all the way to fairy

Chapter 113 The Lantern Festival

Chapter 113 The Lantern Festival
Wei Lin took the opportunity to let her go, and rubbed the center of his brows, the habit is too terrible, ever since the incident of filming Hanako, he couldn't help worrying about her getting lost when he saw a scene with many people.

He walked over with a fan, and heard the elderly stall owner read slowly: "There are ten thousand points in a word, and it can be written in four strokes."

This lantern riddle is simple, with four characters, and both 'ten thousand' and 'dot', the answer is easy to think of, the old man finished speaking, and a familiar voice sounded in front of him: "Fang!"

The stall owner was very happy, "The little girl is really smart, if you answer two questions correctly, this rabbit lamp will be yours."

Yunli nodded vigorously, full of confidence. Although she has no talent in guessing lantern riddles, guessing lantern riddles is a repertoire every Mid-Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival. In order not to embarrass too much, she starts to study lantern riddles on the eve of Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival. After accumulating year after year, ordinary riddles on lanterns were no problem for her.

Seeing her full of confidence, the stall owner smiled and took out a riddle and read: "If the fireworks don't go in, you can rest assured."


The old man praised: "There are two sons."

But Yunli knows that the old man is taking care of her, this way is actually very simple, if there is no fireworks, there is only one reason left, peace of mind, cause plus heart, is the word grace.

"Farewell to willows and willows from a thousand miles away, I can't bear to throw away the ten-year-old things. Come late to persuade the guests, the sky is like snow, and the old couple returns home to dissolve the sorrow."

This one is a bit difficult, she thought for a while and said, "Stay."

The stall owner narrowed his eyes with a smile, took off the rabbit lamp and handed it to her: "Here you are."

Yunli raised her face and smiled sweetly: "Thank you grandpa, happy Lantern Festival!"

"Oh, the little mouth is so sweet." The stall owner smiled.

Although they are all in the Canglan Continent, the warmth and tenderness among ordinary people is completely different from the indifference among monks.

Yunli walked sideways and said: "My decision is correct, you see how warm-hearted the people here are, after staying among the indifferent monks for a long time, we have to come to the world to have a look, lest we become as cold-hearted as them. "

Wei Lin shook his fan hand for a moment, although it was unreasonable, there was some truth in it after all, he shook his head, and saw Yunli in front of him suddenly retreating, and his eyes turned to the stall next to him.

In the next moment, she received a voice transmission: "There is spiritual energy."

Aura?this stall?
On the festive red cloth, several rows of ornaments with different patterns are neatly arranged, most of them are made of wood, only a few are inlaid with broken jade, gold and silver scraps, which are nothing but ordinary vulgar stalls.

He was a little bit astonished, and then followed her to pick and choose from the stalls. He had seen her performance in Juying Peak, and he didn't doubt her feelings at all.

"Young Master, Miss, what do you need? Don't look at what we sell are worthless wooden objects, but our family's craftsmanship is passed down from ancestors, and the objects we make cannot be more exquisite."

Seeing them, the owner of the stall greeted them warmly. The two nodded. The objects were neatly arranged and there were not many. They searched all over in a few breaths, but did not find anything with aura.

But she did feel the faint aura fluctuations, and the two looked at each other, Wei Lin smiled and said to the woman: "Auntie, is there anything else?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The woman nodded again and again, and enthusiastically took out a cloth bag from under the table. The two of them immediately looked for it. After a while, Wei Lin took out an old rhombus-shaped wooden signboard with a bright red wreath tape on it. Color and tape are completely two states.

And the spiritual energy came out of that small wooden sign, Yunli stared at the lines on it carefully, it seems to be a formation? !
Wei Lin looked at it for a while, and the shallow spiritual energy flowed along the lines on the wooden sign, and it was it. He raised his eyes and asked, "How do you sell this?"

"This." The woman was a little disappointed, "Three pennies."

Wei Lin's spiritual sense penetrated into the storage bag, and after a pause, Yunli met his gaze and instantly understood that they only had spirit stones and no money in common circulation.

The two stared at each other.

The woman saw that he hadn't moved for a long time, and when she realized it, her complexion immediately became a little bad. Looking at the two people's overall demeanor, she thought they were young ladies from a rich family, but she didn't expect that they didn't have three pennies.

She was about to take back the wooden sign right away, when a hand reached out, and a lazy voice sounded: "Young master wants this thing."

After saying that a silver ingot fell on the stall, he wanted to take the wooden sign from Wei Lin's hand.

The woman was overjoyed, her gaze was glued to the silver ingot, and she murmured: "My lord, you can't find money in small shops."

The two looked back, and it turned out that the other party was also a cultivator with eight levels of qi training. Yunli said angrily, "Shameless, we got it first!"

"keep the change."

The flamboyant boy first said to the woman, and then spread his hands to Yunli: "But you don't have any money."

"Who said we have no money!"

The young man threw out a few silver ingots, and said with an evil smile: "It's useless if you have money, the one with the highest price gets it!"

The woman's eyes were shining, and the hand holding the silver ingot was shaking.

Yunli gave him a hard look, then reached into the storage bag, picked out a ruby ​​from a red hairpin and patted it on the stall.

This is in the fat man's storage bag. I don't know that he, a monk, doesn't buy magical artifacts. The storage bag is full of jewelry boxes, such as hairpin necklaces, and face bracelets. Yunli is amazed to see it. Which daughter's dressing box is it!
The rambunctious young man didn't say a word, especially the local tyrant threw out a few ingots of gold, Yunli was speechless, this is also an unusual way, a monk, what's the matter with bringing so much worldly money.

She unceremoniously took out a gold hairpin, and was about to pat it on the stall, when Wei Lin stopped her, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot, staring at the young man coldly, and said coldly: "I give you two choices, one, Take your stinky money and get out immediately; two, if you buy it, I will rob you."

Being robbed of opportunities again and again made him very impatient with this kind of thing now.

The woman took three steps back in fright, and the melon-eating crowd attracted by the high price of their local tyrant gasped, so arrogant!
After taking a breath, they couldn't help but feel that the world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old, and robbery can be said so honestly and confidently.

The airy boy struggled for a while, but was finally frightened by Wei Lin's cultivation of the ninth level of Qi training, snorted coldly, took back his money and left.

Yunli curled her lips, cheapskate, he doesn't have gold and silver, and he doesn't mind taking up space if he keeps them.

The woman stared blankly at her empty hand, and seeing the figure of the sluggish boy disappearing from sight in a flash, she grew angry, "I won't sell it, I won't sell it!"

After shouting, she went to take out the wooden card in Wei Lin's hand, but without moving it, she raised her head impatiently and shouted: "What's the matter with you, I can't even sell it."

Under Wei Lin's icy gaze, she shuddered, her voice softened unconsciously, what a terrifying gaze!

Leaving the ruby ​​on her stall, Wei Lin took the wooden sign and pulled Yunli up and left.

After walking for a while, Yunli laughed dryly: "Why do you have to be as knowledgeable as her, these businessmen are like this, they are only looking for profit, and they all want to make more money."

Wei Lin pursed his lips, was he angry with the woman?
He was taking advantage of his own luck, as soon as he came across something good, someone would come out to snatch it, and almost all of them were qi cultivators whose cultivation level was lower than his.

He could still think about being snatched away by someone with a higher cultivation level than him. After all, his strength is not as good as others, so he can't blame others.

However, being snatched by someone with a lower cultivation level than him, no matter how you think about it, how depressed you are. This also shows that his luck is extremely low, but luck is something that there is no other way to change it.

Yunli poked his face, "Don't be unhappy, didn't we get it."

It's a big festival, Wei Lin didn't want to spoil the fun, so he took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine, let's continue shopping."

Yunli looked at him for a while, then said softly, "Okay."

Some things, I have no experience, so I can't persuade others not to care about them. In just a few months, from the bright moon in the sky to the mud on the ground, the attitudes of the people around are secondary. The most important thing is that he truly understands what it means to be immortal Fate, no hope.

Now he needs an opportunity to prove that hard work is useful, and perhaps the natal magic weapon is such an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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