all the way to fairy

Chapter 110 The Power of the Epee Sword

Chapter 110 The Power of the Epee Sword

Hearing this, Yunli's feet stagnated slightly, so Jing Shisan really deliberately found an excuse to keep her in Zuimenglou, delaying her return time.

Feeling that the two divine senses falling on her body were a little cohesive, she bent down and grabbed a few small flowers, held them in her hands, and then walked slowly while quietly listening to the two of them talking.

The man on the left rolled his eyes, interrupted him, and said, "What's the matter? Master Jing Shisan is Miss Lan Shu's personal bodyguard. This mission was only due to the lack of manpower in the pavilion. He is back. , of course I have to report to Miss Lan Shu."

The contempt on the face of the man on the right was about to overflow, and he raised his voice: "The point is that after he left, Miss Lan Shu went to the mission hall, and then we received the mission. Don't you think it's too coincidental?"

The Hanhan on the left suddenly realized this time, and murmured: "It's not unreasonable for you to say that. Just the day before, I went to the mission hall and accepted the basic mission for the next three years."

Yunli held the flower and sniffed it for a while, lowered her eyes, and there was a cold light in her eyes. The basic task is related to the antidote to Devil May Cry, so the priority is naturally higher than other tasks. Generally speaking, if a disciple accepts the basic task, The mission hall will try not to arrange any special missions for them.

Because some disciples like to step on the spot, and do the basic tasks before the deadline. If the deadline is delayed because of the special mission, and they lose their lives, it is nothing to do with one or two people. If there are too many, the task hall will inevitably arouse public outrage.

From this point of view, these two people were added by Lan Shu when he was dying. The fat man and the tall and strong man were one in the middle stage of foundation establishment and one in the early stage of foundation establishment, but now the two are all in the late stage of foundation establishment. Understood.

In the martial art contest, she showed that the ordinary ninth level of Qi training was useless to her. Lan Shu was always cautious, so he chose a monk with mid-stage foundation strength. Although the tall and strong man was at the early stage of foundation establishment But he is a sword cultivator, and his actual combat power is still higher than the fat man in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

And in Wolf Valley, after she smashed to death a bunch of fourth- and fifth-order popular wolves equivalent to the early and middle stages of human foundation construction, Jing Shisan suddenly realized that she had underestimated her combat power, so she made such a bad excuse to put her in the Zuimenglou stayed for a few more days.

He himself went back to inform Lan Shu in advance, and then Lan Shu quickly sent two monks in the late stage of foundation establishment to intercept and kill, but since Jing Shisan also knew about this, he could do it himself, why did Lan Shu want to do this? so troublesome?
The two people waiting in front of the tree saw her stop and go all the way, picking flowers and picking fruits, they couldn't help but have black lines all over their heads, this leisurely pace, those who didn't know it thought she was on an outing.

"She didn't discover us and was deliberately delaying time, did she?" The man on the right was a little suspicious.

Hanhan on the left shook her head firmly: "No, if she finds out, she should turn around and run away. How can she play so leisurely? After all, she is still young. It is normal for a child to pick flowers and flutter butterflies."

The man on the right 'looked' worriedly, and saw that the little girl picked up another lavender flower and sniffed it. The aroma made her very dissatisfied, her nose and eyes were all wrinkled, and she threw away the lavender flower .

After walking a few steps, she picked another pink-blue flower. The fragrance of this flower made her very satisfied. She happily inserted it into the bouquet in her hand, and smiled and murmured: "It's better for us in the south, and the spring breeze is already intoxicating at this time." , the mountain flowers are in full bloom."

Hearing this, Hanhan Nan couldn't help asking: "Where did she go this time?"

The cautious man thought for a while: "Tianyun City, Master Jing Shisan's trip is to escort the goods to Zuimenglou. If there is no accident, she should be a member of the escort team."

"Escort teams are not all in the foundation building period," Hanhannan recalled this point, and after thinking about the key points, he was puzzled: "Why do you think Miss Lanshu wants to kill her? You still have to go through so much trouble?"

The cautious man looked indifferent, "Knowing too much about some things may not be good."

The naive man curled his lips and changed the topic: "Today is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and the winter wind is blowing over Tianyun City. When everything is withering, it can't compare to our south, where spring is blowing."

The little girl tied up the bouquet in her hand and put it in the storage bag. It seemed that she had finally finished playing and was about to concentrate on her journey.

After walking a few steps, they finally entered the range of the little girl's consciousness, only to see her stop, frowning and muttering to herself: "There is someone."

The two of them were not in a hurry, this road was the only way from Fenshui City to Canye Pavilion, so she had to come here.

In order to complete the task as soon as possible, the prudent man covered his heart and coughed softly, sat down to meditate on the spot, looking injured, and then they 'see' the little girl who has no deep experience in the world no longer hesitates, and walks over with confidence .

When she finally appeared in their line of sight, the cautious man stopped pretending. Even if she ran away from this distance, they could catch up in an instant.

The naive man grinned, squeezed his fists, and said in a rough voice: "Little bastard, it's not easy to die. Grandpa will teach you today, lest you become a ghost and it's not easy!"

Cautious man slapped the ground with his palm, and with his palm as the center, the soft ground with a radius of ten feet suddenly condensed into a whole, and said: "Don't be careless, this girl is a talisman master."

"Heh, what a high-level talisman she can make with a small Qi training!"

Hanhan Nan didn't care, thinking that he was overly cautious, she was just strong, with a Qi training level [-] cultivation base there, with just a little spiritual power, she could make mid-grade yellow-rank talisman seals to reach the sky.

Looking at the condensed ground under her feet, Yunli smiled. She didn't want to use the ground escape talisman to escape. Moreover, if she wanted to run, even this level of soil condensation couldn't stop her from escaping from the ground. symbol.

Sudden acceleration under his feet, he rushed towards the two of them. Hanhannan looked at Yunli, who was dragging a huge epee and was rushing towards him with swift strides. ?”

The cautious man's expression changed, and he sacrificed the magic weapon solemnly: "That is the sword of Ying Shishi."

"Ying Shiba? That lunatic who is obsessed with swordsmanship?!" Hanhan was shocked. Although he hadn't dealt with Ying Shiba much, he knew him.

This person is quite famous among their foundation-building monks. Although he is only in the early stage of foundation-building, he is a genius of sword repair, or a lunatic of sword repair is more appropriate.

In his eyes, there is only cultivation and the sword, and he is indifferent to other matters. Under his sword, even in the middle stage of foundation establishment, if he is not careful, he will fall under the sword. If his sword is in her hands, doesn't that mean he is dead? In the hands of this little girl?

How can this be possible?

In his shock, a wide and heavy sword slapped towards him with an unstoppable momentum. He quickly sacrificed his magical weapon to resist, but he couldn't resist half a point, and was slapped to the ground by the huge force of the sword. He suddenly felt that his internal organs were shattered, and the next moment a foot stepped heavily on his heart, a bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and then he tilted his head and lost his breath.

The cautious man who had just escaped turned around and saw this scene, the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, and he killed a late stage Foundation Establishment with one move, without the slightest hesitation, he turned and fled.

He is only at the foundation building stage, and his specific strength is still a little low. How could he be her opponent? Seeing that he was about to run out of the little demon girl's sight, his ankle tightened suddenly. He was dragged to the ground, his eyes were full of tufts of grass that were rapidly retreating.

When he stopped, he had already eaten the ashes all the way, and his body was in burning pain, but he couldn't take care of these things, his life was the most important thing, and the spiritual power formed a spiritual power shield all over his body. He was about to jump up like a carp, so he Feeling the shadow above his head, he raised his head subconsciously, and a huge sword fell from the sky, hitting his back without hesitation.

The spiritual power cover only lasted for a short moment before it shattered, and then the spine, back ribs were shattered inch by inch, and then the internal organs.

His whole body went numb at first, and then a slight sweetness surged up his throat, "Pfft——"

Seeing the bloodstains flying everywhere, Yunli raised her epee subconsciously, and blocked the splashing bloodstains with the wide blade. Then the epee fell, chopped off pieces of bone, and quickly raised her wrist, preventing the epee from continuing to fall. .

(End of this chapter)

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