out. After thinking about it, she said, "Give me an address, and I'll find you when I'm free."

We will meet again!
Ye Chuchen resisted in his heart, he hesitated and said: "I often patrol the store with my uncle in charge, and I don't have a fixed residence."

The word Chuan appeared between Yunli's eyebrows, which was really troublesome, "Give me a token, um, leave the spirit stone in Tianyun City, I'll go get it when I'm free."

He really wanted to ask how long she would be free. He didn't care about how to deliver the Lingshi, but only worried about when she would be free, and whether she would be able to find the third grandpa to terminate the contract with Hui.

Ye Chuchen pulled the only jade pendant from his waist, and said perfunctorily: "This is my token, you take it to the Dantang of Tianyun City to get it, and I will explain to the steward when the time comes."

Yunli took the jade pendant, checked it carefully, and put it into the storage bag just now after making sure that it was not tampered with.

"By the way," she smiled slightly, spread her left hand, and light golden runes slowly emerged, "I have to remind you, this master-servant contract is not limited by distance, it is far away in the sky, as long as I move The effect of this rune is also the same. Unless I die, or I untie it myself, it will not work even if the Daluo Jinxian comes."

When the words fell, the Huanshi Ling suddenly unfolded and spread downwards. She pointed her toes on it and slid down the orange silk quickly. Whenever she came to the end, she lightly raised her wrist, and the other side of the silk would continue to spread in front. In such a cycle, in just a moment, she had already slipped a long way.

Ye Chuchen looked at the little girl who disappeared into the vast clouds below in the blink of an eye, exhaled heavily, knelt down, stroked the Liyuhe who slowly stopped trembling, and murmured: "What did she do to you?" what?"

Minogue Crane turned its head, and timidly arched his palm, as if asking for comfort?
Ye Chuchen was stunned again. When he bound the spiritual pet contract with Chasing Moon, it was already a fifth-order monster. In his impression, it was always proud. Apart from being somewhat intimate with its own master, it could not treat other people as well. They have always been ignorant of answers, even the elders of the Jindan Yuanying stage in the clan have never seen it so afraid.

What the hell did that girl do to it?
Returning to the spirit ship with doubts, he picked up a pen and wanted to draw the rune just now. After arriving at Nanling City, he first consulted the resident talisman teacher there. Unexpectedly, he was shocked to find that he couldn't draw the talisman. arts!
It is obviously the most concise lines with a few strokes, but for some reason, every time halfway through the drawing, the paper will spontaneously ignite and be destroyed.

Cold sweat dripped from the corners of his forehead, and his intuition told him that this contract might really not be lifted
Sensing the slight change in the surrounding wind and airflow, Yunli's thoughts moved slightly, and Huan Shiling immediately turned into a hot air balloon swing, slowed down slowly, and carried her to the ground steadily.

She also thought about whether she should go back to the spirit ship with Ye Chuchen. Although she could claim that Ye Chuchen rescued her, it was always eye-catching.

It's not far from Fenshui City, and it doesn't take much time to walk there.

Besides, meeting by chance, it's better not to get involved too much.

Looking at the gradually approaching twilight, and at the dense woods that would definitely not be able to pass through for a while, she chose a nearby valley sheltered from the wind, moved out of her small wooden house, set up a defensive formation, and entered the house, instantly having a flashback. feel like home.

Pulled out some snacks from the cabinet at hand, and took out all the trophies of this trip while eating. People came and went along the way, and it was not convenient to count the trophies. She only had time to pick out the spirit stones, and the rest were Randomly collected.

According to her speed, she will leave tomorrow morning and arrive at Fenshui City at noon, which is just enough to deal with a wave of goods. The Canye Pavilion monopolizes all kinds of transactions in the pavilion. Free competition is better.

Thinking that a lot of spirit stones would flow into her pocket tomorrow, Yunli was in a good mood and couldn't help humming.

The pills are basically used, if you don’t sell them, take them out first; she can make the talismans herself, so let’s sell them, who knows how effective the talismans of unknown origin are; Lingzhi, they don’t know how to make alchemy , and there is no idea of ​​developing in this direction in the future, so sell it; as for magic weapons, she picked out some good-quality magic swords neatly.

Thinking of this, she sighed, the senior brother is going to build the foundation soon, and the natal magical artifacts have not yet been found, but almost all the magical artifacts refuse to be his natal magical artifacts, what should we do?

He is a sword cultivator, so he can't live without magic weapons, right?

She had a big head for a while, and lost interest in earning spirit stones. What kind of sword would recognize a person who has no celestial fate as the master?

After thinking about it all night, she didn't come up with any good ideas. When the sky was bright, she closed the wooden house and rushed to Fenshui City. She still knew too little, so she went to Fenshui City to search for books. Maybe there were some good ideas in the books. .

Thinking about something in her heart, she neatly packaged and sold all kinds of items to the store, and then went straight to the street stall area. It wasn't that she didn't want to go to a regular bookstore, but that she didn't.

Not only does Fenshui City not have it, but other towns also don’t have it, Tianyun, Nanling, Hengyue, Qingyang, and the four largest cities in the Canglan Continent don’t have it either. Someone will take it out and sell it.

Therefore, if you want to find books, you can only go to the stall area. Some monks who have no hope of advancing will organize some common spiritual plant monsters, the distribution of major forces, and some recognized cultivation tips that they know into books, and sell them. Earn some meager spiritual stones for those mortal monks who have just entered the Canglan Continent.

In addition, there are some imaginative and unconstrained practice scriptures for people to entertain.

She searched through several book stalls, but couldn't find any information about it, not even a few, which annoyed several stall owners.

She squatted there, looking at each book. Although these books were banned, she could not read the full text, but her behavior seriously took up the time of the stall owner and hindered other customers who wanted to buy. .

Finally, under the disdainful and cannibalistic eyes of the old stall owner, she spent a piece of Lingshi to buy a few story books, and left dejectedly.

After walking out of the city gate and walking a mile away, the spiritual sense could see from a distance on the mountain road in the forest, two tall and strong men in black robes were leaning on the tree trunks on both sides of the road, their faces were full of impatience.

She paused, it was obvious that these two people were waiting for her.

She was depressed, this group of people kept adding to the block without winking, didn't see that she was in a hurry, looked at the two late stage foundation establishments in front, she decided to fight hard, maybe it would be a good fight, Once I got the storage bag, I feel better.

Thinking of this, she walked briskly over.

When they were still twenty miles away from the two of them, the man on the right focused his eyes and spotted her first. He stood up straight and said to the man on the left, "Here we come."

The man on the left also scanned over intently, and found her, his face relaxed, he moved his neck, and his bones cracked suddenly, "It's finally here, I really don't know what Miss Lan Shu thinks, such a small Qi training, even Send us both."

While paying attention to how far Yunli is, the man on the right reminded: "Don't be careless, during the last competition, she relied on a giant hammer and didn't use much of her spiritual power, so she suppressed all the people who practiced Qi. In the later period, the masters and nephews have no power to fight back."

The man on the left was full of disdain: "So what, although the ninth floor of Qi training is only separated from the initial stage of foundation establishment by an enchantment, the difference is worlds apart! The body of Qi training disciples is spiritual energy, and our foundation building monks are indeed filled with spiritual fluid , between the spiritual liquid and the spiritual energy, the difference of one letter is the difference between clouds and mud, and how can she shrink it with her brute force."

"Be more careful." The man on the right frowned slightly, turned his head to the side, his eyes were full of worry, then he covered the worry in his eyes, and explained patiently: "The day before we received the mission, Master Jing Shisan returned In the pavilion, after handing in the mission in the mission hall, go straight to Miss Lanshu's residence."

(End of this chapter)

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