Chapter 111
Yunli stuck the epee on the ground, stroked her heart, but fortunately she stopped it, otherwise the man would have been cut in two.

She shook her head, gathered herself together, quickly took off the storage bags of the two of them, and looked through them carefully to make sure that there were no omissions. Then she walked to the side, supported the tree and kicked heavily, dying of exhaustion.

Although this epee is powerful, with her current strength, it is a bit difficult to use, and she is out of breath after swinging a few swords. Hey, if I knew it, I wouldn't have sold the fat man's giant axe.


She stopped wiping her sweating hands, and her spiritual consciousness enveloped the surroundings. When she was fighting just now, her attention was focused on the two opponents, and she didn't pay much attention to the surroundings. She didn't expect that someone happened to pass by.

She searched for the results of her spiritual sense and looked over. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl turned pale with fright, and her voice trembled uncontrollably: "I, I'm just passing by, I can't say anything, please don't kill me."

With a dark face, Yunli said depressedly: "Do I look like a murderous maniac?"

"Yes, no, no, no, it doesn't look like it, it doesn't look like it at all!" The girl shook her head like a rattle, waved her hands again and again, and repeated dryly.

Yunli's face turned darker, unlike you who are afraid of being like this. For the sake of her own image, she took two steps forward and explained patiently: "They were the ones who wanted to rob me first. I was doing it in self-defense. I'm really not A murderous madman. Why can't I, a fourth-level qi practitioner, not think about it, and go to rob the seniors of the foundation establishment stage."

The girl backed away in fright, her pale face covered with sweat and tears. The explanation just now had no half effect, and even had the opposite effect.

She knelt down and kowtowed again and again, she was just a little monk at the second level of qi training, although she couldn't see what the two dead people were, they must be higher than this little girl.

Hearing that these were two foundation-building stage monks, she was so frightened that her soul jumped out of her body. She thought that the two were from the fifth or sixth level of Qi training, but she didn't expect to be the seniors of the foundation-building stage!
The two seniors in the foundation building stage solved it with three swords, and dealing with her, a second-level qi practitioner, is not as simple as crushing an ant to death.

Yunli was extremely depressed, and it seemed that she couldn't explain it, so she waved her hand irritably: "You go."

Hearing the words, the girl could hardly believe her ears, she stopped begging for mercy, stared at Yunli in disbelief for a while, and saw that she had turned around and dealt with the two corpses, she just woke up like a dream, and stood staggeringly. Get up and run.


A chuckle sounded, and Yunli's eyes lit up. The voice was, "Senior brother!"

Hearing the words, the girl who was running fast in front wished she could grow a few more legs. The junior sisters are already so cruel, and the senior brother is not bad!
"Ah, what a coincidence, did you just come back?" Yunli happily ran over.

Wei Lin chuckled and took a few steps forward, then stopped suddenly, and said, "Wait, don't move!"

"Dangerous?" Yunli looked around vigilantly, with some doubts, "I didn't find it."

Seeing that Wei Lin who had stopped had a strange expression on his face, he took two steps back, glanced at Yunli's position, and stepped back a few more steps, Yunli was stunned by him: "What are you doing?"

"Don't move, you just stand there." Wei Lin said again, and then he moved back quickly with Jinghong footwork, and he couldn't see others in the blink of an eye.

Yunli stood in the same place with a dazed expression on her face, she 'saw' Wei Lin retreating all the way to almost out of the range of her consciousness before barely stopping, and then he started to walk back, stopping after every distance, Frowning seemed to feel something, and then continued walking.

She scratched her head, what kind of mess is this?

Wei Lin's expression was complicated. Since he recovered from his injury, his feeling of maliciousness in the dark has faded a bit, and his luck is not as bad as before, but he still encounters some small unlucky things from time to time.

For example, two female cultivators on the spirit boat suddenly quarreled, and one of them made a bold move. The fireball thrown by the female cultivator threw him into his arms. If he hadn't extinguished it in time, not only his clothes would be burned, but his hair would also be lost. .

In addition, when going down the gangway, the spirit ship vibrated and was almost thrown out. Walking on the road, strange and strange things appeared endlessly from the sky.

However, when he got close to Ah Li just now, he could clearly feel that the maliciousness had subsided, as if he was worried about something.

And just now his test found that as long as she is by her side, it will be effective within a radius of forty miles. The closer you are, the more obvious the restraint of malice.

It turned out that it was because of Ah Li that he hadn't clearly felt Tiandao's malice before.

A quarter of an hour later, after listening to the ins and outs, Yunli opened her mouth wide, and murmured after a long while: "I can raise a person with negative luck to the average level. It stands to reason that this luck value must be at the level of a daughter of heaven. Yes, I have such a high luck that I have never fought against Wen Xueluo, so isn't she the little ancestor of Tiandao?"

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, he was put down by Wen Xueluo who snatched the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, why is she still brooding.

After thinking about it, Yunli still couldn't believe it, and confirmed, "Did you really meet a bunch of people and demons who were at the Nascent Soul stage?"

Wei Lin's face was dark, and when he heard the words, he gave her a blank look, and was extremely depressed. If he got the spirit-absorbing Zhulan and was chased and killed by a group of big monsters, he could also figure it out, but the key is that he didn't get anything at all. .

Yunli couldn't help but be speechless, this kind of luck is indeed unheard of, it doesn't matter if the small boss suddenly becomes a top boss, she tried her best to escape from the dead, and she didn't lose her equipment, but paid a lot of medicine fees instead.

Looking at the young man who was about to die in front of him, Yunli comforted him: "Ahem, don't be discouraged, the equipment is not important, what is important? Experience points! If you have the equipment, you may leave you too. But experience points won’t, once you get it, it will be yours forever!”

Wei Lin was caught in the circle, what was she talking about?
"What I mean is, although there are no other rewards, you have gained combat experience. If you encounter a similar situation next time, you will have experience."

Wei Lin looked hopeless: "There will be another time!"

"Uh, I'm just making an analogy."

She patted Wei Lin on the shoulder, "Let's analyze it, you didn't have any problems on the way before, and it didn't show any bad luck, right?"

Wei Lin nodded.

She began to pour chicken soup: "So, this matter is not so terrible. It may be that you and Tianwu Forest are incompatible, and the five elements are in conflict. You see, after you come out, you are lucky, and you can barely do it."

"Besides, this trip is not completely fruitless, right now, you can feel the evil of the Heavenly Dao, uh, the will of the Heavenly Dao, what does this mean? It means that you have a keen sense, and Nascent Soul can't do this kind of perception. arrive."

Wei Lin rolled his eyes, are you sure this is comfort?

Throughout the trip, he thought about it over and over again, and also summed up some rules. First, when he was injured, Tiandao's malice would become obvious. Once the three-day period passed, almost as soon as he entered Nanling City, he almost After being crushed to death, if he hadn't recognized the eclipse heart fruit and got Xue Fu's help, he would have been unable to escape the poisonous hands of other monks;

Secondly, when I was in the Xue family, the maliciousness was slightly weakened, especially when I was with Ah Li. The Xue family should be because of good Fengshui, a thousand-year-old family, rich luck, prosperous family, flourishing descendants, living in it, and naturally blessed; Well, it's mostly because of one's luck against the sky. From this point of view, with those people with high luck, the maliciousness can be reduced;
As for the Tianwu Forest, he guessed that it was because the Tianwu Forest itself was a very dangerous place, and a person like him who was so unlucky went to be possessed by a plague god. From this point of view, he had to stay away from danger in the future!

When Wei Lin was thinking, Yunli was also thinking, how many people are there in the world who can teleport away a bunch of big monsters and can block the way of heaven?
Wait, the woman in Tsing Yi, the means are against the sky!

Her body shook, and she asked: "The woman in Tsing Yi you mentioned just now who saved you, could it be that she has faint smoky eyebrows and a pair of twilight peach blossom pupils that are always shrouded in mist, making it difficult for people to see her emotions clearly. Tian Shuibi's wide-sleeved floor-length dress, how many silver-white lotuses are there on the skirt?"

(End of this chapter)

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