all the way to fairy

Chapter 112 Gifts

Chapter 112 Gifts
"How do you know?" Wei Lin was shocked, "You've seen her too?!"

Yunli nodded with a complicated expression, more than just seeing it, if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have traveled here.

"When did you meet her? Why didn't I know?" Wei Lin looked at her suspiciously, "Could it be the time I went to Xijun?"

They grew up together, and they hadn't been separated much. Except for the last time he went to retreat and this time to do missions separately, the longest time was when he was seven years old, and he went to live in West County with his mother for two months.

"No." Yunli shook her head, it was really inappropriate for him to know about time travel, so she said arbitrarily, "Don't guess, you can't guess, anyway, I have seen her too."

Wei Lin: "."

The little girl has grown up and has her own secrets.

After a moment of silence, he said again: "You are also injured? She came to save you?"

"No." Yunli denied his guess, and complained: "She is really, she has already helped, why didn't she send the Buddha to the west, and help you heal your wounds by the way. If you don't want to heal your wounds, just It’s fine to teleport you away without leaving any clues, no matter how powerful those big monsters are, it’s hard to find you, so why are there so many twists and turns in the future.”

Wei Lin patted her on the head, "What are you talking about, it's already very good for people to help, how can you ask for so many."

Yunli pursed her lips, thinking of being pushed off the cliff for no reason, she was very angry. Although her life after time travel was happy, she was still troubled by the fact of being pushed.

Wei Lin shook his head helplessly, turned his head and asked, "How about you, how was your trip? Did it go well?"

"It's okay, Xiao Xiao fought a few times and harvested a bunch of storage bags. Except for the few I got just now, I have already exchanged the rest for Lingshi in Fenshui City!"

Yunli immediately put aside the depression of being pushed off the cliff, and said excitedly: "Besides, I met Ah Yan in Tianyun City, and they are all in Taiyi Sect now, oh, yes."

She released her consciousness to carefully search the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no one there, she whispered: "I saw the demon pill of the seventh-order Zhu Mingniao, which is exactly the same as the red bead on the island."

"Which bead...huh?" Wei Lin was stunned, his eyes widened, "You mean that bead?"

He didn't say anything later. This incident was too shocking. After all, it was outside. If a high-level monk with a spiritual sense far surpassed them passed by, it would be troublesome if he heard about it.

From her expression, he already knew that what she was talking about was the bead that melted in her palm and was absorbed by her. They always thought that it was the reason why her way of cultivation was different from ordinary people, but if it was really just a demon bead... Dan, what is it that makes her practice path so strange?

Yunli took his hand and wrote stroke by stroke on the center of gravity. Ever since she knew that the bead was just a demon pill, she had been thinking about it.

The strange things on her body, except Huanshiling, are only the little gold spots in the blood. Huanshiling is a magic weapon, and the strangest thing is that it connects with her mind. The grade is so high that it is mysterious and unpredictable, so far I have not seen its limit.

Then the most likely cause of abnormal cultivation is those small golden spots. Those small golden spots made her progress extraordinarily painful, but they also brought many benefits, such as invulnerability to all poisons, and increased strength. Although this benefit she Not at all.

Perhaps the role of the little golden point is far more than that. In addition to the changed physique, the red dust skills and the database that pops up from time to time may also be its credit.

Wei Lin was startled, and said, "Take your time, you will figure it out."

The most important thing is that those little golden dots have been protecting her, and there is no harm in it. Even the pain during the advanced stage is also because it is helping her to wash the meridian and cut the marrow, and get rid of the impurities in the body.

Yunli nodded, then suddenly took out the bouquet of flowers and handed it to him, and said cheerfully, "Happy Lantern Festival, this is a gift for you."

Wei Lin picked out a bouquet mainly of pink, purple, pink and blue, looked up at the grass on the roadside, and saw several kinds of flowers that were exactly the same as those in the bouquet in his hand, and muttered silently: "I picked them by the roadside .”

"I'm too late, I've been working outside."

Under Wei Lin's blank eyes, Yunli became more and more guilty as she spoke. After meeting Ayan in Tianyun City, she was both excited and worried. She was afraid that people would see something wrong. The gift had already been bought. was thrown out of the sky;
When she was in Fenshui City, she kept thinking about the magic weapon of her destiny, and she was very anxious. Naturally, she didn't remember this. Even this bouquet of flowers was just a way to lure the enemy at the beginning. After luring the enemy, she thought the flowers were beautiful , not willing to throw away;
What's more, she thought that she would be late, but she didn't expect to meet here. After feeling guilty for a while, she felt that she had prepared a gift anyway, so she raised her chin and said confidently: "What's wrong with the roadside? I did it myself. The picking is all from the heart!"

Wei Lin glanced at her sideways, stood up and chopped off a branch with his sword, removed the excess branches in twos and threes, took out a knife and sat back: "I'll give you some kindness too."

Yunli pursed her mouth, being stingy!

After thinking about it, it was better to have a gift than nothing. Judging by the thickness of the branches, he probably wanted to cut a hairpin out of it, so he happily proposed: "Carve a peach blossom, I want a peach hairpin."

Wei Lin concentrated on cutting the outline of the hairpin, and didn't raise his head when he heard the words: "Didn't you say that Peach Blossom is very sad?"

"Then I like it too, so I want the peach hairpin!"

He looked up at her and shook his head: "Tell me about you. You are called Yunli. You don't want pear hairpins, but peach blossom hairpins. You don't like pears, but you have a special liking for oranges." , why aren’t you called Yuntao, Yuncheng.”

Yunli shrugged, "The name was given by my grandfather. I can't decide on that, but I remember that there was a sister named Yuntao at the ancestral house, and a little sister who was born a few years ago was named Yuncheng."

"Really!" Wei Lin stared blankly, he just mentioned it casually.

"Our Yun family's descendants are all from Mupang. There are so many people in the Yun family, it's easy to be ranked."

The two were chatting, and soon a peach blossom hairpin slowly took shape under Wei Lin's hands, a blooming peach blossom, dotted with two buds, one large and one small, on the scattered branches below.

Finally, use spiritual power to grind off the barbed protrusions on the wooden hairpin, and the whole wooden hairpin is simple and chic.

Yunli couldn't help admiring: "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to be so ingenious!"

She happily took it and inserted it into her hair, and the holiday happiness with gifts is doubled!
Watching the twilight fall, she excitedly suggested: "Let's go to the Lantern Festival!"

Wei Lin was speechless, "We are already monks, it's not a holiday."

"That day was so boring. Last year you were in retreat. I didn't even celebrate the Lantern Festival. No, it was two years. You were in retreat at the end of the year when you first came here."

The more Yunli thinks about it, the more miserable she becomes. Immortal cultivators say that they have a long lifespan, but the days seem to be on an accelerator. A retreat can range from a few months to decades or even hundreds of years.

Wei Lin pursed his lips, it was in the wilderness, and the nearest towns around were all Xiuxian Marketplaces, so where should we go to visit the Laoshizi Lantern Festival.

"Go, go, the Lantern Festival without lanterns has no soul."

When the moon was on the top of the willows, the two travel-stained two stood in front of the dark city gate. Through the crack of the gate, they could see the bright lights inside, laughing and laughing.

After a dedusting formula, the two jumped and landed firmly inside the city gate. Wei Lin shook his fan and walked leisurely into the lively crowd.

Yunli blinked, "Where did your fan come from?!"

Wei Lin thought about it for a while, "About that it was in the storage bag of that old man who robbed the Foundation Establishment on his way back from Nanniwan."

"Wow, what are you doing over there? It's so lively!"

Yunli was attracted immediately, and Diandian was about to go there, but Wei Lin grabbed his collar, and he said with a dark face, "Why are you running around, be careful and meet Huazi again."

She turned around and broke away from Wei Lin's hand: "Do you think you still dare to kidnap and sell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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