Chapter 114
"Don't go shopping, don't go shopping, let's find a place to take a good look at the secret of the wooden sign."

Wei Lin thought for a moment, nodded and said, "That's fine."

"Well, let's just go to that roof." Yunli looked around, pointed to the highest roof in the town and said, no one would disturb it, and it was not easy to hide people, so it was the most suitable.

After finishing speaking, he took the lead, jumped a few times, borrowed some strength from the wall, and went up.

Once she stood still, she urged Wei Lin to take out the wooden sign. She had a hunch that the wooden sign was not ordinary.

After looking through it for a long time, but still didn't find what it was, Yunli frowned and analyzed: "Is it because you didn't recognize the master? Why don't you try to recognize the master with a drop of blood?"

Wei Lin hesitated for a moment, then realized that it was not a magic weapon of his own destiny, ordinary magic weapons had no problem identifying their masters.

He rubbed the space between his brows, and when he came out of the Tianwu Forest, his state was not right, he was all wary and cynical, he could feel it, and he knew it was not good to pay too much attention to this matter, but he couldn't control it.

It was as if a heavy stone was pressing on his heart, and his whole body was in a suffocated and irritable state, like a ferocious beast whose hands and feet were bound by shackles, roaring and trying to break free from the shackles, but was powerless.

He closed his eyes, tried to calm himself down, forced out a drop of blood to drip on the wooden sign, the blood flowed to the engraved lines, flowed along the track, and finally dripped to the ground with the tilt of his hand, like a drop of water.

When his calm expression was about to crack, Yunli next to him muttered, "Don't you need to recognize the master?"

As she said that, she also forced out a drop of blood, which also didn't melt into the wooden sign, Wei Lin's heart relaxed slightly, and it didn't get worse.

"Isn't the method wrong? It's not a drop of blood?"

Yunli murmured, and before she finished speaking, she poked in with a touch of her spiritual sense, and in a short moment, her spiritual sense seemed to leap through the endless void and land on a magnificent magic circle.

The endless white stone slabs, the towering ancient stone pillars, the floor and the stone pillars are engraved with mysterious runes, and the simple lines have majestic power and restraint.

Wei Lin looked at the lighted wooden sign in his hand in surprise, a vast and mysterious aura lingered on it, and after a few breaths, a golden light cluster flew out of it, falling into Yunli's forehead unexpectedly.


Yunli immediately exclaimed and was ejected from the vast formation.

"It's okay." Wei Lin looked at her nervously, the ball of light was too fast, he stretched out his hand and didn't catch anything.

Yunli shook her head, her almond eyes sparkled: "It's okay, I was just ejected. This is a teleportation circle, leading to a small world!"

"Are you alright?" Wei Lin doubted, just now he clearly saw a golden ball of light sinking into her eyebrows, huh?He suddenly remembered that the white ball of light when Ye Xue was being searched was almost the same substance as the ball of light just now except for the color, that was, the soul!
He was in a hurry, and said solemnly: "Be sure again, especially the sea of ​​consciousness."

Yunli gave him a strange look, then felt it carefully, "It's really all right."

"Impossible, I just saw a spirit enter between your eyebrows."

"You said someone wanted to take me away?" Yunli turned pale with shock, and was about to examine the sea of ​​consciousness carefully, but was embarrassed to find that the foundation hadn't been established yet, so she couldn't check it.

Wei Lin reminded: "It means coolness."

"Yes, yes, and this." She quickly aroused the coolness in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, but there was still no abnormality. Through that coolness, she could feel that the sea of ​​consciousness was calm.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Yunli said: "Could it be that you misread it, I really didn't feel anything just now, there was a spirit entering my sea of ​​consciousness, I couldn't have not noticed it, it is a mortal, someone invaded the sea of ​​consciousness will feel it too.”

Wei Lin shook his head firmly: "I'm pretty sure that the spirit that entered between your eyebrows is the same as the spirit of Ye Xue that I saw in Nanling City Lord's Mansion. The only difference is the color. No, the state is different. This spirit Even darker and more shattered!"

"This," Yunli frowned, "could it be that this soul is too broken, so I didn't feel it?"

No way, the Sea of ​​Consciousness is such a precious place, if you hurt even the slightest bit, you will groan in pain, let alone seize it!

"Or is it that this soul is too broken, and after entering my sea of ​​consciousness, it feels that it can't compete with me, so it hides?"

Wei Lin said solemnly: "It is possible."

"Um, what should I do then?" She couldn't enter the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and she didn't even know where the other party was hiding, so how could she drive him out?
The night wind blew, and the two of them stared at each other. Finally, Yunli said, "Since it's hiding, there shouldn't be any danger for the time being, right?"

It's not that she has a big heart, she really doesn't feel anything strange, if she really wants to find a difference, it can only be because her mind is clearer.

Wei Lin rubbed the center of his brows, he didn't build a foundation, and he was really helpless with the sea of ​​consciousness, he could only hope that the soul was weak enough, and he wouldn't seize the house before she built the foundation, he said: "Don't be lazy, work hard, build the foundation early. "

Yunli: "."

Since when did she get lazy, she is obviously working hard in cultivation.

Pressing the worry in his heart, he asked: "By the way, you just said that this is a teleportation circle?"

Yunli nodded fiercely, and when the threat of seizing the house was thrown out of the blue, she excitedly said: "As long as that small world is opened, the person who owns this wooden sign can be teleported there! Regardless of any obstacles, even in the secret realm, It's the same in the enchantment!"

Wei Lin frowned: "This level of teleportation formation..."

"It's plane teleportation, and it's a very, very strong teleportation formation! I don't know exactly how strong it is, but you'll understand when you feel it!"

After Yunli crackled, she strongly gave him Amway.

Wei Lin dubiously sank his consciousness into it, a burst of dizziness hit him, the little consciousness was like a grain of sand, floating in the vast starry sky, and then a white light flashed in front of him, he saw the formation that Yunli said .

Wei Lin was shocked, it was a miracle that such a huge project existed in the world!In front of such a vast project, he is as small as a speck of dust.

He stared at the deep groove like a river bed in front of him, but how did Ali see that this was a teleportation formation?

Could it be that he fell too low?
He controlled his spiritual sense and wanted to move into the air to overlook the whole situation, but he was only a few tens of feet away from the ground and could no longer move the slightest bit. The divine sense that he usually does as he pleases now seems to be tied to a huge boulder, heavy.

Yunli looked in amazement at Wei Lin in front of him, who suddenly turned pale, sweating profusely, with a bewildered expression, just using his consciousness, why did he look like a coolie?

Although the formation is very large, but with a thought, he flew thousands of miles away. What's the matter with this difficult trek?

In the formation, Wei Lin struggled to control his consciousness to float in the air, the wide ravine below shrank, and he could vaguely see the whole picture, it was indeed a rune.

Suddenly, his consciousness could no longer support the weight, and he slammed down. As soon as he fell into the groove, his consciousness instantly collapsed, covering the entire rune.

The next moment, the giant stone statue on the spiritual consciousness was removed by someone, and it was light again. This vast monument became clear in his consciousness, and all the details seemed to be engraved in his mind, and relevant information flooded into his mind.

He was startled suddenly, and by accident, he was marked with the imprint of divine consciousness!

"How is it, isn't it amazing!" Seeing that he withdrew his mind, Yunli asked repeatedly.

Wei Lin's expression was very complicated, he lowered his head and turned the wooden sign over, and rubbed his fingertips on it: "I have stamped my spiritual consciousness."

"So fast!" Yunli was surprised, then she smiled and asked, "What is the specific function?"

The two most common methods used by monks to determine the ownership of artifacts are blood recognition and the imprint of spiritual consciousness, or both. As long as the imprint of spiritual consciousness is imprinted, all the information about the artifact can be obtained.

The corners of his lips were slightly curved, and the big rock in his heart seemed to be a little lighter. By chance, he got such a magic circle. Does it mean that his fate of immortality is not that bad.

Shaking the wooden sign in his hand, he said: "This is indeed a teleportation formation, or a pass. As you said, when the return to the ruins is about to open, the person who owns this pass will be teleported." Go to the vast magic circle just now, and then pass through that magic circle to enter Guixu."

"Return to the Market?" Yunli murmured and repeated, feeling as if she had heard this name before?

(End of this chapter)

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